Week #2: New Ai2 implementation using Zonotopes

Summary of contributions

using NeuralVerification, LazySets, BenchmarkTools, Suppressor, Plots
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In this notebook I will be implementing the algorithm Ai2Ai^2 and testing it against other implementations in NeuralVerification.jl, using their test suit

ReLU function

Last week we presented an implementation of the ReLU activation function using Theorem 3.1 of [1], there is shown a zonotope overapproximation of the ReLU function of a Zonotope.

Now I'm going to explore this implementation further. As we can see, the Theorem proposes an overapproximation of the output of the ReLU function only when the points in a given dimension of the input set are not completely positive or negative, for example, a Zonotope that is completely positive:

Zp = Zonotope([2., 2], [1. 0; 0 1])
plot(Zp, ratio=1)
Shift+Enter to run
plot(overapproximate(Rectification(Zp), Zonotope), ratio=1)
Shift+Enter to run

As we can see, the ReLU function of the Zonotope is identical as the original, but when the original Zonotope has a dimension that is completely negative, the output Zonotope is 0 in that dimension

Zn = Zonotope([-2., 2], [1. 0; 0 1])
plot(Zn, ratio=1)
Shift+Enter to run
plot(overapproximate(Rectification(Zn), Zonotope), ratio=1)
Shift+Enter to run

As we can see, in the case of a two-dimensional zonotope, the resulting set is a line. The overapproximating begins when the input set has points in a dimension that are both positive and negative, at that point, the algorithm overapproximates the output set. For example:

Zn = Zonotope([1.0, -1.0], hcat([1.0 -1.0; 1.0 1.0]));
plot(Zn, ratio=1)
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plot(Zn, ratio=1, label="Original Zonotope")
plot!(overapproximate(Rectification(Zn), Zonotope), label="Implemented ReLU")
plot!(VPolygon([[0., 0], [1., 1], [2., 0]]), color=:darkred, label="Real ReLU")
plot!(VPolygon([[2., 0], [3., 0]]), color=:darkred,)
Shift+Enter to run

Here we can see the overapproximation done by the function

Comparing results

In this section I will compare the performance of the new implementation to the method used last week

Z0 = Zonotope([1., 2], [[.5, .5], [0, .5], [.5, 0]]) # Initial Zonotope
Z1 =linear_map([2. -1; 0 1], Z0) # application of weights
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Zonotope{Float64,Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,2}}([0.0, 2.0], [0.5 -0.5 1.0; 0.5 0.5 0.0])
@btime begin
    P = convert(HPolytope, $Z1) # convertion to polytope for intersections
    # ReLU
    A2 = intersection(P, HalfSpace([-1., 0], 0.)) # x1 >= 0
    A3 = intersection(P, HalfSpace([1., 0], 0.)) # x1 < 0
    cd = CustomDirections([[-1., 0], [-1, 1], [1, 1]]) # directions of the generators
    Z2 = overapproximate(A2, Zonotope, cd) # overapproximate intersection with zonotope
    Z3 = overapproximate(A3, Zonotope, cd)
    Z4 = linear_map([1. 0; 0 1], Z2) # Z2 * (1 0; 0 1)
    Z5 = linear_map([0. 0; 0 1], Z3) # Z3 * (0 0; 0 1)
    CH6 = convex_hull(Z4, Z5) # union of Z4 and Z5
    Z6 = overapproximate(CH6, Zonotope, cd) # overapproximate the union with a zonotope
Shift+Enter to run
617.734 μs (2754 allocations: 184.88 KiB)
Zonotope{Float64,Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,2}}([0.4999999999999998, 2.0], [-0.5000000000000001 -0.5 0.4999999999999999; 0.0 0.5 0.4999999999999999])
@btime overapproximate(Rectification($Z1), Zonotope)
Shift+Enter to run
1.115 μs (28 allocations: 1.97 KiB)
Zonotope{Float64,Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,2}}([0.5, 2.0], [0.25 -0.25 0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0])

We can see that the new function is faster and uses less memory, in this example, it was ~600 times faster and used ~100 time less memory

Implementation of Ai2Ai^2 using Zonotopes in NeuralVerification.jl

To implement the new version of Ai2Ai^2 using zonotopes in NeuralVerification.jl, I created a new Solver called ai2z, to create a Problem using the new solver, the initial conditions and the output will need to be passed as Zonotope.

The creation of a new solver wasn't difficult, as all the structures are already there, the solver ai2 was used as a template. To apply the ReLU rectification, the function overapproximate(r::Rectification{N, <:AbstractZonotope{N}}, ::Type{<:Zonotope}) implemented last week in LazySets was used, as we discussed, it was much faster than an implementation using polytopes. This allowed me to implement the ReLU activation function as follows:

function forward_partition(act::ReLU, input::Zonotope)
    return overapproximate(Rectification(Z), Zonotope)
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This implementation is much faster compared to the existing in NeuralVerification.jl, specially in higher dimension:

function forward_partition(act::ReLU, input::HPolytope)
    n = dim(input)
    output = Vector{HPolytope}(undef, 0)
    C, d = tosimplehrep(input)
    dh = [d; zeros(n)]
    for h in 0:(2^n)-1
        P = getP(h, n)
        Ch = [C; I - 2P]
        input_h = HPolytope(Ch, dh)
        if !isempty(input_h)
            push!(output, linear_map(Matrix{Float64}(P), input_h))
    return output
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As we can see, this function is very expensive, as the loop inside it scales exponentially with the dimension of the input.

Changes in other files such as reachability.jl were needed, as it assumed that all reachability methods received a HPolytope as input/output. Other change in that file was the output of the solve function, as it didn't give the user the final reach set.


NeuralVerification.jl has a big range of tests, I asked Tomer Arnon for what tests to run, he recommended the "hand-made" single-input-single-output networks and MNIST and ACASXU networks of higher dimensions.

The following code is obtained from NeuralVerification.jl and modified to get the data I want


small_nnet_file = "/home/sguadalupe/.julia/dev/NeuralVerification/examples/networks/small_nnet_id.nnet"
small_nnet = read_nnet(small_nnet_file, last_layer_activation = Id())
# The input set is always [-0.9:0.9]
in_hyper  = Hyperrectangle(low = [-0.9], high = [0.9])
in_hpoly  = convert(HPolytope, in_hyper)
# superset of the output
out_superset    = Hyperrectangle(low = [-70.0], high = [-23.0])
# includes points in the output region
out_overlapping = Hyperrectangle(low = [-100.0], high = [-45.0])
problem_holds    = Problem(small_nnet, in_hpoly, convert(HPolytope, out_superset))
problem_violated = Problem(small_nnet, in_hpoly, convert(HPolytope, out_overlapping));
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@suppress_err begin
    for solver in [MaxSens(resolution = 0.6), ExactReach(), Ai2(), Ai2z()]
        print("holds runtime: ")
        holds = @btime solve($solver, $problem_holds)
        print("violated runtime: ")
        violated = @btime violated = solve($solver, $problem_violated)
        print("width of output layer: ")
        println(diameter(overapproximate((violated.reachable)[1], Hyperrectangle)))
Shift+Enter to run
MaxSens resolution: Float64 0.6 tight: Bool false holds runtime: 21.910 μs (233 allocations: 15.63 KiB) violated runtime: 21.840 μs (233 allocations: 15.63 KiB) width of output layer: 14.400000000000006 ExactReach() holds runtime: 635.477 μs (3167 allocations: 198.25 KiB) violated runtime: 624.696 μs (3113 allocations: 194.47 KiB) width of output layer: 43.2 Ai2() holds runtime: 1.317 ms (5432 allocations: 295.84 KiB) violated runtime: 1.296 ms (5380 allocations: 292.25 KiB) width of output layer: 43.2 Ai2z() holds runtime: 25.120 μs (190 allocations: 12.86 KiB) violated runtime: 21.640 μs (186 allocations: 12.56 KiB) width of output layer: 43.2


small_nnet_file = "/home/sguadalupe/.julia/dev/NeuralVerification/examples/networks/small_nnet.nnet"
# small_nnet encodes the simple function 24*max(x + 1.5, 0) + 18.5
small_nnet = read_nnet(small_nnet_file, last_layer_activation = ReLU())
# The input set is [-0.9:0.9]
in_hyper  = Hyperrectangle(low = [-0.9], high = [0.9])
in_hpoly  = convert(HPolytope, in_hyper)
# Output region is entirely contained in this interval:
out_superset    = Hyperrectangle(low = [30.0], high = [80.0])    # 20.0 ≤ y ≤ 90.0
# Includes some points in the output region but not all:
out_overlapping = Hyperrectangle(low = [-1.0], high = [50.0]);    # -1.0 ≤ y ≤ 50.0
Shift+Enter to run
@suppress_err begin
    for solver in [MaxSens(resolution = 0.6), ExactReach(), Ai2(), Ai2z()]
        print("holds runtime: ")
        holds = @btime solve($solver, $problem_holds)
        print("violated runtime: ")
        violated = @btime violated = solve($solver, $problem_violated)
        print("width of output layer: ")
        println(diameter(overapproximate((violated.reachable)[1], Hyperrectangle)))
Shift+Enter to run
MaxSens resolution: Float64 0.6 tight: Bool false holds runtime: 21.680 μs (233 allocations: 15.63 KiB) violated runtime: 21.859 μs (233 allocations: 15.63 KiB) width of output layer: 14.400000000000006 ExactReach() holds runtime: 638.777 μs (3167 allocations: 198.25 KiB) violated runtime: 627.917 μs (3113 allocations: 194.47 KiB) width of output layer: 43.2 Ai2() holds runtime: 1.322 ms (5432 allocations: 295.84 KiB) violated runtime: 1.314 ms (5380 allocations: 292.25 KiB) width of output layer: 43.2 Ai2z() holds runtime: 23.180 μs (190 allocations: 12.86 KiB) violated runtime: 21.810 μs (186 allocations: 12.56 KiB) width of output layer: 43.2

We can see the new implementation of Ai2Ai^2 using the new method of calculating the ReLU activation function is much faster than the previous implementation, obtaining the same precision for a fraction of the cost, in time and memory. In comparison with other algorithms, the new implementation is comparable in runtime and memory usage to MaxSens, but the latter being more precise, as to ExactReach being the slower of the bunch and getting the same precision as both Ai2Ai^2 implementations


  1. Singh, G., Gehr, T., Mirman, M., Püschel, M., & Vechev, M. (2018). Fast and effective robustness certification. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 10802-10813).

Runtimes (1)