Michael / Jun 03 2022 / Published
Remix of ClojureScript + JavaScript by Martin Kavalar
ClojureScript <-> JavaScript Interop
Work in progress ...
Let's look at some stuff in the global (JS) scope
;; Everything in the global scope looks like it's from an
;; automatically required namespace
;; we can print to the console - open dev tools
(js/console.log "Hello from CLJS")
;; alternative way to do it
(.log js/console "Hello again from CLJS")
(js/Math.max 1 3 4)
(.-PI js/Math)
Create JS stuff from CLJS
;; Create a JS obj
(def obj js {:key "value"})
;; the obj
;; property access
(.-key obj)
;; this works too
(.. obj -key)
;; nested value "collections" need their own #js to be converted
(def another-obj js{:key "value"
:nested-obj js {:key "value2"}
:nested-array js [1,2,3,4,5]})
(.-key (.-nested-obj another-obj))
(.. another-obj -nested-obj -key)
(-> another-obj .-nested-obj .-key)
Convert JS to CLJS
(js->clj js [1 2 3 4 5])
Convert CLJS to JS
(clj->js {:key "value" :vector [1 2 3 4 5]})
(def state (atom {}))
(defn handler [response]
(swap! state assoc :products response))
(defn error-handler [err]
(.log js/console (str "Error: " (.-message err))))
(def api-endpoint "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/AutoScreencast/25dc46fe6c7d2f6a9da34cdfd95c866e/raw/06b00740abd3ee1f1cc199477ab8462a1557c519/products.json")
(defn get-products-from-api []
(-> (js/fetch api-endpoint)
(.then (.json %))
(.then (js->clj % :keywordize-keys true))
(.then (handler %))
(.catch (error-handler %))))