Micah P. Dombrowski / Jul 12 2020
Gnuplot Example
Gnuplot From Bash
Install gnuplot.
apt-get -qq update
apt-get install gnuplot gnuplot-nox
Bash in Python
Upload Cavendish example data. Data can also be downloaded.
Create a gnuplot script file, and run it. You can also upload a script file, however this will make it a bit more complicated to use uploaded data files.
echo 'set terminal svg
set output "/results/out.svg
set title "Cavendish Data"
set xlabel "Time (s)"
set ylabel "Angle (mrad)"
set grid
plot _ with lines title "Cavendish"' > gnu.script
gnuplot gnu.script
Bash in Python
Julia Interface
apt-get -qq update
apt-get install gnuplot gnuplot-nox
Bash in Julia
]add Gnuplot; precompile
using Gnuplot
x = -2pi:0.1:2pi
approx = fill(0., length(x));
tit="Polynomial approximation of sin(x)" key="opaque" linetypes(:Blues_4)
:- "set encoding utf8" raw"""set xtics ('-π' -pi, '-π/2' -pi/2, 0, 'π/2' pi/2, 'π' pi)"""
:- xr=3.8.*[-1, 1] yr=[-1.5,1.5] "set grid front"
:- x sin.(x) approx .+= x "w filledcurve t 'n=0' lt 1"
:- x sin.(x) approx .+= -x.^3/6 "w filledcurve t 'n=1' lt 2"
:- x sin.(x) approx .+= x.^5/120 "w filledcurve t 'n=2' lt 3"
:- x sin.(x) approx .+= -x.^7/5040 "w filledcurve t 'n=3' lt 4"
:- x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin(x)' lw 2 lc rgb 'black'"
save(term="svg size 640,480",output="/results/out.svg")