Finding Maxima and Minima of DiffEq Solutions
In this tutorial we will show how to use Optim.jl
to find the maxima and minima of solutions. Let's take a look at the double pendulum:
#Constants and setup
using DifferentialEquations
initial = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
tspan = (0.,100.)
#Define the problem
function double_pendulum_hamiltonian(udot,u,p,t)
α = u[1]
lα = u[2]
β = u[3]
lβ = u[4]
udot .=
-2sin(α) - sin(α+β),
2(-(1+cos(β))lα + (3+2cos(β))lβ)/(3-cos(2β)),
-sin(α+β) - 2sin(β)*(((lα-lβ)lβ)/(3-cos(2β))) + 2sin(2β)*((lα^2 - 2(1+cos(β))lα*lβ + (3+2cos(β))lβ^2)/(3-cos(2β))^2)]
#Pass to solvers
poincare = ODEProblem(double_pendulum_hamiltonian, initial, tspan)
sol = solve(poincare, Tsit5())
In time, the solution looks like:
using Plots; gr()
plot(sol, vars=[(0,3),(0,4)], leg=false, plotdensity=10000)
while it has the well-known phase-space plot:
plot(sol, vars=(3,4), leg=false)
Local Optimization
Let's fine out what some of the local maxima and minima are. Optim.jl
can be used to minimize functions, and the solution type has a continuous interpolation which can be used. Let's look for the local optima for the 4th variable around t=20
. Thus our optimization function is:
f = (t) -> sol(t,idxs=4)
is the same as t[1]
which transforms the array of size 1 into a number. idxs=4
is the same as sol(first(t))[4]
but does the calculation without a temporary array and thus is faster. To find a local minima, we can simply call Optim on this function. Let's find a local minimum:
using Pkg
pkg"add Optim"
using Optim
opt = optimize(f,18.0,22.0)
From this printout we see that the minimum is at t=18.63
and the value is -2.79e-2
. We can get these in code-form via:
To get the maximum, we just minimize the negative of the function:
f = (t) -> -sol(first(t),idxs=4)
opt2 = optimize(f,0.0,22.0)
Let's add the maxima and minima to the plots:
plot(sol, vars=(0,4), plotdensity=10000)
scatter!([opt.minimizer],[opt.minimum],label="Local Min")
scatter!([opt2.minimizer],[-opt2.minimum],label="Local Max")
Brent's method will locally minimize over the full interval. If we instead want a local maxima nearest to a point, we can use BFGS()
. In this case, we need to optimize a vector [t]
, and thus dereference it to a number using first(t)
f = (t) -> -sol(first(t),idxs=4)
opt = optimize(f,[20.0],BFGS())
Global Optimization
If we instead want to find global maxima and minima, we need to look somewhere else. For this there are many choices. A pure Julia option is BlackBoxOptim.jl
, but I will use NLopt.jl
. Following the NLopt.jl tutorial but replacing their function with out own:
using Pkg
pkg"add NLopt ForwardDiff"
import NLopt, ForwardDiff
count = 0 # keep track of # function evaluations
function g(t::Vector, grad::Vector)
if length(grad) > 0
#use ForwardDiff for the gradients
grad[1] = ForwardDiff.derivative((t)->sol(first(t),idxs=4),t)
opt = NLopt.Opt(:GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L, 1)
NLopt.lower_bounds!(opt, [0.0])
NLopt.upper_bounds!(opt, [40.0])
NLopt.min_objective!(opt, g)
(minf,minx,ret) = NLopt.optimize(opt,[20.0])
println(minf," ",minx," ",ret)
NLopt.max_objective!(opt, g)
(maxf,maxx,ret) = NLopt.optimize(opt,[20.0])
println(maxf," ",maxx," ",ret)
plot(sol, vars=(0,4), plotdensity=10000)
scatter!([minx],[minf],label="Global Min")
scatter!([maxx],[maxf],label="Global Max")