Simon Danisch / Jul 23 2019
Remix of Makie by Simon Danisch
Makie Talk Image
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential -y
apt-get install libcairo2 p7zip-full
]up; rm GLMakie Makie; gc; add JSCall#master GeometryBasics AbstractPlotting#sd-improvements RDatasets StatsMakie Interact GeometryTypes MakieGallery ImageFiltering CairoMakie#master PackageCompiler#sd-notomls
#cp(NJ__REF_, "./cat.obj") cp(brain.jls, "./moon.jpg") cp(brain.jls, "./diffusemap.tga") cp(brain.jls, "./earth.png") cp(brain.jls, "./brain.jls")
cpimages.7zimages.7z 7za x images.7z
using WGLMakie, AbstractPlotting scatter(rand(4))
using Colors, Interact, AbstractPlotting, WGLMakie, WebIO using Interact: slider using AbstractPlotting: Node function web_display(scene) repr(WebIO.WEBIO_APPLICATION_MIME(), scene) end function svg_display(scene) repr(MIME"image/svg+xml"(), scene) end
svg_display (generic function with 1 method)
using CairoMakie CairoMakie.activate!() svg_display(scatter(rand(4)));
# add the correct usings + imports to the precompile file using Pkg packages = ["WGLMakie", "GeometryBasics", "CairoMakie", "AbstractPlotting", "MakieGallery", "StatsPlots", "Colors", "LinearAlgebra", "RDatasets", "Interact", "ImageFiltering"] ctx = Pkg.Types.Context() pkgs = PackageSpec.(packages) packages = PackageCompiler.flat_deps(ctx, packages) # remove blacklisted packages from full list of packages imports = PackageCompiler.to_pkgid.(packages) filter!(x-> !( in ("WinRPM", "HTTPClient")), imports) usings = join(["const $( = Base.require($(PackageCompiler.prepr(x)))" for x in imports], "\n") open("/results/precompiles2.jl", "w") do io println(io, usings) open(precompiles.jl) do io2 write(io, io2) end end
using PackageCompiler syso, sysold = compile_incremental(precompiles2.jl)
("/root/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/RRsVs/sysimg/", "/usr/local/julia/lib/julia/")
cp(syso, sysold, force = true)