Training neural networks using Flux.jl

1. Load packages

using Flux
using CSV 
using DataFrames
using Random
using Statistics
using StatsPlots
Shift+Enter to run

2. Download and clean data (seeds dataset)

# Generate a temporary file path
Shift+Enter to run
# Download data in the temporary file path from the UCI website
Shift+Enter to run
# Read the seeds dataset
# Values are separated by one or more tabulation
# There are no missing values
# There are no column names
Shift+Enter to run
# Name the variables (measures of wheat kernels = grains) 
# 1 = area (A)
# 2 = perimeter (P)
# 3 = compactness (C = 4*pi*A/P^2)
# 4 = length of kernel
# 5 = width of kernel
# 6 = asymmetry coefficient
# 7 = length of kernel groove
# 8 = cultivar (1, 2 or 3) : variety of wheat
  [:Column1 => :area, :Column2 => :perimeter,
  :Column3 => :compactness, :Column4 => :kernel_length,
  :Column5 => :kernel_width, :Column6 => :asymmetry,
  :Column7 => :kernel_groove, :Column8 => :cultivar]
Shift+Enter to run

3. Split dataset into testing and training sets

# Set seed for replicability
Shift+Enter to run
# Number of samples in training set
# Around 70% of data
Shift+Enter to run
# Indices of training and testing sets
# Training set: n unique random indices
# Testing set: other indices
Shift+Enter to run
# Training sets
Shift+Enter to run
# Testing sets
Shift+Enter to run
# Build training set for predictors (features)
Shift+Enter to run
# Build testing set for predictors (feautures)
Shift+Enter to run
# 1. Build training set for the predicted variable (cultivars)
# 2. Transform the cultivar variable into 3 columns (one-hot encoded)
			# Rows are types of cultivar
			# Columns are training samples
			# Sorting labels allows corresponding rows to refer to the same cultivar 
Shift+Enter to run
# 1. Build testing set for the predicted variable (cultivars)
# 2. Transform the cultivar variable into 3 columns (one-hot encoded)
			# Rows are types of cultivar
			# Columns are testing samples
			# Sorting labels allows corresponding rows to refer to the same cultivar
Shift+Enter to run

4. Single-layer neural network

Build and train model

# Simple model 
# Fully collected layer of 7 features and 3 possible outputs
# Result: output node with the highest score (softmax)
# Untrained model
Shift+Enter to run
# Train the model with a gradient descent optimiser (to find local minimum)
# Low learning rate of 0.01
Shift+Enter to run
# Loss function (cross entropy)
Shift+Enter to run
# Data iterator to handle training epochs 
# Every element in data_e represent one epoch
Shift+Enter to run
# Train model 
Shift+Enter to run


# Accuracy
Shift+Enter to run
# Confusion matrix
# Predicted in rows, reference in columns
# Most of the values are on the diagonal (which is good)
Shift+Enter to run

5. Deep neural network

Build and train model

# Add one hidden layer with 14 nodes
# Sigmoid activation in the input layer
Shift+Enter to run
# Define loss function 
Shift+Enter to run
# Data iterator to handle training epochs rather than looping
# Every element in data_e represent one epoch
Shift+Enter to run
# Train model 
Shift+Enter to run


# Accuracy
Shift+Enter to run
# Confusion matrix
# Worse than previous model 
Shift+Enter to run


This example was taken from Timothée Poisot's blog (Armchair Ecology: Training a neural network on the seeds dataset using Flux.jl).

More open resources on neural networks

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