Simon Danisch / Sep 25 2019
Mimi Reactive Image
apt update apt install python3 python3-venv python3-pip pip3 install xlrd
ENV["PYTHON"] = "python3" pkg"up; add PyCall Hyperscript GeometryTypes Observables#sd-extensions AbstractPlotting" pkg"registry add; add Mimi MimiDICE2013" using Mimi, MimiDICE2013, DataFrames, AbstractPlotting, WGLMakie using Observables, Hyperscript, JSServe using JSServe: with_session, Slider using JSServe.DOM # get model instances m_dice1 = MimiDICE2013.get_model() m_dice2 = MimiDICE2013.get_model()
using Markdown using Mimi, MimiDICE2013, DataFrames, AbstractPlotting, WGLMakie using Observables, Hyperscript, JSServe using JSServe: with_session, Slider using JSServe.DOM # get model instances m_dice1 = MimiDICE2013.get_model() m_dice2 = MimiDICE2013.get_model() run(m_dice1) run(m_dice2) function run_model(param) set_param!(m_dice2, :emissions, :MIU, fill(param, 60)) run(m_dice2) something.(m_dice2[:climatedynamics, :TATM], 0.0) end set_theme!(font = "Dejavu Sans", resolution = (500, 400)) with_session() do session df_dice1 = dropmissing(getdataframe(m_dice1, :climatedynamics, :TATM)) df_dice2 = dropmissing(getdataframe(m_dice2, :climatedynamics, :TATM)) s = JSServe.Slider(LinRange(0, 1, 100)) data = map(run_model, s) scene = scatter(df_dice1.time, df_dice1.TATM, markersize = 5) scatter!(df_dice2.time, data, color = :red, markersize = 5) scene[Axis].names.axisnames = ("Year", "Temperature Increase") scene[Axis].names.textsize = (8, 8) t = df_dice2.time year = JSServe.Slider(1:length(t)) dmg_estimated = map(year, s) do year_idx, s round(m_dice2[:damages, :DAMAGES][year_idx], digits = 4) end year_sel = map(i-> t[i], year) b = DOM.font("● baseline", color = :black) ec = DOM.font("● with emission control", color = :red) markdown = md" # Explore Climate Set amount of emission control: $(s) $(map(x-> round(x, digits = 3), s.value)) # Temperature Increase $b | $ec $(scene) # Estimated damage in year $(year_sel) $(year) $(dmg_estimated) trillion USD per year. " end
Without running this Notebook in the cloud, you won't be able to interact with the Parameters, since the simulation can't run in the browser. For this we will need to cache the results of the simulation. Here is a preview of how it looks when running this notebook: