Lab07 - Intuitionistic first-order logic in Agda
LICENCE: This tutorial contains adaptations of material from Programming Language Foundations in Agda by Phil Wadler and Wen Kokke. It is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
SYNTAX: You can enter →
by writing \->
and pressing TAB. Similar useful combinations include \lambda
, \neg
, \top
, \bot
, \and
, \or
, \forall
, \exists
, \Pi
, \Sigma
, ...
In this lab we will explore intuitionistic first-order logic via the Agda programming language. We reproduce without further comment the basic definitions for propositional logic.
module AgdaLab02 where
infixr 2 _∧_
data _∧_ (A : Set) (B : Set) : Set where
_,_ : A → B → A ∧ B
fst : {A B : Set} → A ∧ B → A
fst (a , _) = a
snd : {A B : Set} → A ∧ B → B
snd (_ , b) = b
infixr 1 _∨_
data _∨_ (A : Set) (B : Set) : Set where
left : A → A ∨ B
right : B → A ∨ B
case : {A B C : Set} → (A → C) → (B → C) → A ∨ B → C
case f g (left x) = f x
case f g (right x) = g x
data ⊤ : Set where
tt : ⊤
A→⊤ : {A : Set} → A → ⊤
A→⊤ _ = tt
data ⊥ : Set where
⊥-elim : {A : Set} → ⊥ → A
⊥-elim ()
infix 3 ¬_
¬_ : Set → Set
¬ A = A → ⊥
Dependent types in Agda
So far we have only seen (polymorphic) simple types, such as A → B
for (A B : Set)
. There are situations where one wants to impose some additional property on the output B
which depends on the particular input a : A
. In order to achieve this, the output B
is generalised to have type A → Set
(instead of just Set
). One obtains dependent function space
(a : A) → B a
Notice how the type expression B a
now contains the term a
, i.e., the type B a : Set
depends on a
. The type of B is A -> Set
Our main application and source of examples of dependent types is to model intuitionistic first-order logic.
Intuitionistic first-order logic
We show how dependent types can be used to implement universal quantification (dependent function space) and existential quantification (dependent product).
The universal quantifier ∀
In intuitionistic logic a proof of inline_formula not implemented is a function inline_formula not implemented mapping a proof inline_formula not implemented of inline_formula not implemented into a proof inline_formula not implemented of inline_formula not implemented, where we can see inline_formula not implemented as a family of types indexed by proofs of inline_formula not implemented. The universal quantifier is implemented via the dependent function space
Π : (A : Set) → (B : A → Set) → Set
Π A B = (a : A) → B a
(Note how Π
is a type-level function, i.e., it maps types to types.)
The type ((a : A) → B a)
generalises implication A → B
, which corresponds to non-dependent function space. In this sense, in intuitionistic logic implication is a special case of universal quantification.
(Universal quantification also generalises conjunction, since the type inline_formula not implemented is isomorphic to inline_formula not implemented where inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented. For this reason, sometimes Π
is called dependent product, hence the notation. However, for us dependent product is something else and it will be used below to model existential quantification.)
-- the type of the first argument of Π can be inferred from the second,
-- so we can make it implicit and save typing
Π' : {A : Set} → (B : A → Set) → Set
Π' {A} B = Π A B
-- we introduce a convenient syntax reminiscent of universal quantification in logic
infix 0 Π'
syntax Π' (λ x → B) = ∀[ x ] B
-- Π {A} (λ x → B)
-- thanks to the declaration above,
-- "∀[ x ] B" is the same as "Π' (λ x → B)"
-- dependent apply; corresponds to ∀-elimination
apply : {A : Set} → {B : A → Set} → Π A B → (a : A) → B a
apply f x = f x
-- apply is just the identity at type Π A B
Exercise (∀
Show that the universal quantifier commutes with itself: inline_formula not implemented.
Show that one can diagonalise a universal relation: inline_formula not implemented.
-- recall that "∀[ a ] ∀[ b ] P a b" is the same as
-- "Π A (λ a → Π B (λ b → P a b))", which in turn just means
-- "(a : A) → (b : A) → P a b"
∀-comm :
{A B : Set} {P : A → B → Set} →
∀[ a ] ∀[ b ] P a b →
∀[ b ] ∀[ a ] P a b
∀-comm f b a = ?
∀-diag :
{A : Set} {P : A → A → Set} →
∀[ a ] ∀[ b ] P a b →
∀[ a ] P a a
∀-diag f a = ?
Exercise (∀
and →
Show that the universal quantifier distributes over implication: inline_formula not implemented.
-- recall that "∀[ a ] P a" is the same as
-- "Π A (λ a → P a)", which in turn just means
-- "(a : A) → P a"
∀→-distr :
{A : Set} {P Q : A → Set} →
∀[ a ] (P a → Q a) →
∀[ a ] P a →
∀[ a ] Q a
∀→-distr = ?
Exercise (∀
and ∧
Prove the following intuitionistic tautologies.
inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented.
-- 1.
∀∧-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
∀[ a ] B a ∧ C a →
(∀[ a ] B a) ∧ (∀[ a ] C a)
∀∧-distr = ?
The notation "∀[ a ] B a" is just syntactic sugaring for "Π A (λ a → B a)"
(where A is inferred automatically from the type of B),
which in turn is defined to be "(a : A) → (λ a → B a) a",
i.e., "(a : A) → B a".
Using "∀[ a ] B a" instead of "(a : A) → B a" makes the syntax closer to logic.
-- 2.
∧∀-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
(∀[ a ] B a) ∧ (∀[ a ] C a) →
∀[ a ] B a ∧ C a
∧∀-distr = ?
Exercise (∀
and ∨
Which of the following are intuitionistic tautologies? Which are classic tautologies? Which are neither? Prove the intuitionistic ones.
inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented does not occur in inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented.
Hint: If you cannot easily program a solution, then most likely there is no solution.
-- 1.
∀∨-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
∀[ a ] B a ∨ C a →
(∀[ a ] B a) ∨ (∀[ a ] C a)
∀∨-distr = ?
-- 2.
∀∨-distr' :
{A C : Set} {B : A → Set} →
∀[ a ] (B a ∨ C) →
(∀[ a ] B a) ∨ C
∀∨-distr' f = ?
-- ∀∨-distr' would hold if A is a finite set A = {a1, ..., an}
-- f a1? : Ba1
-- f a2? : Ba2
-- ...
-- f an? : Ban
-- --> ∀[ a ] B a
-- 3.
∨∀-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
(∀[ a ] B a) ∨ (∀[ a ] C a) →
∀[ a ] B a ∨ C a
∨∀-distr = ?
Exercise (∀
and ¬
The double negation shift (DNS) is the following classical tautology: inline_formula not implemented. While DNS does not hold intuitionistically, prove that its converse does.
-- converse double negation shift
cdns :
{A : Set} {P : A -> Set} →
¬ ¬ (∀[ a ] P a) →
∀[ a ] ¬ ¬ P a
cdns = ?
The existential quantifier ∃
In intuitionistic logic, a proof of inline_formula not implemented is a pair inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented is a proof of inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented is a proof of inline_formula not implemented. Like in universal quantification, we can see inline_formula not implemented as a family of types indexed by proofs of inline_formula not implemented. The existential quantifier is implemented with the dependent product:
data Σ (A : Set) (B : A → Set) : Set where
_,_ : (a : A) → B a → Σ A B
Compare this with conjunction, which corresponds to non-dependent product inline_formula not implemented:
data _∧_ (A : Set) (B : Set) : Set where
_,_ : A → B → A ∧ B
In this sense, in intuitionistic logic existential quantification Σ
generalises conjunction, which justifies the name dependent product. (This can create confusion because Π
is sometimes called dependent product too, since also Π
generalises conjunction...)
(Existential quantification also generalises disjunction, since the type inline_formula not implemented is isomorphic to inline_formula not implemented with inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented. For this reason, Σ
is sometimes called dependent sum. However, we will not follow this terminology here.)
Σ' : ∀ {A : Set} (B : A → Set) → Set
Σ' {A} B = Σ A B
infix 0 Σ'
syntax Σ' (λ x → B) = ∃[ x ] B
-- ∃[ x ] B is a shortcut for Σ' (λ x → B) and Σ _ (λ x → B)
-- aka uncurry
∃-elim : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} {C : Set} → (∀ (a : A) → B a → C) → Σ A B → C
∃-elim a→b→c (a , b) = a→b→c a b
We can also define projection functions for dependent pairs.
dfst : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} → Σ A B → A
dfst (a , _) = a
-- notice how the *type* of the second projection dsnd needs to use the first projection dfst!
dsnd : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} → (p : Σ A B) → B (dfst p)
dsnd (_ , b) = b
-- dsnd : {A : Set} {B : A → Set} → ((a , _) : Σ A B) → B a ??
We note how the definition of the functions dfst
and dsnd
is exactly as before with non-dependent pairs, however the type of these functions is much more precise now.
Exercise (∃
Show that the existential quantifier commutes with itself: inline_formula not implemented.
∃-comm :
{A B : Set} {P : A → B → Set} →
∃[ a ] ∃[ b ] P a b →
∃[ b ] ∃[ a ] P a b
∃-comm = ?
Exercise (∃
and →
Consider the following two implications (where inline_formula not implemented is not free in inline_formula not implemented):
inline_formula not implemented, and
inline_formula not implemented.
They are both valid in classical logic. Find out which one is valid in intuitionistic logic, and prove it.
∃→1 :
{A : Set} {P : Set} {Q : A → Set} →
∃[ a ] (P → Q a) →
P →
∃[ a ] Q a
∃→1 = ?
∃→2 :
{A : Set} {P : Set} {Q : A → Set} →
(P → ∃[ a ] Q a) →
∃[ a ] (P → Q a)
∃→2 = ?
Exercise (∃
and ∀
-- 1
duncurry :
{A : Set} {B : A → Set} {C : Set} →
∀[ a ] (B a → C) →
∃[ a ] B a →
duncurry = ?
dcurry :
{A : Set} {B : A → Set} {C : Set} →
(∃[ a ] B a → C) →
∀[ a ] (B a → C)
dcurry = ?
Exercise (∃
, ∧
, and ∨
Establish whether the following are intuitionistic tautologies and prove it for the positive cases:
inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented does not occur in inline_formula not implemented.
-- 1
∃∨-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
∃[ a ] B a ∨ C a →
(∃[ a ] B a) ∨ (∃[ a ] C a)
∃∨-distr = ?
-- 2
∨∃-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
(∃[ a ] B a) ∨ (∃[ a ] C a) →
∃[ a ] B a ∨ C a
∨∃-distr = ?
-- 3
∃∧-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
∃[ a ] B a ∧ C a →
(∃[ a ] B a) ∧ (∃[ a ] C a)
∃∧-distr = ?
-- 4
∧∃-distr :
{A : Set} {B C : A → Set} →
(∃[ a ] B a) ∧ (∃[ a ] C a) →
∃[ a ] B a ∧ C a
∧∃-distr = ?
-- 5
∧∃-distr' :
{A : Set} {B : A → Set} {C : Set} →
(∃[ a ] B a) ∧ C →
∃[ a ] B a ∧ C
∧∃-distr' = ?
Exercise (∀
, ∃
, and ¬
Which of the following holds in intuitionistic logic? Prove those that hold.
inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented depends on inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented depends on inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented depends on inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented depends on inline_formula not implemented.
inline_formula not implemented, where inline_formula not implemented depends on inline_formula not implemented.
-- 1
-- (B cannot depend on (a : A) for the swap to be possible!)
∃∀-distr :
{A : Set} {B : Set} {C : A → B → Set} →
∃[ a ] ∀[ b ] C a b →
∀[ b ] ∃[ a ] C a b
∃∀-distr = ?
-- 2
¬∃→∀¬ :
{A : Set} {B : A → Set} →
¬ (∃[ a ] B a) →
∀[ a ] ¬ B a
¬∃→∀¬ = ?
-- 3
∀¬→¬∃ :
{A : Set} {B : A → Set} →
∀[ a ] ¬ B a →
¬ (∃[ a ] B a)
∀¬→¬∃ = ?
-- 4
∃¬→¬∀ :
{A : Set} {B : A → Set} →
∃[ a ] ¬ B a →
¬ (∀[ a ] B a)
∃¬→¬∀ = ?
-- 5
¬∀→∃¬ :
{A : Set} {B : A → Set} →
¬ (∀[ a ] B a) →
∃[ a ] ¬ B a
¬∀→∃¬ = ?
Exercise (∀
, ∃
, and →
Show that one can always push the existential quantifier inside an implication: inline_formula not implemented.
However, the converse implication does not hold intuitionistically, even when inline_formula not implemented does not contain inline_formula not implemented free: inline_formula not implemented.
∃∀→ :
{A : Set} {P Q : A → Set} →
(∃[ a ] (P a → Q a)) →
(∀[ a ] P a) →
(∃[ a ] (Q a))
∃∀→ = ?
Relations - optional
The exercises in this section are optional.
We apply first-order logic to study some properties of binary relations. We first define what is a binary relation.
Rel : Set → Set → Set1
Rel A B = A → B → Set
(The type of Rel A B
is Set1
, which is the type of Set : Set1
, which in turn is the same as Set0
. We do not need to bother anymore with type levels.)
For example, we can express common properties of binary relations.
reflexive : ∀ {A : Set} → Rel A A → Set
reflexive R = ∀[ x ] R x x
symmetric : ∀ {A : Set} → Rel A A → Set
symmetric R = ∀[ x ] ∀[ y ] (R x y → R y x)
transitive : ∀ {A : Set} → Rel A A → Set
transitive R = ∀[ x ] ∀[ y ] ∀[ z ] (R x y → R y z → R x z)
Exercise (Total relations)
Define what it means for a relation inline_formula not implemented to be total: inline_formula not implemented.
Formalise and prove that every relation inline_formula not implemented which is symmetric, transitive, and total, it is also necessarily reflexive.
total : ∀ {A B : Set} → Rel A B → Set
total R = ?
sym∧trans∧tot→refl : (A : Set) (R : Rel A A) → ?
sym∧trans∧tot→refl = ?
Composition of relations
We can define the composition of binary relations.
_∘_ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → Rel A B → Rel B C → Rel A C
(R ∘ S) a c = ∃[ b ] (R a b ∧ S b c)
Show that the composition of reflexive relations is also reflexive.
∘-refl : ∀ {A : Set} {R S : Rel A A} → reflexive R → reflexive S → reflexive (R ∘ S)
∘-refl = ?
We can define that one relation is included into another.
_⊆_ : ∀ {A B : Set} → Rel A B → Rel A B → Set
R ⊆ S = ∀[ x ] ∀[ y ] (R x y → S x y)
With this in hand, we can define that one relation commutes with another.
commute : ∀ {A : Set} (R S : Rel A A) → Set
commute R S = (R ∘ S) ⊆ (S ∘ R)
Prove that if inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented are transitive binary relations and moreover inline_formula not implemented commutes over inline_formula not implemented, then their composition inline_formula not implemented is also transitive.
∘-trans : ∀ (A : Set) (R S : Rel A A) → transitive R → transitive S → commute S R → transitive (R ∘ S)
∘-trans = ?