Moritz Schauer / Sep 11 2018


Pkg.pkg"add Bridge#master StaticArrays Colors GeometryTypes Distributions"
using Bridge, StaticArrays, Makie, Bridge.Models, Colors, GeometryTypes
using Random, LinearAlgebra

function viridis(s, alpha = 0.9f0, maxviri = 200) 
    l, u = extrema(s)
    map(x->RGBA(Float32.(Bridge._viridis[1+floor(Int,x*maxviri)])..., alpha), (s .- l)/(u .- l))

popdisplay(); # pop makie display
function viridis(s, alpha = 0.9f0, maxviri = 200) 
    l, u = extrema(s)
    map(x->RGBA(Float32.(Bridge._viridis[1+floor(Int,x*maxviri)])..., alpha), (s .- l)/(u .- l))
# Continuous perspective
t = 0:0.001:1.0
X = sample(t, Wiener())
lines(, X.yy)
# Discrete perspective
Y = SamplePath([1:20:end],X.yy[1:20:end])
scatter(, Y.yy, markersize=0.02)
# Piecewise linear
lines(, Y.yy, markersize=0.02)
# Discrete perspective
Y = SamplePath([1:20:end],X.yy[1:20:end])
scatter(, Y.yy, markersize=0.02)
# Piecewise constant
Z = SamplePath(Bridge.piecewise(Y)...)
lines(, Z.yy)
# Jump process visualisation
linesegments([(Point2f0([i], Y.yy[i]) => Point2f0([i+1], Y.yy[i])) for i in 1:length(Y)-1])
scatter!(, Y.yy, markersize=0.01)
# 3D
t = 0:0.001:1.0
X = sample(t, Wiener{SVector{3,Float64}}())

lines(X.yy, color=viridis(
dump(VSamplePath(, [X.yy[i][k] for k in 1:3, i in 1:length(X.yy)]))
## Considerations for iteration protocol and interface

# Subsampling 
Y = SamplePath([1:10:end],X.yy[1:10:end])

# Seperation of time and space
tt, yy =, X.yy

# Often expressions of the following form needed
i = 3
# What should be the meaning of `X...`, `for it in X`?

# t, x = tuple(X) # Is this nice?

# Dict iterates pairs:
println([Dict(2=>1, 1=>2) ...])

# Vector iterates values