XTDB Portfolio
This shows how the db at a point in time can comfortably enable account or portfolio analysis.
Before we get started, we'll start with a deps.edn that includes xtdb
{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
{:git/url "https://github.com/clojure/tools.deps.alpha.git"
:sha "e4fb92eef724fa39e29b39cc2b1a850567d490dd"}
compliment/compliment {:mvn/version "0.3.11"}
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.23.0"}}}
(require [xtdb.api :as xt])
This starts a database, re-executing this cell will create a new empty portfolio.
(def xtdb.api.PXtdb system
(xt/start-node {}))
This creates a utility to view portfolios at 4 asof valuation dates
;; portfolios on a series of valuation dates
(defn hld-hist
(for [asof [inst "2019-01-10"
inst "2019-01-15"
inst "2019-03-14"
inst "2019-03-15"]]
(println asof (xt/q (xt/db system asof)
[:find ?t ?q
[?port :name "My Trading Portfolio"]
[?port :holdings ?hldg]
[?hldg :quantity ?q]
[?hldg :asset ?a]
[?a :ticker ?t]])))))
Load up some data (asof 12/31/2018)
(->> [;; add 3 companies
[::xt/put {:xt/id :company/t1, :name "IBM"}]
[::xt/put {:xt/id :company/t2, :name "JP Morgan"}]
[::xt/put {:xt/id :company/t3, :name "Ford"}]
;; add 3 assets based on those companies
[::xt/put {:xt/id :security/t1,
:issuer :company/t1 :ticker "IBM",
:type "Equity"}]
[::xt/put {:xt/id :security/t2,
:issuer :company/t2 :ticker "JPM",
:type "Equity"}]
[::xt/put {:xt/id :security/t3,
:issuer :company/t3 :ticker "F",
:type "Equity"}]
;; add 2 positions (portfolio unspecified)
[::xt/put {:xt/id :pm/p1, :asset :security/t1, :quantity 100}]
[::xt/put {:xt/id :pm/p2, :asset :security/t2, :quantity 200}]
;; add portfolio (with those 2 positions)
[::xt/put {:xt/id :p/p1,
:holdings [:pm/p1 :pm/p2],
:name "My Trading Portfolio"}]]
;; adding this asof date is optional
(mapv (conj % inst "2018-12-31"))
;; submit the transaction
(xt/submit-tx system)
;; get the tx time and wait before proceeding
((fn wait [tx-time] (xt/sync system tx-time nil))))
(->> [[::xt/put {:xt/id :pm/p1,
:asset :security/t1,
:quantity 350}
inst "2019-01-15"]]
(xt/submit-tx system)
((xt/sync system % nil )))
This adds 1000 to position 1 (:pm/p1).
Although (hld-hist) may show the new shares but if you execute this in a separate repl it typically will not. This "submits" the transaction and then queries the db without waiting for the transaction to complete (e.g. kafka-log->crux-indexer) .
(let [asof inst "2019-02-14"
position (xt/entity (xt/db system asof) :pm/p1)]
(xt/submit-tx system
[[::xt/put (update position :quantity + 1000) asof]]))
(let [asof inst "2019-03-15"
port (xt/entity (xt/db system asof) :p/p1)]
(->> [[::xt/put {:xt/id :pm/p3,
:asset :security/t3,
:quantity 440}]
[::xt/put (update port :holdings conj :pm/p3)]]
;; add asof date to each entry
(mapv (conj % asof))
;; submit transaction
(xt/submit-tx system)))
;; portfolios on a series of valuation dates
entity history
(->> (xt/entity-history (xt/db system) :p/p1 :asc {:with-docs? true})
(map (get-in % [:xtdb.api/doc :holdings])))
Note that the above shows two entries. The portfolio ':p/p1' only reflects the addition of a position, not the change to position :pm/p2 on "2019-01-15" where the "IBM" position was increased. e.g. no "nested history"
(xt/entity-history (xt/db system) :p/p1 :asc {:with-docs? true})
(with-open [entity-hist (xt/open-entity-history (xt/db system) :p/p1 :asc {:with-docs? true})]
(iterator-seq entity-hist))
new version moved the log stuff .... need to re-find it
(doc xt/open-tx-log)
(require [clojure.reflect :refer [reflect]])
(with-open [tx-log (xt/open-tx-log system 0 true)]
(iterator-seq tx-log))
(defn hld-hist2
(for [asof [inst "2019-01-10"
inst "2019-01-15"
inst "2019-03-14"
inst "2019-03-15"]]
[asof (xt/q (xt/db system asof)
[:find (pull ?port [{:holdings [{:asset [:ticker]}:quantity]}])
[?port :name "My Trading Portfolio"]
(pprint (hld-hist2))
(-> (hld-hist2)