Simon Danisch / Oct 15 2018
Martin Kavalar
The 2048 Challenge
The 2048 Challenge
Help to improve the Julia version of the 2048 challenge!
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# code from using StatsBase const DIRS = [:left, :up, :right, :down] function init_game() grid = zeros(Int8,4,4) grid[rand(1:4),rand(1:4)] = rand2_1() grid[rand(1:4),rand(1:4)] = rand2_1() grid end rand2_1() = rand() < 0.1 ? 2 : 1 # a function to simulate the move and return a reward function move!(x, xinc, xstart, xend) reward = 0 for i = xstart:xinc:xend # for each row move the left most piece first #if move_row = 1 then i control the row if x[i] != 0 # if the position is occupied by a number move it # firstly look "behind" to see if there is a number that is the same # this is to deal better with situations like 2 2 4 4 for k = i+xinc:xinc:xend if x[k] != 0 if x[k] == x[i] x[i] += 1 reward += 2^x[i] x[k] = 0 end break; end end # now place it in the first empty slot for k = xstart:xinc:i if x[k] == 0 x[k] = x[i] x[i] = 0 end end end end (x, reward) end function move_left!(x) move!(x, 1, 1, 4) end function move_right!(x) move!(x, -1, 4, 1) end function move!(grid::Array{T,2}, direction) where T <: Integer reward::Int16 = zero(Int16) if direction == :left for j = 1:4 #grid[j,:] .= move_left!(grid[j,:]) (tmp, new_reward) = move_left!( grid[j,:]) reward += new_reward end elseif direction == :right for j = 1:4 #grid[j,:] .= move_right!(grid[j,:]) (tmp, new_reward) = move_right!( grid[j,:]) reward += new_reward end elseif direction == :up for j = 1:4 #grid[:,j] .= move_left!(grid[:,j]) (tmp, new_reward) = move_left!( grid[:,j]) reward += new_reward end else for j = 1:4 #grid[:,j] .= move_right!(grid[:,j]) (tmp, new_reward) = move_right!( grid[:,j]) reward += new_reward end end (grid, reward) end function simulate_move!(grid) directions = sample(DIRS, 4 , replace = false) for i in 1:3 d1 = directions[i] (grid, ok, cart, two_or_four, reward) = simulate_move!(grid, d1) if ok return (grid, true, d1, cart, two_or_four, reward) end end (grid, ok, cart, two_or_four, reward) = simulate_move!(grid, directions[4]) (grid, ok, directions[4], cart, two_or_four, reward) end # assume no need to check for validate moves function simulate_move!(grid, direction) tmp_grid = copy(grid) (grid, reward) = move!(grid, direction) if all(tmp_grid .== grid) return (grid, false, CartesianIndex{2}(-1,-1), -1, 0) else cart = rand(findall(grid .== 0)) # randomly choose one empty slot one_or_two = rand2_1() grid[cart] = one_or_two return (grid, true, cart, one_or_two, reward) end end function simulate_game!(grid, lim) init_grid = copy(grid) seq = Symbol[]::Array{Symbol,1} cartarr = CartesianIndex{2}[] one_or_two_arr = Int8[] reward_vec = Int16[] ok = true while ok (grid, ok1, move, cart, one_or_two, new_reward) = simulate_move!(grid) ok = ok1 & all(grid .< lim) push!(seq, move) push!(cartarr, cart) push!(one_or_two_arr, one_or_two) push!(reward_vec, new_reward) end (init_grid, grid, seq, cartarr, one_or_two_arr, reward_vec) end function simulate_game() init = init_game() simulate_game!(init, Inf) end using BenchmarkTools simulate_game();