Template [R]
1. Data types, data structures and indexing
1.1 Basics
Object, assignment, functions, how to comment and get help
# we can use R as a calculator!
# Functions help us execute things; we usually have to provide arguments
# Don't know how a function works? Ask for help!
1.2 Data types
Numeric (integers or doubles)
# Naming objects tips
1.3 Data classes
Ordered collection of elements.
What happens when we add 1 to a logical vector?
Data frames
data.frame(vector1, vector2) # bind vectors with the same length
1.4 Dimensions
Can you guess the value of the length of my_df
1.5 Indexing
matrix[row, column]
1.6 Slicing
my_matrix <- matrix(c(34, 9, 6, 5, 3, 50, 43, 27, 98, 100), nrow=5)
2. Files
Absolute paths
Relative Paths
2.1 Working directories
2.2 Save/write files
Data frame example
soa_tour <- data.frame(country = c("USA", "UK", "FRA", "GER", "BRA"),
frequency = c(34, 9, 6, 5, 3),
continents = c("north_america", "europe", "europe",
"europe", "south_america"))
2.3 Load/read files
From your PC
From url
object <- read.csv(url("http://remote.repo/data/file.csv"))
Metabolic rates data: http://sciencecomputing.io/data/metabolicrates.csv
From url to your PC, then read
download.file(url = "http://sciencecomputing.io/data/metabolicrates.csv",
destfile = "data/raw/metabolicrates.csv")
metabolic_rates <- read.csv("data/raw/metabolicrates.csv")
3. Control Flow
You already apply control flow when you decide how to go to work during winter.
For example:
You take the metro if it's snowy
You take the metro if it's cold
You walk every other time
Now, let's put that into code!
3.1 Conditional evaluation
Simple if statement
if (condition is true) {
do expression
If/else statement
if (condition) {
expression 1
} else {
expression 2
Nested if /else statement
if (condition 1) {
expression 1
if (condition 2) {
expression 2
Best practice:
Adding a condition:
3.2 For loops
Simple for loops
Using for loops, you can then plan your schedule for a few days.
What we had:
weather <- "snowy"
temperature <- -15
But what about this?
weather_vec <- c("snowy", "cloudy", "snowy", "clear", "rainy")
temperature_vec <- c(-15, -23, -2, -40, 5)
Does the same code work?
if (weather_vec == "snowy" | temperature_vec < -20) {
print("Take the metro!")
} else {
print("Let's walk")
for (i in iterations) {
content of the for loop
More generally:
If statement inside for loops
for (i in iterations) {
if (condition) {
} else {
# Previous statement
if(weather_vec == "snowy" | temperature_vec < -20){
print("Take the metro!")
} else {
print("Just walk")
# Will this work?
3.3 Extras
Some logical operators
less than (<)
more than (>)
less than or equal to (<=)
more than or equal to (>=)
equal to (==)
not equal to (!=)
not x (! x)
x or y (x | y)
x and y (x & y)
4. Functions
4.1 Syntax and arguments
Basic syntax
functionname <- function(argument1, argument2) { # Name and arguments
result = expression # What the function does
return(result) # What the function returns
# Apply on values
# Apply on variables
Calling (personal) functions within functions
4.2 Scope
Variables can exist either in global or local scope.
Remember, the element to return in our function was called `abs_result`.
# What will this return, outside the function?
Here is a second example for ecologists who like to count living things:
# global variables
4.3 Integration
Combining functions and control flow
Let's come back to our previous example about transportation according to the weather.
Here is the forecast for the week and the weekend:
# Week forecast
weather_week <- c("snowy", "cloudy", "snowy", "clear", "rainy")
temperature_week <- c(-15.0, -23.0, -2.0, -40.0, 5.0)
# Weekend forecast
weather_weekend <- c("snowy", "rainy")
temperature_weekend <- c(-3.0, 2.0)
Now, let's build a function that will work with either the week or weekend forecasts.
It will look like:
transportation <- function {
for (all days of the week/weekend) {
if (snowy or cold) {
take metro
} else {
# Plan for the week
# Plan for the weekend
4.4 Exercise - Planning the week
Exercise to integrate the following:
Control flow
Write a function to read a file if it exists, downloading it first if it does not exist.
Apply the
function to the data in the file
# Pseudocode
function (file, url)
if (file exists)
read file
download file
read file
library("R.utils", quietly = TRUE)
# Useful functions
?file.exists # library "R.Utils"
Forecast data url: http://bit.ly/dt-forecast
Default values
# Define function