David Schmudde / Oct 15 2019
Remix of Python by Nextjournal

Color Palette Extractor

This article installs dependencies and establishes the basic functionality of color extraction from an image.

Claude Monet Springtime (1872)

Install Dependencies

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install haishoku pillow


from haishoku.haishoku import Haishoku
from PIL import Image

def new_image(mode, size, color):
    return Image.new(mode, size, color)

path = Image
# path = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Yo_logo.png"

# getPalette api
palette = Haishoku.getPalette(path)

# getDominant api
# dominant = Haishoku.getDominant(path)

# showPalette api
# Haishoku.showPalette(path)

# showDominant api
dominantImage = Haishoku.showDominant(path)

# Haishoku object
h = Haishoku.loadHaishoku(path)
dominantColor = new_image('RGB', (100, 100), h.dominant)
dominantColor.save("/results/dominateColor.jpg", "JPEG")