MAE 103: Differential Equations in Julia

Solve differential equations in Julia and pathlines

In today's lecture, we will learn how to solve ordinary differential equations. We will then use it to plot pathlines of fluid particles

A 1D differential equation

In this first example, we will solve the equation: dudt=u \frac{d u}{dt} = -u with u(t=0)=1u(t=0) = 1

We know the analytical solution for this problem : u(t)=exp(t)u(t) = exp(-t)

In Julia, we can call the package OrdinaryDiffEq to solve numerically ODEs

using DifferentialEquations
Shift+Enter to run

The first step is to define the right hand side of the differential equation, here f(u,p,t) = -u

f(u,p,t) = -u
Shift+Enter to run

The initial condition is u0 = 1

tspan = (0.0,1.0)
prob = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan)
Shift+Enter to run

The variable prob holds all the useful informations about the differential problem : right-hand side, initial condition, time span...

We will solve this ODe with a Runge-Kutta 4 scheme

sol = solve(prob,RK4())
Shift+Enter to run

Plotting the solution

using Plots
Shift+Enter to run
plot(sol.t, exp.(-sol.t), linewidth = 4, label = "Analytical solution")
plot!(sol,linewidth=4, xaxis="t",yaxis="u", linestyle =:dash, label = "Numerical solution" ) # legend=false
Shift+Enter to run
using Interpolations
Shift+Enter to run

Solve for the pathline of a fluid particle in a Couette Flow

For a Couette flow, the velocity profile is: u=u(y)ex=UyHex \boldsymbol{u} = u(y)\boldsymbol{e}_x = U\frac{y}{H} \boldsymbol{e}_x with UU the velocity of the upper plate and HH the depth of the gap

The trajectory of a fluid particle A is denoted xA\boldsymbol{x}_A and a solution of:

dxAdt=uA(t)=u(xA,yA,zA,t)\frac{d \boldsymbol{x}_A}{dt} = \boldsymbol{u}_A(t) = \boldsymbol{u}(x_A, y_A, z_A, t)

with initial condition xA(t=0)=x0\boldsymbol{x}_A(t= 0) = \boldsymbol{x}_0

Let's solve for the pathline of a fluid particle. For this problem we have :

dxAdt=u(xA,yA,t)=u(yA)=UyAH \frac{d x_A}{dt} = u(x_A, y_A,t) = u(y_A) = U\frac{y_A}{H}
dyAdt=v(xA,yA,t)=0 \frac{d y_A}{dt} = v(x_A, y_A,t) = 0

Define the parameters for the Couette flow

U = 1
H = 1
couette_velocity(y) = U*y/H
Shift+Enter to run

Let's define the right-hand side of the equation

function couette(du,u,p,t)
 du[1] = couette_velocity(u[2]) # U * (yₐ/H)
 du[2] = 0.0
Shift+Enter to run
## Initial position of the fluid particle
x0=[0.0, 0.5]
# Time span
tspan = (0.0,1.0)
prob_couette = ODEProblem(couette, x0, tspan)
Shift+Enter to run

Now, we can solve the differential equation and get the pathline of this fluid particle

couette_sol  = solve(prob_couette, RK4())
Shift+Enter to run
plot(couette_sol, vars = 1, legend = false, xlabel = "t", ylabel = "xA(t)")
Shift+Enter to run
plot(couette_sol, vars = 2, legend = false, xlabel = "t", ylabel = "yA(t)")
Shift+Enter to run
plot(couette_sol, vars = (1,2), ylim =(0, H))
plot!([1.0], line = :hline, linewidth = 8, label = "Upper wall")
plot!([0.0], line = :hline, linewidth = 8, label = "Lower wall")
scatter!([x0[1]], [x0[2]])
Shift+Enter to run

Trajectory of a fluid particle in a cellular flow

A = 32.0
B = 3.2
ω = 9.2
ψ(x, y, t) = A*cos(x + B*sin(ω*t))*cos(y)
ucell(x, y, t) =  A*cos(x + B*sin(ω*t))*sin(y)
vcell(x, y, t) = -A*sin(x + B*sin(ω*t))*cos(y)
Shift+Enter to run
xrange = -4.0:0.05:12.0
yrange = -4.0:0.05:12.0
function ψtab(t) 
    out  = zeros(xrange.len ,yrange.len)
for (i, xi) in enumerate(xrange)
    for (j, yj) in enumerate(yrange)
        out[i, j] = ψ(xi, yj , t)
    return out
Shift+Enter to run
plot(xrange, yrange, ψtab(0.0)', ratio = 1, xlim = (xrange[1], xrange[end]), ylim = (yrange[1], yrange[end]), colorbar = false,
            xlabel ="x", ylabel = "y", title = "Streamlines at t = "*string(0.0))
Shift+Enter to run
plot(xrange, yrange, ψtab(1.0)', ratio = 1, xlim = (xrange[1], xrange[end]), ylim = (yrange[1], yrange[end]), colorbar = false,
            xlabel ="x", ylabel = "y", title = "Streamlines at t = "*string(1.0))
Shift+Enter to run
plot(xrange, yrange, ψtab(2.0)', ratio = 1, xlim = (xrange[1], xrange[end]), ylim = (yrange[1], yrange[end]), colorbar = false,
            xlabel ="x", ylabel = "y", title = "Streamlines at t = "*string(2.0))
Shift+Enter to run
function cellular_flow(du,u,p,t)
 du[1] = ucell(u[1], u[2], t)
 du[2] = vcell(u[1], u[2], t)
Shift+Enter to run
## Initial position of the fluid particle
x0_cell=[3.20, 1.88]
# Time span
tspan = (0.0,2.0)
prob_cellular = ODEProblem(cellular_flow, x0_cell, tspan)
Shift+Enter to run
cellular_sol  = solve(prob_cellular, RK4())
Shift+Enter to run
plot(xrange, yrange, ψtab(0.0)', ratio = 1, xlim = (xrange[1], xrange[end]), ylim = (0.0, 5.0), colorbar = false,
            xlabel ="x", ylabel = "y", title = "Streamlines at t = "*string(0.0))
plot!(cellular_sol, vars = (1,2))
scatter!([x0_cell[1]], [x0_cell[2]])
Shift+Enter to run
Shift+Enter to run
Shift+Enter to run
Runtimes (1)