Multivariate stochastic differential equations with Bridge
This IJulia
script gives a tour for my package Bridge
with focus on multivariate stochastic differential equations. I use Makie.jl
for the visualisations.
1. Installation
First we need to install Bridge and a couple of other packages:
# using Pkg Pkg.pkg"add Bridge#master StaticArrays Colors GeometryTypes Distributions"
The installation of Makie
is a bit tricky and is detailed in the
file of Makie
2. Setting the scene
The next few lines load the needed packages and some scripts.
using Bridge, StaticArrays, Makie, Bridge.Models, Colors, GeometryTypes using Random, LinearAlgebra popdisplay() # pop makie display nothing
include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Bridge)), "../extra/makie.jl"));
Some definitions.
Random.seed!(5) sphere = Sphere(Point3f0(0,0,0), 1.0f0) circle = Sphere(Point2f0(0,0), 1.0f0) perspective = Float32[0.433 0.901 -0.0 1.952; -0.237 0.114 0.965 -20.43; 0.869 -0.418 0.263 -90.271; 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0];
3. Time
mostly works with fix time grid methods. To get started, define a grid of time points tt
say in the interval [0, 5]
on which you want to simulate the process.
T = 5.00 n = 10001 # total length dt = T/(n - 1) tt = 0.0:dt:T ;
4. Space
interacts nicely with StaticArrays
. We use SVector{3,Float64}
for points in 3d space. In Bridge.Models
the alias ℝ{3} == SVector{3,Float64}
is defined. Because I often use MCMC methods and have to sample thousands of solutions, I try to make sure the functions are fast and have minimal overhead. Using SVector
s helps alot.
5. 3D Wiener process or Brownian motion
is a statistical toolbox for diffusion processes and stochastic differential equations. The simplest diffusion process is a Brownian motion. The distribution and concept of a Brownian motion is represented by the object Wiener{T}()
where T
is the value type. As long as randn(T)
is defined, Wiener{T}()
can be sampled.
Wiener{Float64}() Wiener{Complex{Float64}}()
But now for 3d Brownian motion...
Use sample
to exactly sample a 3d Wiener
process on at the time points tt
W = sample(tt, Wiener{ℝ{3}}())
The function sample
returns a SamplePath
. SamplePath
is the time series object of Bridge.jl
, basically a struct
with a vector of time points
and a vector of locations X.yy
The script extra/makie.jl
defines a recipe for plotting SamplePath
s with Makie
W = sample(tt[1:10:end], Wiener{ℝ{3}}()) scatter(W, markersize = 0.09, marker = circle, color = viridis(1+n÷10))
lines(W, color = viridis(1+n÷10))
W = sample(tt[1:10:end], Wiener()) scatter(W, markersize = 0.03, marker = circle, color = viridis(1+n÷10))
lines(W, color = viridis(1+n÷10))
# Figure 1: Brownian motion path scene = lines(W.yy, linewidth = 0.5, color = viridis(length(W.yy))) scatter!(scene, [W.yy[1]], markersize = 0.09, marker = circle, color = viridis(1)) # starting point
Figure 1. Brownian motion in 3d. Colors indicate progress of time.
6. Lorenz system of ordinary differential equations
is mostly concerned with stochastic differential equations, but we can also solve ordinary differiential equations
As a stochastic differential equation can be seen as ordinary differential equation with noise, let's start with an ordinary one and add noise in a second step.
The Lorenz system is famous and nice looking 3d system of ordinary differential equations.
F(t, x, s = 10.0, ρ = 28.0, β = 8/3) = ℝ{3}(s*(x[2] - x[1]), x[1]*(ρ - x[3]) - x[2], x[1]*x[2] - β*x[3]) x0 = ℝ{3}(1.508870, -1.531271, 25.46091) ;
Note that returns a 3d vector, we have written the Lorenz system as vector valued differential equation.
, and are parameters governing the system. With following parameters chosen by Lorenz the system shows chaotic behaviour:
s0 = 10 ρ0 = 28.0 β0 = 8/3 θ0 = ℝ{3}(s0, ρ0, β0) ;
Compute a solution with solve
. The argument BS3()
tells solve
to use an order 3 Bogacki–Shampine method.
U, err = solve(BS3(), tt, x0, F) round(err, digits=5)
F2(t,x,_) = F(t,x) solve!(BS3(), F2, U, x0, nothing)
# Figure 2: Solution of the Lorenz system scene = lines( U.yy, linewidth = 0.8, color = viridis(n)) scatter!(scene, [U.yy[1]], markersize=0.4, marker = circle, color = viridis(1)) center!(scene) #set_perspective!(scene, perspective) rotate_cam!(scene, 0.4, 0.2, 0.) scene
Figure 2. A solution of the deterministic Lorenz system.
7. Stochastic Lorenz system
A corresponding stochastic differential equation has the following form
For the example, we choose .
σ = (t,x)->5I X = solve(EulerMaruyama(), x0, W, (F, σ)) ;
As the driving Brownian motion path provides a set of time points
, the argument tt
is dropped. solve
has also an in-place version solve!
solve!(EulerMaruyama(), X, x0, W, (F, σ));
Note the solver is quite efficient.
# Figure 3: Sample path scene = lines(X.yy, linewidth = 0.5, color = viridis(length(X.yy))) scatter!(scene, [X.yy[1]], markersize=0.09, marker = circle, color = viridis(1)) center!(scene) #set_perspective!(scene, perspective) rotate_cam!(scene, 0.4, 0.2, 0.) scene
Figure 3. Sample of the solution of the stochastic Lorenz system.
8. Parameter inference for the stochastic Lorenz system
The likelihood for the parameter is given by Girsanov's theorem. The stochastic Lorenz system is defined in Bridge.Model
and takes a parameter triple θ
function loglikelihood(θ, θref, X) P = Lorenz(θ, SDiagonal(5.0, 5.0, 5.0)) Pref = Lorenz(θref, SDiagonal(5.0, 5.0, 5.0)) # Reference measure girsanov(X, P, Pref) end
Choose a reference measure. We only estimate ρ
and β
S = 9.0:0.05:11.0 Ρ = 26:0.05:30 Β = 2.0:0.02:4.0 θref = s0, Ρ[end÷2], Β[end÷2] θref;
llsurface = [loglikelihood((s0, ρ, β), θref, X) for ρ in Ρ, β in Β];
# Figure 4: Likelihood surface Scene(resolution = (200, 200)) llsurfaces = (llsurface .- mean(llsurface))/std(llsurface) llsurfaces0 = llsurfaces[first(searchsorted(Ρ,ρ0)), first(searchsorted(Β,β0))] scene = surface( Ρ, Β, llsurfaces, colormap = :Spectral) l = Point3f0(ρ0, β0, 0.0) u = Point3f0(ρ0, β0, 1.2*llsurfaces0) lines!(Point3f0[l,(u+2l)/3, (2u+l)/3, u], linewidth=3.5, color=:darkred) i,j = Tuple(argmax(llsurfaces)) scatter!([Point3f0(Ρ[i],Β[j], maximum(llsurfaces))], markersize=0.1, marker = circle, color = :white) #axis3d!(scene, Ρ[1]:1.0:Ρ[end], Β[1]:1.0:Β[end], minimum(llsurfaces):1.0:maximum(llsurfaces)) center!(scene) #set_perspective!(scene, Float32[-0.7788 0.6272 -0.0 20.1757; -0.3824 -0.4748 0.7926 13.1915; 0.4972 0.6173 0.6097 -23.9617; 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0])
Figure 4. (Log-) likelihood surface. A line marks the true parameter value, a circle the maximum likelihood estimate
9. Markov chain Monte Carlo
In my work I am interested in Bayesian methods for inference for stochastic differential equations. To compute the posterior distribution of the parameters on naturally employes Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
Julia is a very good match for MCMC computations: They are sequential and cannot be vectorized. In programming languages with slow loops this is a problem and probabilistic programming libraries are used. For Julia, those too exists, but we may also just stay with Julia.
# MCMC sampler logπ(s, ρ, β) = 1.0 function mcmc(X, logπ, θstart, θref; iterations = 10000) θ = θstart Θ = [θ] ll = -Inf lπ = logπ(θ...) for i in 1:iterations θᵒ = θ + 0.1*randn(ℝ{3}) lπᵒ = logπ(θᵒ...) llᵒ = loglikelihood(θᵒ, θref, X) if rand() < exp(llᵒ - ll + lπᵒ - lπ) θ, lπ, ll = θᵒ, lπᵒ, llᵒ end push!(Θ, θ) end Θ end # MCMC experiment θref = S[end÷2], Ρ[end÷2], Β[end÷2] Θ = mcmc(X, logπ, ℝ{3}(9.,30.,2.0), θref; iterations = 10000) mean(Θ) θ0 ;
# Figure 5: Traceplot scene = Scene(resolution = (900, 900)) Θs = [Point3f0(Θ[i]+0.01randn(ℝ{3})) for i in 1:1:1000] # subsample scatter!(scene, Θs, markersize=0.02, marker = circle, color=RGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.3) ) lines!(scene, Θs, linewidth=0.5, color=RGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.3) ) #lines(Θ[end-10000:10:end], linewidth=0.2, color=:black) for k in 1:3 p = ℝ{3}(ntuple(n->n != k, 3)) (lines!(scene, [Θs[i].*p .+ ℝ{3}(S[1],Ρ[1],Β[1]).*(1 .- p) for i in 1:length(Θs)], linewidth=0.4, color=RGB(0.6,0.7,0.8) )) end scatter!(scene, [ℝ{3}(s0, ρ0, β0)], markersize=0.1, marker = '+', color = :darkred) Ps = [ℝ{3}(ntuple(n->n!=i,3)) for i in 1:3] #axis3d!(8.0:1.0:12.0, Ρ[1]:1.0:Ρ[end], Β[1]:1.0:Β[end]) scatter!(scene, [ℝ{3}(s0, ρ0, β0).*p .+ ℝ{3}(S[1],Ρ[1],Β[1]).*(1 .- p) for p in Ps], markersize=0.08, marker = '+', color = RGB(0.8,0.5,0.5)) rotate_cam!(scene, -0.2, -0.2, 0.) scene
Figure 5. Samples of the MCMC chain for the posterior distribution (black) and true value (red). Projections on the - -plane, the - -plane and the - -plane in gray, gray-red.