Deepesh Thakur / Jun 24 2019
Rigid Body Work-Precision Diagrams
using OrdinaryDiffEq, ParameterizedFunctions, Plots, DiffEqDevTools k(t) = 0.25*sin(t)^2 g = RigidBody begin dy1 = I₁*y2*y3 dy2 = I₂*y1*y3 dy3 = I₃*y1*y2 + k(t) end I₁ I₂ I₃ p = [-2.0,1.25,-0.5] prob = ODEProblem(g,[1.0;0.0;0.9],(0.0,10.0),p) abstols = 1.0 ./ 10.0 .^ (6:13) reltols = 1.0 ./ 10.0 .^ (3:10); sol = solve(prob,Vern7(),abstol=1/10^14,reltol=1/10^14) test_sol = TestSolution(sol) using Plots; gr() plot(sol,dpi=200,linewidth=1)
setups = [ Dict(:alg=>DP5()), Dict(:alg=>BS5()), Dict(:alg=>Tsit5()), Dict(:alg=>Vern6()), #Dict(:alg=>RKC()), Dict(:alg=>ROCK2()), Dict(:alg=>ROCK4()), Dict(:alg=>SERK2v2(controller=:PI)), Dict(:alg=>SERK2v2(controller=:Predictive)), Dict(:alg=>ESERK5()) ] #Names = ["DP5" "BS5" "Tsit5" "Vern6" "RKC" "ROCK2" "ROCK4" "SERK2 PI" "SERK2 Predictive" "ESERK5"] Names = ["DP5" "BS5" "Tsit5" "Vern6" "ROCK2" "ROCK4" "SERK2 PI" "SERK2 Predictive" "ESERK5"]
1×9 Array{String,2}:
"DP5" "BS5" "Tsit5" "Vern6" "ROCK2" … "SERK2 Predictive" "ESERK5"
Speed Only Tests
wp = WorkPrecisionSet(prob,abstols,reltols,setups;names=Names,appxsol=test_sol,save_everystep=false,numruns=100,maxiters=Int(1e8)) plot(wp,dpi=200,linewidth=1,legend=:topright,legendfontsize=6)
wp = WorkPrecisionSet(prob,abstols,reltols,setups;names=Names,appxsol=test_sol,save_everystep=false,numruns=100,maxiters=Int(1e8),error_estimate=:L2,dense_errors=true) plot(wp,dpi=200,linewidth=1,legend=:topleft,legendfontsize=6)
As expected, the algorithms are all pretty matched on time for this problem. However, you can clearly see the OrdinaryDiffEq.jl algorithms solving to a much higher accuracy and still faster, especially when the interpolations are involved.