Bayesian filter
The North Greenland Ice Core Project obtained a core sample of ice from drilling through the arctic ice shield. The oldest ice in the sample formed ca ~120000 years ago. Melting the ice and measuring its chemical composition gives information about past climate on earth. A time series which was obtained this way is shown in Figure 1. In this case, the relative difference of the ratio of occurrence of the two oxygen isotopes
In paleoscience,

Fig. 1: Raw
These measurements are distorted by noise. Scientists are interested in a quantity
and, as the measurement errors stem from a variety of unrelated causes, model the measurement errors
as independent random variables

Fig. 2: Recent measurements of the
The true mechanism under which
Bayesian filter
The filtered distribution of
Apply the filter to simulated data to illustrate how the filter works. Simulate data from the model
Can you find values of
Data analysis
Download the ice core isotope time series (see Figure 1) from .
using DelimitedFiles data, header = readdlm(icecoredata.csv, ',', header = true) display(header) [header; data]
using Plots t = data[:, 1] y = data[:, 2] plot(t, y)
The second column of the CSV file contains the measurements