Carnegie Science Insitute / Mar 20 2019
Figure 4 - Microbiome interactions change host physiology
Fig4 B-E: Microbiome interactions (2,3,4,5 way interactions and 3D circuits) change host physiology - coloring according to PNAS
# Fig4 B-E: Microbiome interactions (2,3,4,5 way interactions and 3D circuits) change host physiology - coloring as in main paper. options(nextjournal.device.real = "svg") library(yarrr) library(readxl)
readxl, yarrr, circlize, B....
output_with_p <- read_excel(output_with_p.xlsx↩) attach(output_with_p)
# CFU e0<-CFU e4<-`CFU sign` d<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),13] d<-cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d) colnames(d) <- c("x", "y") d5<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),17] d5<-cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d5) colnames(d5) <- c("x", "y") b=min(CFU,na.rm=T) e=max(CFU,na.rm=T) plot(e0,main="Bacterial load (means)", pch=1, xlim=c(0,926) , ylim=c(b,e), col = transparent("deepskyblue", trans.val = .8), xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE) box() axis(1,at = NULL, labels =TRUE,lwd = 0.5) axis(2, at = NULL,labels=TRUE, lwd = 0.5, las=2) mtext(side=1,text="Tests",cex=0.65, line=3) mtext(side=2,text="Interaction (CFUs)", cex=0.65, line=5) points(e4,pch=19,col = transparent("blue", trans.val = .35)) points(d$x, d$y,pch=1,col = "deeppink" ) points(d5$x, d5$y,pch=19,col = "deeppink4" ) abline(v = 320, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 640, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 800, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 910, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) #dev e6<-`dev` e8<-`dev sign` d6<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),3] d6<-cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d6) colnames(d6) <- c("x", "y") d8<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),7] d8<-cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d8) colnames(d8) <- c("x", "y") b=min(dev,na.rm=T) e=max(dev,na.rm=T) plot(e6,main="Development time", pch=1, xlim=c(0,926) , ylim=c(b,e), col = transparent("deepskyblue", trans.val = .8), xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE) box() axis(1,at = NULL, labels =TRUE,lwd = 0.5) axis(2, at = NULL,labels=TRUE, lwd = 0.5, las=2) mtext(side=1,text="Tests",cex=0.65, line=3) mtext(side=2,text="Interaction (Days)", cex=0.65, line=3) points(e8,pch=19,col = transparent("blue", trans.val = .35)) points(d6$x,d6$y,pch=1,col = "deeppink" ) points(d8$x,d8$y,pch=19,col = "deeppink4" ) abline(v = 320, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 640, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 800, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 910, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) # fec e11<-`fec` e5<-`fec sign` d<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),8] d<-cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d) colnames(d) <- c("x", "y") d5<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),12] d5<-cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d5) colnames(d5) <- c("x", "y") b=min(fec,na.rm=T) e=max(fec,na.rm=T) plot(e11,main="Daily fecundity", pch=1, xlim=c(0,926) , ylim=c(b,e), col = transparent("deepskyblue", trans.val = .8), xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE) box() axis(1,at = NULL, labels =TRUE,lwd = 0.5) axis(2, at = NULL,labels=TRUE, lwd = 0.5, las=2) mtext(side=1,text="Tests",cex=0.65, line=3) mtext(side=2,text="Interaction (Offspring/day/female)", cex=0.65, line=3) points(e5,pch=19,col = transparent("blue", trans.val = .35)) points(d$x,d$y,pch=1,col ="deeppink" ) points(d5$x,d5$y,pch=19,col ="deeppink4" ) abline(v = 320, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 640, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 800, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 910, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) # time d d3<-`ttd` e5<-`tts sign` d<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),18] d <- cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d) colnames(d) <- c("x", "y") d5<-output_with_p[c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936),22] d5<-cbind(c(1,5,9,15,19,25,49,53,59,73,761,765,769,773,777,781,785,789,793,797,901,903,905,907,909,936), d5) colnames(d5) <- c("x", "y") b=min(ttd,na.rm=T) e=max(ttd,na.rm=T) plot(d3,main="Time to death", pch=1 , xlim=c(0,926) , ylim=c(b,e), col = transparent("deepskyblue", trans.val = .8), xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE) box() axis(1,at = NULL, labels =TRUE,lwd = 0.5) axis(2, at = NULL,labels=TRUE, lwd = 0.5, las=2) mtext(side=1,text="Tests",cex=0.65, line=3) mtext(side=2,text="Interaction (days)", cex=0.65, line=3) points(e5,pch=19,col =transparent("blue", trans.val = .35)) points(d$x,d$y,pch=1,col ="deeppink" ) points(d5$x,d5$y,pch=19,col ="deeppink4" ) abline(v = 320, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 640, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 800, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) abline(v = 910, untf = FALSE, col="black", lty = 3) title("Scatter plot of all tested interactions \ (for raw data)", outer=TRUE)