Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics / Jan 26 2023
Exercise 1.24: Constraint forces
This is a special case of a solution we found in exercise 1.22. In that exercise, we found the constraint forces on a driven pendulum. By setting inline_formula not implemented, we can read off the constraint forces for the undriven pendulum.
(require [sicmutils.env :refer :all])
Take some definitions that we need:
(defn U-constraint [q0 q1 F l]
(* (/ F (* 2 l))
(- (square (- q1 q0))
(square l))))
(defn extract-particle [pieces]
(fn [[t q v] i]
(let [indices (take pieces
inc (* i pieces)))
extract (fn [tuple]
(mapv (fn [i]
(ref tuple i))
(up t (extract q) (extract v)))))
(defn KE-particle [m v]
(* (/ 1 2) m (square v)))
(defn L-driven-free [m l y U]
(fn [local]
(let [extract (extract-particle 2)
[_ q qdot] (extract local 0)
F (ref (coordinate local) 2)]
(- (KE-particle m qdot)
(U q)
(U-constraint (up 0 (y (state->t local)))
(defn U-gravity [g m]
(fn [[_ y]]
(* m g y)))
(defn driven-polar->rect [y]
(fn [[t [theta c F]]]
(up (* c (sin theta))
(- (y t) (* c (cos theta)))
(defn L-driven-pend [m l y U]
(compose (L-driven-free m l y U)
(F->C (driven-polar->rect y))))
The second equation of motion, for the inline_formula not implemented coordinate, gives us an equation in terms of tension. Substitute in a constant pendulum support position by defining the support position function to be (lambda (t) 'l)
(let [q (up (literal-function theta)
(fn [_] l)
(literal-function F))
y (fn [_] l)
L (L-driven-pend m l y (U-gravity g m))
f ((Lagrange-equations L) q)]
(ref (f t) 1))
Solve for inline_formula not implemented, the tension on the pendulum linkage:
formula not implemented