LaTTe / Aug 14 2019

Adding dependent Pairs to LaTTe

I'm working on some changes to LaTTe kernel for adding Σ-types. This notebook is a runnable playground to show properties of dependent pairs within LaTTe type constructs . As a first result we're showing how Σ-types can encode the existential quantifier, obtaining much easier proofs for introduction and elimination rules. I'm also exploring the formation of compound struct-likes types via a combination of Σ-types.

Here I'm sourcing latte-prelude from my repo, which in turn sources the forked latte-kernel.

  {:mvn/version "1.10.0"}
  {:mvn/version "0.3.9"}
  {:git/url ""
   :sha "94b2a25731ba1ea741b8eb14ec3a1695cfa5d7b6"}}}
Extensible Data Notation
(ns latte-sigma
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [= and or not set equal])
  (:require [latte.core :as l :refer [definition
                                      try-proof assume have qed]]
            [latte-prelude.prop :as p :refer [<=>]]
            [latte-prelude.equal :as equal]))

Routine Type checking

Following the following reduction rules [TODO: write formulas]


The constant pair for the pairing constructor was added as well as pr1, pr2 for projections and the binding form (Σ [t T] M) for the type of dependent pairs, with the following typing properties:

 [A :type][B :type][a A][b B]
 (pair a b)
 (Σ [x A] B))
(pr (l/type-of
      [T :type][P (==> T :type)][u T][v (P u)]
      (pair u v)))
(definition s "section from base to set"
  [[T :type][P (==> T :type)]]
  (λ [t T] (==> T (P t))))

(prn (l/type-of
      [T :type][P (==> T :type)]
      [t T][f ((s T P) t)]
      (pair t (f t))))

(prn (l/type-of
      [T :type][P (==> T :type)]
      [t T][f ((s T P) t)]
      (pr1 (pair t (f t)))))

(prn (l/type-of
      [T :type][P (==> T :type)]
      [t T][f ((s T P) t)]
      (pr2 (pair t (f t)))))

Modeling the existential Quantifier

Sigma types are dual to product types, if the latter can encode the universal quantifier the first can model the existential quantifier. We define

(definition ex-sigma-def
  "The existential quantifier via Σ type"
  [[T :type][P (==> T :type)]]
  (Σ [x T] (P x)))

(defimplicit ex'
  "The existential quantifier, expressed implicitely via Σ types"
  [def-env ctx [P P-ty]]
  (let [[T _] (p/decompose-impl-type def-env ctx P-ty)]
    (list #'ex-sigma-def T P)))

(defthm ex-sigma-elim-thm
  "Σ-Existential Quantifier Elimination "
  [[T :type][P (==> T :type)][A :type]]
  (==> (ex' P)
       (forall [x T] (==> (P x) A))
Vector(3) [:declared, :theorem, ex-sigma-elim-thm]

A prof for elimination of the existential quantifier becomes super short, it suffices to exhibit a lambda term applying the implication form to the components of a pair which witnesses the Σ-type.

(try-proof 'ex-sigma-elim-thm
    (λ [p (Σ [t T] (P t))]
      (λ [f (Π [x T] (==> (P x) A))]
        (f (pr1 p) (pr2 p))))))
Vector(2) [:qed, ex-sigma-elim-thm]

Compare the above with the natural application to ordinary pairs, i.e. inhabitants of the conjunction type (and A B). We can also give a somewhat longer proof

(try-proof 'ex-sigma-elim-thm
  (assume [p (ex' P)
           f ( [x T] (==> (P x) A))]
    (have g (==> (P (pr1 p)) A) :by (f (pr1 p)))
    (have a A :by (g (pr2 p))))
  (qed a))
Vector(2) [:qed, ex-sigma-elim-thm]

Also introduction theorems become very easy to prove

(defthm ex-sigma-intro-thm
  "Σ-Existential Quantifier Introduction"
  [[T :type][P (==> T :type)][t T]]
  (==> (P t) (ex' P)))

(try-proof 'ex-sigma-intro-thm
  (qed (λ [x (P t)] (pair t x))))
Vector(2) [:qed, ex-sigma-intro-thm]

and agan a longer proof

(try-proof 'ex-sigma-intro-thm
  (assume [w (P t)]
    (have q (ex' P) :by (pair t w)))
  (qed q))
Vector(2) [:qed, ex-sigma-intro-thm]

Compound Types via Σ-types (structs?)

Sigma types comes also at hand for constructing compound (struct like) types, projections being now constants of the language

(definition magma 
  "Bourbakian Magma over a type"
  [[T :type]]
  (==> T T T))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, magma]
(def = equal/equal)
(definition associative 
  "associativity of a magma"
  [[T :type][m (magma T)]]
  (forall [a b c T]
    (= (m (m a b) c)
       (m a (m b c)))))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, associative]
(definition l-identity
  "right identity"
  [[T :type][m (magma T)][e T]]
  (forall [x T] (= (m x e) x)))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, l-identity]
(definition Monoid 
  "a (right) Monoid is an associative magma with right identity"
  [[T :type]]
  (Σ [e T]
     (Σ [m (magma T)]
        (Σ [l (l-identity T m e)]
           (associative T m)))))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, Monoid]

Now given a type T, from an inhabitant of the Monoid type (a 4-tuple) we can rebuild witnesses for its properties by applying a combination of the projections. [TODO] define right leaning tuples. And typing doesn't blow up :-)

 [T :type]
 (Monoid T))
 [T :type][m (Monoid T)]
 (pr1 (pr2 m)))
List(4) (==>, T, T, T)
(definition set "Sets are Predicates"
  [[T :type]]
  (==> T :type))

(definition set-equal
  [[T :type][P (set T)][Q (set T)]]
  ( [t T] (<=> (P t) (Q t))))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, set-equal]
(definition xchoice 
  "a choice on sets"
  [[T :type]]
  (Π [P (set T)] (==> (ex' P) T)))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, xchoice]
(definition correct 
  "the chosen element satiesfies the predicate"
  [[T :type][x (xchoice T)]]
  ( [P (set T)]
     ( [xP (ex' P)] (P (x P xP)))))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, correct]
(definition extensional
  [[T :type][f (xchoice T)]]
  ( [P Q (set T)]
    ( [xP (ex' P)]
      ( [xQ (ex' Q)]
        (==> (set-equal T P Q)
             (= (f P xP) (f Q xQ)))))))
Vector(3) [:defined, :term, extensional]

todo define quotients as sigma types

(Quot M xc rho) := (Σ [t T] (= t (xc (class-of rho t) (exrefl rho t))))

Open Questions

I didn't have to touch beta-delta reduction in adding pairs, but it sufficed to touch typing . This is maybe not surprising as pairs cannot be reduced? Can we introduce redexes for applying functions to pairs provided the application has the correct type (like in the ex-elimination above)?

Following the Σ-typed approach to structs, what do we actually gain, apart from a reduced context, with respect to defining structures via an ordinary latte-prelude.prop/and? How could we define a struct constructor with named fields à la Coq (or Clojure) records?

In case of non-dependent pairs, is it worth introducing an unparser for ordinary pairs (say (X A B) the cartesian product) in the same way ==> corresponds to non-dependent functions in (Π [a A] B)? And what would be the relation between (X A B) and (p/and A B)?