Bobbi Towers / May 14 2019
1. Zero product property
Find the zeros of the function.
For any two expressions
This is called the zero product property.
In our case,
In SymPy, we can do this:
pip install sympy
import sympy as sp x = sp.Symbol('x') sp.solveset((x - 3)*(2*x - 8))
For our Clojure function, we will take an equation as input represented by a vector [b c]
, which we will assume to be the values of a polynomial in standard form, that is,
(defn root [[b c]] (- (/ c b))) (defn roots [eq1 eq2] [(root eq1) (root eq2)]) (roots [1 -3] [2 -8])
Vector(2) [3, 4]
Solve for
(roots [1 -7] [-4 -2])
Vector(2) [7, Vector(2)]
Find the zeros of the function.
(roots [-5 -1] [2 8])
Vector(2) [Vector(2), -4]
(roots [1 6] [-1 1])
Vector(2) [-6, 1]
2. Graphing quadratics in factored form
What is the vertex of the parabola?
(defn vertex [f1 f2] (let [x (/ (+ (root f1) (root f2)) 2) y (* (+ (* (first f1) x) (last f1)) (+ (* (first f2) x) (last f2)))] [x y])) (vertex [1 -5] [1 1])
Vector(2) [2, -9]
((juxt roots vertex) [1 -2] [1 -6])
Vector(2) [Vector(2), Vector(2)]
((juxt roots vertex) [1 3] [1 7])
Vector(2) [Vector(2), Vector(2)]
Graph the function.
Finding the roots will be the same, as well as finding the vertex's vertex
function that will take another factor
(defn vertex [n f1 f2] (let [x (/ (+ (root f1) (root f2)) 2) y (* n (+ (* (first f1) x) (last f1)) (+ (* (first f2) x) (last f2)))] [x y])) {:vertex (vertex 5/9 [1 9] [1 3]) :roots (roots [1 9] [1 3])}
Map {:vertex: Vector(2), :roots: Vector(2)}
Graph the equation.
{:vertex (vertex2 1/8 [1 -6] [1 2]) :roots (roots [1 -6] [1 2])}
Map {:vertex: Vector(2), :roots: Vector(2)}