Testing / Mar 27 2019

Run List for error checking

1. PNAS paper

Check that collection is still attached to the article

2. Figures & SI

3. Remix

4. History

5. Publish

6. Markdown ergonomics

  • test creation of bullets with *
  • test creation of sections with #
  • test creation of subheadings with ##
  • test creation of code cells with ```

7. Undo

  • make sure undo and redo buttons work correctly and that the button is consistent with `Command + Z`

8. Import/Export

test drag and drop of files and images into article

  • test jupyter import from local machine
  • test jupyter import from URL
  • test md and Rmd from local machine/URL
  • test github import, mount repo
  • test S3/GCS import, mount repo
  • test docker import

9. Group creation

create a group and add members

10. Billing

  • add credit card info and make sure you can buy nextjournal
  • verify that private buckets, additional computational resources, and secure secrets are available