Clojure viewers
The Clojure viewer API enables you to visualize many different types of output, such as plots (using, e.g., Plotly and Vega-Lite), html, and so on. We currently support the following viewers: Plotly, Vega-Lite, Hiccup, HTML, LaTeX, and text.
How it works
Inside a Clojure cell, you'll need to specify the viewer type as metadata of the returned value, so something like the following: ^{:nextjournal/viewer <viewer-type>}
, where viewer-type
is a keyword. The shape of the value itself depends on the viewer, but it is typically a fairly straightforward conversion from, e.g., a JavaScript or JSON structure to a Clojure data structure.
For values that don't support metadata, such as strings (see the HTML, LaTeX, and text viewers), you need to wrap the value and the viewer type in a map consisting of the :nextjournal/viewer
and :nextjournal/value
See below concrete examples of all the different Clojure viewers we support, and, where needed, the shape of the value in the original library.
Line Plot
Plotly.js syntax
data = [{y: [1 4 9 16 25 36 49]}]
Clojure viewer
{:nextjournal/viewer :plotly}
{:data [{:y [1 4 9 16 25 36 49]}]}
Vega-Lite JSON syntax
"width": 500,
"height": 300,
"data": {
"url": "",
"format": {
"type": "topojson",
"feature": "counties"
"transform": [{
"lookup": "id",
"from": {
"data": {
"url": ""
"key": "id",
"fields": ["rate"]
"projection": {
"type": "albersUsa"
"mark": "geoshape",
"encoding": {
"color": {
"field": "rate",
"type": "quantitative"
Clojure viewer
{:nextjournal/viewer :vega-lite}
{:width 600
:height 300
{:url ""
{:type "topojson" :feature "counties"}}
[{:lookup "id"
{:data {:url ""}
:key "id"
:fields ["rate"]}}]
:projection {:type "albersUsa"}
:mark "geoshape"
{:color {:field "rate" :type "quantitative"}}}
Hiccup syntax
[:h3 {:class "text-blue-500"} "Hello " [:code "Clojure"]]
Clojure viewer
{:nextjournal/viewer :hiccup}
[:h3 {:class "text-blue-500"} "Hello " [:code "Clojure"]]
{:nextjournal/viewer :html
:nextjournal/value "<h3 class=\"text-blue-500\">Hello <code>Clojure</code></h3>"}
{:nextjournal/viewer :formula
:nextjournal/value "h = \\varphi - \\frac{1}{2\\varphi}\\left( 1 - \\frac{w}{w_\\varphi} \\right)"}
{:nextjournal/viewer :text
:nextjournal/value "Hello World!"}