Martin Kavalar / Jun 13 2018
Mandelbrot II
Mandelbrot II
# python 3 version of code for making your own mandelbrot fractal # # blog and book at from pylab import *
# set the location and size of the atlas rectangle xvalues = linspace(-0.22, -0.21, 1000) yvalues = linspace(-0.70, -0.69, 1000) # size of these lists of x and y values xlen = len(xvalues) ylen = len(yvalues)
# mandelbrot function, takes the fixed parameter c and the maximum number of iterations maxiter, as inputs def mandel(c, maxiter): # starting value of complex z is 0+0i before iterations update it z = complex(0,0) # start iterating and stop when it's done maxiter times for iteration in range(maxiter): # the main function which generates the output value of z from the input values using the formula (z^2) + c z = (z*z) + c # check if the (pythagorean) magnitude of the output complex number z is bigger than 4, and if so stop iterating as we've diverged already if abs(z) > 4: break pass pass # return the number of iterations we actually did, not the final value of z, as this tells us how quickly the values diverged past the magnitude threshold of 4 return iteration
# create an array of the right size to represent the atlas, we use the number of items in xvalues and yvalues atlas = zeros((xlen,ylen)) # go through each point in this atlas array and test to see how many iterations are needed to diverge (or reach the maximum iterations when not diverging) for ix in range(xlen): for iy in range(ylen): # at this point in the array, work out what the actual real and imaginary parts of x are by looking it up in the xvalue and yvalue lists cx = xvalues[ix] cy = yvalues[iy] c = complex(cx, cy) # now we know what c is for this place in the atlas, apply the mandel() function to return the number of iterations it took to diverge # we use 40 maximum iterations to stop and accept the function didn't diverge atlas[ix,iy] = mandel(c,120) pass pass
# plot the array atlas as an image, with its values represented as colours, peculiarity of python that we have to transpose the array imshow(atlas.T, interpolation="nearest", cmap="jet") gcf()