Simon Danisch / Jul 08 2019
WGLMakie Image
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential -y
ln -fs /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/lib/ ldconfig
pkg"up; add GeometryBasics#master Tables Observables AbstractPlotting#sd-webgl GeometryTypes JSCall#master StaticArrays WebIO#master Zygote PackageCompiler#sd-notomls Cassette"
Julia 1.1 WGLMakie + Zygote (Julia)
write("snoop.jl", """ using WGLMakie, AbstractPlotting import GeometryBasics using AbstractPlotting: Node using Zygote using LinearAlgebra # We store parameters as tracked one element arrays # To easily update them inplace & take the gradient function chain2points(chain, input) points = [input] return reduce(chain, init = [input]) do v0, angle [v0; next_position(v0[end], angle)] end end function visualize(input, target) points = Node(chain2points(chain, input)) segments = lift(points) do points # repeat each points to form connected segments collect(GeometryBasics.TupleView{2, 1}(points)) end s = linesegments(segments, color = :lightgray) scatter!(points, markersize = 0.2) scatter!([target], color = :red, markersize = 0.3) dots = lift(points) do x diff = norm(last(x) .- target) LinRange(Point(last(x)), Point(target), 10) end # CairoMakie doesn't support dotted lines yet -.- scatter!( dots, color = (:indianred1, 0.5), markersize = 0.05, limits = FRect(0, -3, 6, 7), scale_plot = false ) return points, s end @inline function next_position(position, angle) position .+ (sin(angle), cos(angle)) end # Our "neuronal network" ... or chain of flexible links @inline function predict(chain, input) output = next_position(input, chain[1]) # Layer 1 output = next_position(output, chain[2]) # Layer 2 output = next_position(output, chain[3]) # Layer 3 output = next_position(output, chain[4]) # Layer 4 return output end function loss(chain, input, target) return sum((predict(chain, input) .- target) .^ 2) end chain = [(rand() * pi) for i in 1:4] input, target = (0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 3.0) points, s = visualize(input, target) # this should be like display almost repr(MIME"text/html"(), s); function loss_gradient(chain, input, target) # first index, to get gradient of first argument Zygote.gradient(loss, chain, input, target)[1] end for i in 1:100 # get gradient of loss function angle∇= loss_gradient(chain, input, target) # update weights with our loss gradients # this updates the weights in the direction of smaller loss chain .-= 0.01 .* angle∇ # update visualization points[] = chain2points(chain, input) yield() end """)
# add the correct usings + imports to the precompile file using Pkg packages = ["WGLMakie", "GeometryBasics", "AbstractPlotting", "Zygote", "LinearAlgebra"] ctx = Pkg.Types.Context() pkgs = PackageSpec.(packages) packages = PackageCompiler.flat_deps(ctx, packages) # remove blacklisted packages from full list of packages imports = PackageCompiler.to_pkgid.(packages) filter!(x-> !( in ("WinRPM", "HTTPClient")), imports) usings = join(["const $( = Base.require($(PackageCompiler.prepr(x)))" for x in imports], "\n") open("/results/precompiles2.jl", "w") do io println(io, usings) open(precompiles.jl) do io2 write(io, io2) end end
using WGLMakie, AbstractPlotting scatter(rand(4))
using PackageCompiler syso, sysold = compile_incremental(precompiles2.jl)
("/root/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/RRsVs/sysimg/", "/usr/local/julia/lib/julia/")
cp(syso, sysold, force = true)
Julia 1.1 WGLMakie + Zygote
using WGLMakie, AbstractPlotting import GeometryBasics using AbstractPlotting: Node using Zygote using LinearAlgebra # We store parameters as tracked one element arrays # To easily update them inplace & take the gradient function chain2points(chain, input) points = [input] return reduce(chain, init = [input]) do v0, angle [v0; next_position(v0[end], angle)] end end function visualize(input, target) points = Node(chain2points(chain, input)) segments = lift(points) do points # repeat each points to form connected segments collect(GeometryBasics.TupleView{2, 1}(points)) end s = linesegments(segments, color = :lightgray) scatter!(points, markersize = 0.2) scatter!([target], color = :red, markersize = 0.3) dots = lift(points) do x diff = norm(last(x) .- target) LinRange(Point(last(x)), Point(target), 10) end # CairoMakie doesn't support dotted lines yet -.- scatter!( dots, color = (:indianred1, 0.5), markersize = 0.05, limits = FRect(0, -3, 6, 7), scale_plot = false ) return points, s end function next_position(position, angle) position .+ (sin(angle), cos(angle)) end # Our "neuronal network" ... or chain of flexible links function predict(chain, input) output = next_position(input, chain[1]) # Layer 1 output = next_position(output, chain[2]) # Layer 2 output = next_position(output, chain[3]) # Layer 3 output = next_position(output, chain[4]) # Layer 4 return output end function loss(chain, input, target) return sum((predict(chain, input) .- target) .^ 2) end chain = [(rand() * pi) for i in 1:4] input, target = (0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 3.0) points, s = visualize(input, target) # this should be like display almost s
function loss_gradient(chain, input, target) # first index, to get gradient of first argument Zygote.gradient(loss, chain, input, target)[1] end for i in 1:100 # get gradient of loss function angle∇= loss_gradient(chain, input, target) # update weights with our loss gradients # this updates the weights in the direction of smaller loss chain .-= 0.01 .* angle∇ # update visualization points[] = chain2points(chain, input) yield() end