Parens for Python - Seaborn Visualizations
We are going to explore some more Python libraries through the use of libpython-clj.
This time, we are going to focus on a statistical visualization library called Seaborn.
{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
cnuernber/libpython-clj {:mvn/version "1.36"}}}
Install the python dependencies
pip3 install seaborn
pip3 install matplotlib
And we're all set, and can experiment with the examples.
(ns gigasquid.plot
(:require [libpython-clj.require :refer [require-python]]
[libpython-clj.python :as py :refer [py. py.. py.-]]))
First, we have to define a quick macro to show the plotting for our local system. This allows matplotlib, (the library that seaborn is built on), to be able to be shown headlessly.
;;;; have to set the headless mode before requiring pyplot
(def mplt (py/import-module "matplotlib"))
(py. mplt "use" "Agg")
(require-python matplotlib.pyplot)
(require-python matplotlib.backends.backend_agg)
(defmacro with-show
"Takes forms with mathplotlib.pyplot to then show locally"
[& body]
(let [_# (matplotlib.pyplot/clf)
fig# (matplotlib.pyplot/figure)
agg-canvas# (matplotlib.backends.backend_agg/FigureCanvasAgg fig#)]
(cons do body)
(py. agg-canvas# "draw")
(matplotlib.pyplot/savefig (str "results/" gensym ".png"))))
Seaborn is a really cool statistical plotting library based on matplotlib. First, we need to require the python libs through interop.
(ns gigasquid.seaborn
(:require [libpython-clj.require :refer [require-python]]
[libpython-clj.python :as py :refer [py. py.. py.-]]
[gigasquid.plot :as plot]))
(require-python [seaborn :as sns])
(require-python [matplotlib.pyplot :as pyplot])
Next we are going to follow along the code tutorial from
(seaborn/set) ;;; set default style
(def dots (sns/load_dataset "dots"))
(take 5 dots)
We can show the statistical relationship by plotting.
(sns/relplot :x "time" :y "firing_rate" :col "align"
:hue "choice" :size "coherence" :style "choice"
:facet_kws {:sharex false} :kind "line"
:legend "full" :data dots))
Here are some statistical estimation and error bars.
(def fmri (sns/load_dataset "fmri"))
(sns/relplot :x "timepoint" :y "signal" :col "region"
:hue "event" :style "event" :kind "line"
:data fmri))
We can enhance a scatter plot to include a linear regression model
(def tips (sns/load_dataset "tips"))
(sns/lmplot :x "total_bill" :y "tip" :col "time" :hue "smoker" :data tips))
And show data analysis between categorical values
(sns/catplot :x "day" :y "total_bill" :hue "smoker" :kind "swarm" :data tips))
(sns/catplot :x "day" :y "total_bill" :hue "smoker" :kind "bar" :data tips))
Finally we can also visualize dataset structures.
(def iris (sns/load_dataset "iris"))
(sns/jointplot :x "sepal_length" :y "petal_length" :data iris))
(sns/pairplot :data iris :hue "species"))
I hope you've enjoyed our quick tour of Seaborn. You can check out all the code and other examples here