Submit Your ECOOP 2020 Artifact As Runnable Notebook

With ECOOP 2020, you can optionally submit your artifact also as reproducible notebook on Nextjournal.

If you're interested in submitting your artifact as a runnable notebook, please get in touch sending us any relevant links to GitHub etc – we're happy to help!


Compared to the traditional approach, providing your artifact or data analysis as a Nextjournal notebook has the following advantages:

  • It’s discoverable. Nextjournal notebooks live on the web and are indexed by search engines.

  • Users don’t have to download the entire artifact to see what’s inside.

  • Artifacts can be re-run in the browser without setup or local installations.

  • Runnable artifacts get their own DOIs.

Use Cases & Limitations

Data Analysis

Nextjournal provides various default environments (Python, R, Julia, etc) that come pre-loaded with standard tools for plotting, number crunching and more. This means it should be fairly easy to reproduce your paper’s data analysis.

Example: An R cell that reads an uploaded file and plots a histogram of its contents:

housing <- read_csv(
hist(housing$Home.Value, main="Home Value Distribution", xlab="Home Value")

Language Libraries

Nextjournal has built-in support for a variety of programming languages (Python, Clojure, Julia, R, C++, Elixir, F#, Go, Haskell, NodeJS, Racket, Ruby, Rust, Scala).

Command-line Programs & DSLs

Arbitrary command-line programs can be run via Bash. This makes running interpreters, compilers or any command-line tools possible. Interactivity can be provided by mounting notebook content into the file system.

Example: Soufflé


We have experimental support for Agda. Support for Coq is still a work-in-progress.


Due to the unpredictable performance of shared VMs in the cloud, benchmarks are currently not a good fit.

IDE Plugins

IDE plugins are also not a good fit for Nextjournal and should be submitted via HotCRP.

Get Help

If you’re not sure if your use case is well-supported, we encourage you to contact us ahead of time. Reproducibility is near and dear to our hearts so our team will happily support you with the creation of a reproducible notebook. Simply get in touch!

Get started

  1. Create a free Nextjournal account.

  2. Once your are logged in, create a new notebook from one of our templates.

  3. Upload any required files to your notebook by dragging them into it.

  4. Add code cells to set up your artifact or your data analysis. Talk to us, if you need help with this.

  5. Once you have your notebook ready for evaluation, you can produce a shareable link to submit in HotCRP. For this, click Share in the upper right corner, then Generate Link, and finally copy the link into HotCRP’s artifact submission form.

  6. Once you have submitted your submission in HotCRP, ECOOP’s artifact evaluation committee will review your notebook.

The deadline for submitting your ECOOP 2020 artifact is: Tuesday, 14 April, 2020.

Also, please check out the ECOOP 2020 artifact evaluation page for detailed submission instructions and more deadlines.

Nextjournal is an external service that is not maintained by ECOOP. Read more about Nextjournal here.

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