The Nextjournal Blog
Follow along with what’s going on at Nextjournal, and the topics we’re passionate about.
Nextjournal’s New Command Interface ✨
What if being a power user were the default?

🛠 Bootstrapping our CI
Introducing Nextjournal CI, or how Nextjournal is building itself.

🔭 Github Notebook Explorer
A new, quick way to browse and run Github-hosted notebooks on the fly.

🧙♀️ Better Clojure Editing
Precise evaluation, structural editing, lightning-fast syntax highlighting & much more.

Hello IPyWidgets 👋
Our Jupyter runtimes now fully support rendering standard IPyWidgets and Plotly Figure Widgets.

A Redesigned Dashboard
We redesigned our dashboard to show more of what’s relevant and make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Better Sharing Controls
We overhauled Nextjournal’s sharing controls to have one unified place for all sharing settings and clear-up the distinction between public and private.

Improved Jupyter Display Support
Nextjournal’s Jupyter runtimes now fully support all of Jupyter’s display kernel messages.

2019 Round Up 🍾
It has been an exciting year at Nextjournal. Our users have done a lot of great work since our launch in May, some of which we want to highlight here.

Fluid Document Editing
We just released a new version of our editor offering a much more fluid writing experience.

Towards Model-Driven Authoring: What’s Missing?
Where are the tools to create explorable explanations?

Towards Reproducibility: Git
A principled approach is needed to solve computational reproducibility: applying immutability on the systems level.

No, your ten rules aren’t simple and they won’t fix Reproducibility

Walk the Walk: Reproducibility all the way down

Plotting with Vega-Lite
Nextjournal now fully supports displaying Vega-Lite plots in your notebooks. Read on and learn how it works.

Preserving Filenames for Uploads & Results
Preserving filenames will offer better integration with tools that expect files to carry certain extensions.

Launch: Nextjournal Public Beta
We're excited to announce that we've opened signups on Nextjournal today and we invite everybody to join the public beta.

Get started with Nextjournal now.
Sign up is free. You can import your existing Jupyter, IPython and RMarkdown notebooks.