Simon Danisch / Oct 02 2019
Julia 1.3 Showcase Image
]up; dev VegaLite; add VegaDatasets
apt-get update apt-get install npm libpixman-1-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg-dev build-essential -y cd /root/.julia/dev/VegaLite/deps npm install canvas --build-from-source --production --no-package-lock --no-optional -y npm install --scripts-prepend-node-path=true --production --no-package-lock --no-optional -y
pkg"up; add Query FileIO PyCall Cassette CuArrays Flux JSServe#master GeometryTypes Observables#sd-extensions AbstractPlotting CUDAnative CSV DataFrames Plots GR StatsPlots StatsBase BenchmarkTools Cxx" using PyCall pip = joinpath(dirname(PyCall.current_python()), "pip3") run(`$pip install scipy numpy`)
Process(`/usr/bin/pip3 install scipy numpy`, ProcessExited(0))
# CuArrays is compiled at precompile time, so lets use it here using CuArrays A = cu(rand(100)) B = cu(rand(100)) A .+ B;
Julia 1.3 Showcase (Julia)
using Mimi, MimiDICE2013 using Observables, Hyperscript, JSServe, AbstractPlotting, WGLMakie, Markdown using JSServe: with_session, Slider using JSServe.DOM set_theme!(markersize = 5, font = "Dejavu Sans", resolution = (500, 400)) baseline = MimiDICE2013.get_model() run(baseline) # run baseline one time interacted = MimiDICE2013.get_model() with_session() do session time_tatm = getdataframe(baseline, :climatedynamics, :TATM) time = time_tatm.time control_rate_s = JSServe.Slider(LinRange(0, 1, 100)) control_rate = map(control_rate_s) do r round(r, digits = 3) end year = JSServe.Slider(1:length(time)) data = map(control_rate) do control set_param!(interacted, :emissions, :MIU, fill(control, 60)) run(interacted) something.(interacted[:climatedynamics, :TATM], 0.0) end scene = scatter(time, something.(time_tatm.TATM, 0.0)) scatter!(time, data, color = :red) scene[Axis].names.axisnames = ("Year", "Temperature Increase") scene[Axis].names.textsize = (8, 8) dmg_estimated = map(year, control_rate) do year_idx, _ round(interacted[:damages, :DAMAGES][year_idx], digits = 4) end selected_year = map(i-> time[i], year) b = DOM.font("● baseline", color = :black) ec = DOM.font("● with emission control", color = :red) md""" # Explore Climate Set amount of emission control: $(control_rate_s) $(control_rate) # Temperature Increase $b | $ec $(scene) # Estimated damage in year $(selected_year) $(year) $(dmg_estimated) trillion USD per year. """ end
using CSV, DataFrames, Plots, StatsPlots Plots.theme(:wong) data = data.co2 = data.co2 ./ 10^9; co2max = by(data, :country, :co2 => maximum) sort!(co2max, :co2_maximum, rev = true) bad_countries =[1:10] the_worst = filter(data) do row in bad_countries end the_worst Plots.plot( :Year, :co2, group = :country, legend = :topleft, linewidth = 4, title = "Total Accumulative Emission", )
Why Julia
What is Julia
- Python at the speed of C, with elegant syntax for math like Matlab
- Multi purpose
- Multi paradigm (functional, object inheritance)
Noteworthy Features
- Best of lisp inheritance (macros, code as datastructure, functional programming)
- threading
- multiple dispatch
- optional type system
- introspection
- cross platform
- as fast as C
When to use Julia

When performance is key

But I don’t need performance!
Python performance is good enough for me
- When you need performance, it is too late
- You don’t want to learn a new language at the same time that you are solving your first truly difficult computational problem
I'll just call out to C
rely on mature external libraries, operating on large blocks of data, for performance-critical code
- Someone has to write those libraries.
- Eventually that person will be you.
- some problems are impossible or just very awkward to vectorize
Catchy Examples
using BenchmarkTools function map_threaded!(f, a, b) Threads. for i in eachindex(a, b) a[i] = f(b[i]) end return a end
map_threaded! (generic function with 1 method)
c = copy(a) map_threaded!(sin, c, b);
d = copy(a) map!(sin, d, b); d == c
a, b = rand(10^7), rand(10^7);
using CuArrays
map!($sin, $a, $b) map_threaded!($sin, $a, $b);
acu, bcu = cu(a), cu(b) CuArrays. (map!($sin, $acu, $bcu));
Hard mode:
using CUDAnative function gpu_map!(f, y, x) index = (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x stride = blockDim().x * gridDim().x for i = index:stride:length(y) y[i] += x[i] end return nothing end N = length(a) threads=256 blocks=numblocks gpu_kernel!(A, B) all(Array(A) .== 3.0f0)
Impossible mode:
# using C++ :P
Data Science
using CSV, DataFrames, Plots, StatsPlots theme(:wong) data = data.co2 = data.co2 ./ 10^9; co2max = by(data, :country, :co2 => maximum) sort!(co2max, :co2_maximum, rev = true) bad_countries =[1:10] the_worst = filter(data) do row in bad_countries end the_worst plot( :Year, :co2, group = :country, legend = :topleft, linewidth = 4, title = "Total Accumulative Emission", )
using FileIO, Query, VegaLite, Dates data |> (co2 = _.co2 / 10^9, year = Date(_.Year)) |> ({}) |> (maximum(_.co2)) |> (5) |> (_, __) |> # This is essentially ungroup DataFrame |> ( :line, x=:year, y=:co2, color=:country, title="Emissions", width = 500, height = 300, linewidth = 4 )
Classify MNIST digits with a simple multi-layer-perceptron
using Flux using Flux: crossentropy, normalise, onecold, onehotbatch using Statistics: mean labels = Flux.Data.Iris.labels() features = Flux.Data.Iris.features() normed_features = normalise(features, dims=2) klasses = sort(unique(labels)) onehot_labels = onehotbatch(labels, klasses) train_indices = [1:3:150 ; 2:3:150] X_train = normed_features[:, train_indices] y_train = onehot_labels[:, train_indices] X_test = normed_features[:, 3:3:150] y_test = onehot_labels[:, 3:3:150] model = Chain( Dense(4, 3), softmax ) loss(x, y) = crossentropy(model(x), y) accuracy(x, y) = mean(onecold(model(x)) .== onecold(y)) optimiser = Descent(0.5) data_iterator = Iterators.repeated((X_train, y_train), 110) Flux.train!(loss, params(model), data_iterator, optimiser)
accuracy_score = accuracy(X_test, y_test) accuracy_score > 0.8
using Cassette Cassette. Ctx # this prehook implements simple trace logging for overdubbed functions Cassette.prehook(::Ctx, f, args...) = println(f, args) Cassette.overdub(Ctx(), *, 1, 2.0)
Cassette.overdub(::Ctx, ::typeof(convert), ::Type{Float64}, x::Float64) = x * 3.0
Cassette.overdub(Ctx(), *, 1, 2.0)
Interactive Graphics & Mimis
Shift+Enter to run
Julia 1.3 Showcase
using Mimi, MimiDICE2013 using AbstractPlotting, WGLMakie, Markdown using Observables, Hyperscript, JSServe using JSServe: with_session, Slider using JSServe.DOM set_theme!(markersize = 5,font = "Dejavu Sans", resolution = (500, 400)) baseline = MimiDICE2013.get_model() run(baseline) interacted = MimiDICE2013.get_model() function run_model(control) set_param!(interacted, :emissions, :MIU, fill(control, 60)) run(interacted) return something.(interacted[:climatedynamics, :TATM], 0.0) end with_session() do session time_tatm = getdataframe(baseline, :climatedynamics, :TATM) time = time_tatm.time control_rate_s = JSServe.Slider(LinRange(0, 1, 100)) control_rate = map(control_rate_s) do r round(r, digits = 3) end year = JSServe.Slider(1:length(time)) data = map(run_model, control_rate) scene = scatter(time, something.(time_tatm.TATM, 0.0)) scatter!(time, data, color = :red) scene[Axis].names.axisnames = ("Year", "Temperature Increase") scene[Axis].names.textsize = (8, 8) dmg_estimated = map(year, control_rate) do year_idx, _ round(interacted[:damages, :DAMAGES][year_idx], digits = 4) end selected_year = map(i-> time[i], year) b = DOM.font("● baseline", color = :black) ec = DOM.font("● with emission control", color = :red) return md""" # Explore Climate Set amount of emission control: $(control_rate_s) $(control_rate) # Temperature Increase $b | $ec $(scene) # Estimated damage in year $(selected_year) $(year) $(dmg_estimated) trillion USD per year. """ end
# void * memcpy ( void * destination, const void * source, size_t num ); function memcpy(dest, source, num) # if library already loaded by julia, you can leave it out, otherwise # ccall((:function_name, "library_name"), ...) ccall( :memcpy, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), dest, source, num ) end a = [1, 2, 3] b = [0, 0, 0] memcpy(b, a, sizeof(b)) b
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
using Cxx cxx""" #include <iostream> class Hello { public: void hello_world(const char *now){ std::string snow = now; std::cout << "Hello World! Now is " << snow << std::endl; } };""" hello_class = Hello() tstamp = string( hello_class->hello_world(pointer(tstamp))
Passing functions:
using PyCall so = pyimport("scipy.optimize") so.newton(x -> cos(x) - x, 1)
Inherit from Python classes:
P = pyimport("numpy.polynomial") mutable struct Doubler <: P.Polynomial function __init__(self, x=10) self.x = x end my_method(self, arg1::Number) = arg1 + 20 x2.get(self) = self.x * 2 function x2.set!(self, new_val) self.x = new_val / 2 end end Doubler().x2
What's bad
compile times
- deploying julia
- some dev tools are missing
Julia in Python
Ahead of time Compilation
via travis