Bobbi Towers / Jun 26 2019

Clojure Brave Chapter 7

Anatomy of a Macro

(defmacro infix
  "Use this macro when you pine for the notation of your childhood"
  (list (second infixed) (first infixed) (last infixed)))

(infix (1 + 1))
(macroexpand '(infix (1 + 1)))
List(3) (+, 1, 1)

Building Lists for Evaluation

Distinguishing Symbols and Values

(defmacro my-print
  (list 'let ['result expression]
        (list 'println 'result)

Syntax Quoting

'(+ 1 2)
List(3) (+, 1, 2)
`(+ 1 2)
List(3) (clojure.core/+, 1, 2)
`(+ 1 ~(inc 1))
List(3) (clojure.core/+, 1, 2)
`(+ 1 (inc 1))
List(3) (clojure.core/+, 1, List(2))
(list '+ 1 (inc 1))
List(3) (+, 1, 2)
`(+ 1 ~(inc 1))
List(3) (clojure.core/+, 1, 2)

Using Syntax Quoting in a Macro

(defmacro code-critic
  "Phrases are courtesy Hermes Conrad from Futurama"
  [bad good]
  (list 'do
        (list 'println
              "Great squid of Madrid, this is bad code:"
              (list 'quote bad))
        (list 'println
              "Sweet gorilla of Manila, this is good code:"
              (list 'quote good))))

(code-critic (1 + 1) (+ 1 1))
(defmacro code-critic
  "Phrases are courtesy Hermes Conrad from Futurama"
  [bad good]
  `(do (println "Great squid of Madrid, this is bad code:"
                (quote ~bad))
       (println "Sweet gorilla of Manila, this is good code:"
                (quote ~good))))

Refactoring a Macro and Unquote Splicing

(defn criticize-code
  [criticism code]
  `(println ~criticism (quote ~code)))

(defmacro code-critic
  [bad good]
  `(do ~(criticize-code "Cursed bacteria of Liberia, this is bad code:" bad)
       ~(criticize-code "Sweet sacred boa of Western and Eastern Samoa, this is good code:" good)))
(defmacro code-critic
  [bad good]
  `(do ~(map #(apply criticize-code %)
             [["Great squid of Madrid, this is bad code:" bad]
              ["Sweet gorilla of Manila, this is good code:" good]])))

(code-critic (1 + 1) (+ 1 1))
`(+ ~(list 1 2 3))
List(2) (clojure.core/+, List(3))
`(+ ~@(list 1 2 3))
List(4) (clojure.core/+, 1, 2, 3)
(defmacro code-critic
  [good bad]
  `(do ~@(map #(apply criticize-code %)
              [["Sweet lion of Zion, this is bad code:" bad]
               ["Great cow of Moscow, this is good code:" good]])))

(code-critic (1 + 1) (+ 1 1))

Things to Watch Out For

Variable Capture

(def message "Good job!")
(defmacro with-mischief
  [& stuff-to-do]
  (concat (list 'let ['message "Oh, big deal!"])

  (println "Here's how I feel about that thing you did: " message))
(def message "Good job!")
(defmacro with-mischief
  [& stuff-to-do]
  `(let [message "Oh, big deal!"]

  (println "Here's how I feel about that thing you did: " message))
(defmacro without-mischief
  [& stuff-to-do]
  (let [macro-message (gensym 'message)]
    `(let [~macro-message "Oh, big deal!"]
       (println "I still need to say: " ~macro-message))))

  (println "Here's how I feel about that thing you did: " message))
`(blarg# blarg#)
List(2) (blarg__939__auto__, blarg__939__auto__)
`(let [name# "Larry Potter"] name#)
List(3) (clojure.core/let, Vector(2), name__944__auto__)

Double Evaluation

(defmacro report
  `(if ~to-try
     (println (quote ~to-try) "was successful:" ~to-try)
     (println (quote ~to-try) "was not successful:" ~to-try)))
;; Thread/sleep takes a number of milliseconds to sleep for
(report (do (Thread/sleep 1000) (+ 1 1)))
(if (do (Thread/sleep 1000) (+ 1 1))
  (println '(do (Thread/sleep 1000) (+ 1 1))
           "was successful:"
           (do (Thread/sleep 1000) (+ 1 1)))
  (println '(do (Thread/sleep 1000) (+ 1 1))
           "was not successful:"
           (do (Thread/sleep 1000) (+ 1 1))))
(defmacro report
  `(let [result# ~to-try]
     (if result#
       (println (quote ~to-try) "was successful:" result#)
       (println (quote ~to-try) "was not successful:" result#))))

Macros All the Way Down

(report (= 1 1))
(report (= 1 2))
(doseq [code ['(= 1 1) '(= 1 2)]]
  (report code))
(defmacro doseq-macro
  [macroname & args]
     ~@(map (fn [arg] (list macroname arg)) args)))

(doseq-macro report (= 1 1) (= 1 2))

Validation Functions

(def order-details
  {:name "Mitchard Blimmons"
   :email ""})
(def order-details-validations
   ["Please enter a name" not-empty]

   ["Please enter an email address" not-empty

    "Your email address doesn't look like an email address"
    #(or (empty? %) (re-seq #"@" %))]})
(defn error-messages-for
  "Return a seq of error messages"
  [to-validate message-validator-pairs]
  (map first (filter #(not ((second %) to-validate))
                     (partition 2 message-validator-pairs))))

(error-messages-for "" ["Please enter a name" not-empty])
List(1) ("Please enter a name")
(defn validate
  "Returns a map with a vector of errors for each key"
  [to-validate validations]
  (reduce (fn [errors validation]
            (let [[fieldname validation-check-groups] validation
                  value (get to-validate fieldname)
                  error-messages (error-messages-for value validation-check-groups)]
              (if (empty? error-messages)
                (assoc errors fieldname error-messages))))

(validate order-details order-details-validations)
Map {:email: List(1)}
(defmacro if-valid
  "Handle validation more concisely"
  [to-validate validations errors-name & then-else]
  `(let [~errors-name (validate ~to-validate ~validations)]
     (if (empty? ~errors-name)

 '(if-valid order-details order-details-validations my-error-name
            (println :success)
            (println :failure my-error-name)))
List(3) (let*, Vector(2), List(4))