Simon Danisch / Jan 16 2019
FMRI visualization with Julia
FMRI visualization with Julia
1-Downloading FMRI data from its source
# you may add more subject if you want to investigate for i in 1:2 download("$i.mat", "subject_$i.mat") end
2-Installing MAT.jl for Julia1.0
using Pkg pkg"add"
3-Include required packages
using Makie, GeometryTypes using AbstractPlotting: slider!, playbutton, vbox, hbox! using Observables using MAT
Read one subject's data
subject_id = 1 subject= matread("subject_$(subject_id).mat") data = subject["data"];
Time Steps
T = size(data,1)
Voxel Count
V = size(data,2)
colToCoord is array of voxel locations. Given index of voxel you get the location
colToCoord = vec(mapslices(x->CartesianIndex(Tuple(Int.(x))),subject["meta"]["colToCoord"];dims=2));
Sizes of the cube that includes all voxels
FMRI Data Array: each index corresponds to a time and the value is the FMRI data taken at that time.
fmri_time_series = map(1:T) do i voxels = zeros(lx,ly,lz) voxels[colToCoord] = data[i,:]; voxels end;
Normalize Data
fm = fmri_time_series mini, maxi = mapreduce(extrema, (a, b)-> (min(a[1], b[1]), max(a[2], b[2])), fm) fm_n = map(fm) do vol Float32.((vol .- mini) ./ (maxi - mini)) end ex_volume = first(fm_n);
Makie Visualization
style = Theme(raw = true, camera = campixel!) #TIME Slider tslider = slider(style, 1:length(fm_n)) t = tslider[end]; r = range(-1, stop = 1, length = size(ex_volume, 1)) r2 = range(0, stop = 1, length = size(ex_volume, 1)) scene3d = contour(r2, r2, r2, ex_volume, alpha = 0.1, levels = 4) c = scene3d[end]; #c[4] is unintuitive, is there a function to get the observable value of contour object ? volume = c[4] planes = (:xy, :xz, :yz) hscene = Scene(camera = cam3d!, show_axis = false) sliders = ntuple(3) do i sscene = slider(style, 1:size(volume[], i), start = size(volume[], i) ÷ 2) s = sscene[end] idx = s[:value]; plane = planes[i] indices = ntuple(3) do j planes[j] == plane ? 1 : (:) end hmap = heatmap!( hscene, r, r, volume[][indices...], colormap = :Spectral, fillrange = true, interpolate = true, colorrange = (0, 1) )[end] lift(idx, volume) do _idx, vol idx = (i in (1, 2)) ? (size(vol, i) - _idx) + 1 : _idx transform!(hmap, (plane, r[_idx])) indices = ntuple(3) do j planes[j] == plane ? idx : (:) end if checkbounds(Bool, vol, indices...) hmap[3][] = view(vol, indices...) end end sscene end lift(t[:value]) do idx if checkbounds(Bool, fm_n, idx) c[4][] = fm_n[idx] end end b2 = button(style, "3d/2d"; dimensions = (60, 40)) on(b2[end][:clicks]) do clicks if iseven(clicks) cam3d!(hscene) else cam2d!(hscene) end center!(hscene) end hbox( vbox(scene3d, hscene), vbox(sliders..., b2) )