Ben Murrell / May 10 2019
Remix of Julia by
Pairwise test.
import Pkg; Pkg.add("Distributions") using Distributions, StatsBase
#Hamming distance hamming(s1,s2) = sum(collect(s1) .!= collect(s2)); #Compute H function rake_H(seqs) numseqs = length(seqs) H = Int[] for i in 1:numseqs for j in i+1:numseqs push!(H,hamming(seqs[i],seqs[j])) end end return H end #Compute the p value from H (S choose 2 version) function rake_test_from_H(H) pi_s = mean(H) p_0 = exp(-pi_s) p_val_vec = 1 .- cdf.(Binomial(length(H),p_0),0:length(H)) num_zero_dists = sum(H .== 0) if num_zero_dists > 0 return p_val_vec[num_zero_dists+1] else return 1.0 end end #Compute the p value from seqs function rake_test(seqs) numseqs = length(seqs) H = rake_H(seqs) return rake_test_from_H(H) end
rake_test (generic function with 1 method)
1. Computing H from sequences simulated under a star phylogeny.
#Seq simulation functions alp = ['A','C','G','T'] evolve_seq(seq,p) = join([ifelse(rand()<p*4/3,rand(alp),s) for s in seq]) #Running test replicates numseqs = 200 seqlength = 100 reps = 10000 null_replicate_p_vals = Float64[] for i in 1:reps parent_seq = join(rand(alp,seqlength)) seqs = [evolve_seq(parent_seq,0.025) for i in 1:numseqs]; push!(null_replicate_p_vals,rake_test(seqs)) end println("False positives: $(sum(null_replicate_p_vals .< 0.05)/reps)")
#Distribution of p-values (should be uniform) histogram(null_replicate_p_vals,bins = 0:0.025:1.0)
2. Directly generating H with pairwise Poisson values.
#Checking the test implementation by directly matching the pairwise assumptions numseqs = 200 seqlength = 100 reps = 10000 null_replicate_p_vals = Float64[] for i in 1:reps S = numseqs H = rand(Poisson(0.025*2*seqlength),Int(S*(S-1)/2)) rake_test_from_H(H) push!(null_replicate_p_vals,rake_test_from_H(H)) end println("False positives: $(sum(null_replicate_p_vals .< 0.05)/reps)")
histogram(null_replicate_p_vals,bins = 0:0.025:1.0)