Neural Networks From Scratch with a twist
There have been lots of "Neuronal Network from Scratch" articles lately. So you may ask, why for the love of god would you write yet another.
While being part of the Julia Community and their machine learning efforts for quite a while, I think I can add a unique perspective on the matter.
While most articles that implement DNNs from scratch only work for toy examples, I will show how to build them while maintaining production ready performance. This works out pretty well thanks to Julia's unique strengths in this area - so you may also read this article to learn about some of Julia's main advantages for user friendly high performance programming. Furthermore, I will explain basic DNN concepts in a more clutter free way, like back propagation and automatic differentiation.
These three perspectives, achieving state of the art performance quickly, learning about Julia and explaining nasty details in an easy way were enough motivation to write yet another article :)
So, for the readers that are less into the topic, let's start with a very general explanation of what a DNN is.
High Level view of a DNN
In its very core, any DNN is very simple. It's basically a black box, that contains a huge tunable function with millions of parameters. Training that function will result in the parameters to be fine tuned to some problem, to mold the function into returning the right answers:

Inside the tunable functions, we usually have lots of layers, made up by smaller functions. Those functions can be any function that has parameters we can tune and an input/output. In reality, they contain mostly a few functions that have been proofen to be effective:
- softmax (
exp.(x) ./ sum(exp.(x))
) - dense (
W * x .+ b
) - relu (
max(zero(x), x)
) - convolution

Tuning a.k.a Back-Propagation
#TODO, actually, I feel like I could come up with an even better example to visualize the basic work horse of a DNN
include(utilities.jl) function next_position(position, angle) position .+ (sin(angle), cos(angle)) end # Our tunable function ... or chain of flexible links function predict(chain, input) output = next_position(input, chain[1]) # Layer 1 output = next_position(output, chain[2]) # Layer 2 output = next_position(output, chain[3]) # Layer 3 output = next_position(output, chain[4]) # Layer 4 return output end function loss(chain, input, target) sum((predict(chain, input) .- target) .^ 2) end chain = [(rand() * pi) for i in 1:4] input, target = (0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 3.0) weights, s = visualize(chain, input, target) s
using Zygote function loss_gradient(chain, input, target) # first index, to get gradient of first argument Zygote.gradient(loss, chain, input, target)[1] end for i in 1:100 # get gradient of loss function angle∇ = loss_gradient(chain, input, target) # update weights with our loss gradients # this updates the weights in the direction of smaller loss chain .-= 0.01 .* angle∇ # update visualization weights[] = chain sleep(0.01) end;
From Scratch
TODO: describe all the things
using Colors, ImageShow import Zygote, Flux glorot_uniform(dims...) = (rand(Float32, dims...) .- 0.5f0) .* sqrt(24.0f0/sum(dims)) struct Dense{M <: AbstractMatrix, V <: AbstractVector, F <: Function} W::M b::V func::F end function Dense(in, out, func = identity) Dense(glorot_uniform(out, in), zeros(Float32, out), func) end function (a::Dense)(x::AbstractArray) a.func.(a.W * x .+ a.b) end softmax(xs) = exp.(xs) ./ sum(exp.(xs)) relu(x::Real) = max(zero(x), x) function crossentropy(ŷ::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVecOrMat; weight = 1) -sum(y .* log.(ŷ) .* weight) * 1 // size(y, 2) end
function forward(network, input) result = input for layer in network result = layer(result) end return result end loss(network, x, y) = crossentropy(forward(network, x), y) function loss_gradient(network, input, target) # first index, to get gradient of first argument Zygote.gradient(loss, network, input, target)[1] end apply_gradient!(a, b::Nothing, optimizer) = nothing function apply_gradient!(a, b::NamedTuple, optimizer) for field in propertynames(b) apply_gradient!(getfield(a, field), getfield(b, field), optimizer) end end function apply_gradient!(a::Tuple, b, optimizer) for (alayer, blayer) in zip(a, b) apply_gradient!(alayer, blayer, optimizer) end end """ We use standard Gradient descent for nothing as Optimizer """ function apply_gradient!(a::AbstractArray, b::AbstractArray, optimizer::Nothing) a .-= 0.1 .* b end function train!(network, X, Y, optimizer = nothing, epochs = 100) for epoch in 1:epochs grad = loss_gradient(network, X, Y) apply_gradient!(network, grad, optimizer) epoch end end function test(n) img = X[1:28^2, n:n] predict = Tuple(argmax(forward(network, img)))[1] - 1 predict save("/results/test.png", Gray.(reshape(img, (28, 28)))) return nothing end
network = ( Dense(28^2, 32, relu), Dense(32, 10), softmax ) imgs = Flux.Data.MNIST.images() labels = Flux.Data.MNIST.labels() Y = Flux.onehotbatch(labels, 0:9) X = Float32.(hcat(float.(reshape.(imgs, :))...)) train!(network, X, Y)
using FileIO test(1)