Clojure Sequence API Cheatsheet

First we need to define a few shape symbols so we can use them in the examples that follow.

(def  ')
(def  ')
(def  ')

Now we can take a little tour of some of the most common functions in the Clojure sequence API. If any of them don't quite make sense to you, edit the examples and re-run the cells until you get an intuition for them. 😊

These first ones are mostly pretty self-explanatory:

(first [  ])
(second [  ])

To be honest, I wish the standard library had a third, fourth, and fifth too. But we can make do with nth:

(nth [  ] 2) ; indexed from 0, of course!
(rest [  ])
(last [  ])
(butlast [  ]) ; every element but (the) last

I guess everybody reading this has used map by now, but as a reminder: it just calls your function on every element and returns the result of so doing in a new list. Here we demonstrate that by testing each element to see if it's a ■ , returning a new list of true and false values. 😊

(map (partial = ) [   ])

These two functions, filter and remove, are each the other's complement. Use filter when you want to keep elements based on some predicate and remove to do the opposite.

(filter (partial = ) [   ])
(remove (partial = ) [   ])

We all need to de-duplicate a collection from time to time, for which there's the ever-useful distinct (named the same as the SQL clause).

(distinct [     ])

Agile little interpose skips between the elements of its second argument, depositing one of your first argument between each pair:

(interpose ' [  ])

There are many used for interpose, but the one I probably use most often is nicely formatting a lists of strings, like this:

(apply str (interpose ", " ["cinnamon" "spice" "everything nice"]))

Sometimes you want to combine the elements of multiple sequences into a new sequence in a round-robin way. In this situation, interleave has you covered:

(interleave [  ] [  ] [  ])

Taking and dropping work so much like you'd describe the operations in English that I'll just let them speak for themselves:

(take 3 [     ])
(take-nth 2 [       ])
(take-while (partial = ) [       ])
(drop-while (partial = ) [       ])

When programming in a functional style over sequences, partition is a wonderful help. In the simple case, maybe you just need to split up a sequence into chunks:

(partition 2 [       ])

But you can often find you need to look for a pair of tokens in a sequence. If you don't have a function like partition, you might be tempted to write something fairly complex to track the state of the previous and current elements in a loop. But partition has a special power when you tell is to advance one element at a time, like a sliding window over a sequence:

(partition 2 1 [       ])

Which lets you do things like this, which returns all of the pairs where a ▲ is the first element:

(filter #(= (first %) ) (partition 2 1 [       ]))

Another extremely useful sequence partitioning function is partition-by, which splits a sequence whenever the return value of its predicate changes. Here, for example, it divides the input sequence into three parts — before, during, and after the central pair of ▲s:

(partition-by (partial = ) [       ])

One common use of partition-by is grouping runs of the same element in a sequence with identity:

(partition-by identity [       ])

A straightforward tool is our friend split-at, cleaving a sequence in two at the provided index:

(split-at 3 [       ])

I find it particularly useful in the context of destructuring:

(let [[first-three others] (split-at 3 [       ])]
  {:first-three first-three
   :others others})

A powerhouse for quickly knowing something about the distribution of values in a sequence, I reach for frequencies all the time:

(frequencies [       ])

These little fellows are just plain useful. Ask questions anout a whole sequence with any predicate:

(some (partial = ) [   ])
(every? (partial = ) [   ])
(every? (partial = ) [  ])

Another incredible time saver is group-by. Given a sequence and a predicate, it returns a sequence of maps from the return value of a predicate to items for which the predicated returned that value. That's sort of a mouth full, so here's an example of building an index for some triples based on the first item in each one:

(group-by first [[  ] [  ] [  ]])
Runtimes (1)