
The dashboard is the first screen you will see when you log in to Nextjournal and will be the starting point for any notebooks you want to continue editing. The dashboard presents as a sortable, searchable table of all your notebooks:


  • At any time, you can press the / key to focus the dashboard’s search input and search for a notebook by title.

  • You can change the ordering of your notebooks by clicking on any of the table headers. By default, the dashboard will show your notebooks by last edit date.

  • Clicking on a title will open the notebook in edit mode.

  • If a notebook shows a lock on the left hand side, it means the notebook is private. A private notebook can only be seen by you or your collaborators.

  • If your notebook has a published version, clicking on the last published date will open that version in read-only mode. The published version can be seen by everyone and will show up on your public profile page.

  • Additionally, notebooks also have an Actions ••• dropdown at the end of each row. Use it to:

    • view a notebook’s latest version in read-only mode or

    • archive any notebooks you no longer want to see.


By default, your dashboard will show all notebooks except archived ones. You can set a filter to only see published, drafts (notebooks without a published version) or your archived notebooks.

Group & Collaborator Dashboards

If you are member of a group or are collaborating on a notebook that belongs to someone else, you will have a Show notebooks for switch available under the Your notebooks heading. Use it to change the dashboard to see all notebooks for this group or collaborator.

If you switch to a group or collaborator’s dashboard, the current scope will feature prominently in the dashboard title.