
Ronneberger et al. (2015) introduced a novel neural network architecture to generate better semantic segmentations (i.e., class label assigend to each pixel) in limited datasets which is a typical challenge in the area of biomedical image processing (see figure below for an example). In essence, their model consists of a U-shaped convolutional neural network (CNN) with skip connections between blocks to capture context information, while allowing for precise localizations. In addition to the network architecture, they describe some data augmentation methods to use available data more efficiently. By the time the paper was published, the proposed architecture won several segmentation challenges in the field of biomedical engineering, outperforming state-of-the-art models by a large margin. Due to its success and efficiency, U-Net has become a standard architecture when it comes to image segmentations tasks even in the non-biomedical area (e.g., image-to-image translation, neural style transfer, Multi-Objetct Network).

Example of a biomedical image segmentation task in which dental x-ray images should be segmented: (a) Raw dental image. (b) Ground truth segmentation, each color represents some class (e.g., red=pulp, blue=caries). Taken from ISBI 2015 Challenge on Computer-Automated Detection of Caries in Bitewing Radiography.

Model Description

U-Net builds upon the ideas of Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) for Semantic Segmentation by Long et al. (2015) who successfully trained FCNs (including convolutional prediction, upsampling layers and skip connections) end-to-end (pixels-to-pixels) on semantic segmentation tasks. U-Net is basically a modified version of the FCN by making the architecture more symmetric, i.e., adding a more powerful expansive path. Ronneberger et al. (2015) argue that this modification yields more precise segmentations due to its capacity to better propagate context information to higher resolution layers.

FCN architecture: The main idea of the FCN architecture is to take a standard classification network (such as VGG-16), discard the final classifier layer, convert fully connected layers into convolutions (i.e., prediction layers) and add skip connections to (some) pooling layers, see figure below. The skip connections consist of a prediction (inline_formula not implemented convolutional layer with channel dimension equal to number of possible classes) and a deconvolutional (upsampling) layer.

Example of FCN Architecture. VGG-16 net is used as feature learning part. Numbers under the cubes indicate the number of output channels. The prediction layer is itself a 1x1 convolutional layer (the final output consists only of 6 possible classes). A final softmax layer is added to output a normalized classification per pixel. Taken from Tai et al. (2017).

U-Net architecture: The main idea of the U-Net architecture is to build an encoder-decoder FCN with skip connections between corresponding blocks, see figure below. The left side of U-Net, i.e., contractive path or encoder, is very similar to the left side of the FC architecture above. The right side of U-Net, i.e., expansive path or decoder, differs due to its number of feature channels and the convolutional + ReLu layers. Note that the input image size is greater than the output segmentation size, i.e., the network only segments the inner part of the imageinline_formula not implemented.

U-Net architecture as proposed by Ronneberger et al. (2015).

Motivation: Semantic segmentation of images can be divided into two tasks

  • Context Information Retrieval: Global information about the different parts of the image, e.g., in a CNN classification network after training there might be some feature representation for nose, eyes and mouth. Depending on the feature combination at hand, the network may classify the image as human or not human.

  • Localization of Context Information: In addition to what, localization ensures where. Semantic segmentation is only possible when content information can be localized. Note: In image classification, we are often not interested in whereinline_formula not implemented.

Long et al. (2015) argue that CNNs during classification tasks must learn useful feature representations, i.e., classification nets are capable to solve the context information retrieval task. Fully connected layers are inappropriate for semantic segmentation as they throw away the principle of localization. These two arguments motivate the use of FCNs that take the feature representation part of classification nets and convert fully connected layers into convolutions. During the contractive path, information gets compressed into coarse appearance/context information. However, in this process the dimensionality of the input is reduced massively. Skip connections are introduced to combine coarse, semantic information of deeper layers with finer, appearance information of early layers. Thereby, the localization task is addressed.

Ronneberger et al. (2015) extend these ideas by essentially increasing the capacity of the decoder path. The symmetric architecture allows to combine low level feature maps (left side, fine information) with high level feature maps (right side, coarse information) more effectively such that context information can be better propagated to higher resolution layers (top right). As a result, more precise segmentations can be retrieved even with few training examples, indicating that the optimization problem is better posed in U-Nets.


Ronneberger et al. (2015) demonstrated U-Net application results for three different segmentation tasks and open-sourced their original U-Net implementation (or rather the ready trained network). The whole training process and data augmentation procedures are not provided (except for overlap-tile segmentation). The following reimplementation aims to give an understanding of the whole paper (data augmentation and training process included), while being as simple as possible. Note that there are lots of open-source U-Net reimplementations out there, however most of them are already modified versions.

EM Dataset

Only the first task of the three different U-Net applications is reimplemented: The segmentation of neuronal structures in electron microscopic (EM) recordings. The training data consists of 30 images (inline_formula not implemented pixels with 8-bit grayscale) from the ventral nerve cord of some species of fruit flies together with the corresponding 30 binary segmentation masks (white pixels for segmented objects, black for the rest), see gif below. The dataset formed part of the 2D EM segmentation challenge at the ISBI 2012 conference. Although the workshop competition is done, the challenge remains open for new contributions. Further details about the data can be found at the ISBI Challenge website, where also the training and test data can be downloaded (after registration).

EM training data. Taken from ISBI Challenge website.

For the sake of simplicity, I open-sourced the dataset in my Datasets github repository. Assuming you cloned the repository, the following function can be used to load the training dataset.

This repo is mounted by: Python Jupyter
from PIL import Image
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
def load_dataset():
    num_img, img_size = 30, 512
    # initialize
    imgs = torch.zeros(num_img, 1, img_size, img_size)
    labels = torch.zeros(num_img, 1, img_size, img_size)
    # fill tensors with data
    for index in range(num_img):
        cur_name = str(index) + '.png'
        img_frame = Image.open('./Datasets/EM_2012/train/image/' + cur_name)
        label_frame = Image.open('./Datasets/EM_2012/train/label/' + cur_name)
        imgs[index] = transforms.ToTensor()(img_frame).type(torch.float32)
        labels[index] = transforms.ToTensor()(label_frame).type(torch.float32)
    return imgs, labels
imgs, labels = load_dataset()
Python Jupyter (Python)

Data Augmentation

Training neural networks on image data typically requires large amounts of data to make the model robust (i.e., avoid overfitting) and accurate (i.e., avoid underfitting). However, data scarcity is a common problem in biomedical segmentation tasks, since labeling is expensive and time consuming. In such cases, data augmentation offers a solution by generating additional data (using plausible transformations) to expand the training dataset. In most image segmentation tasks the function to be learned has some transformation-invariance properties (e.g., translating the input should result in a translated output). The data augmentation applied by Ronneberger et al. (2015) can be divided into four parts:

  • Overlap-tile strategy is used to divide an arbitrary large image into several overlaping parts (each forming an input and label to the training algorithm). Remind that the input to the neural network is greater than the output, in case of the EM dataset the input is even greater than the whole image. Therefore, Ronneberger et al. (2015) expand the images by mirroring at the sides. The overlap-tile strategy is shown below. Depending on the stride (i.e., how much the next rectangle is shifted to the right), the training dataset is enlarged by a factor greater than 4.

Overlap-Tile Strategy for seamless segmentation of arbitrary large images. Blue area depicts input to neural network, yellow area corresponds to the prediction area Missing input is extrapolated by mirror (white lines). The number of tiles depends on the stride length (here stride=124). Image created with visualize_overlap_tile_strategy (code presented at the end of this sections).
  • Affine transformations are mathematically defined as geometric transformations preserving lines and parallelisms, e.g., scaling, translation, rotation, reflection or any mix of them. Ronneberger et al. (2015) state that in case of microscopical image data mainly translation and rotation invariance (as affine transformation invariances) are desired properties of the resulting function. Note that the overlap-tile strategy itself leads to some translation invariance.

Affine transformation visualization. Left side shows input and label data before transformation is applied. Right side shows the corresponding data after random affine transformation (random rotation and shifting). The grid is artificially added to emphasize that image and label are transformed in the same way. Image created with `visualize_data_augmentation` (code presented at the end of this section).
  • Elastic deformations are basically distinct affine transformations for each pixel. The term is probably derived from physics in which an elastic deformation describes a temporary change in shape of an elastic material (due to induced force). The transformation result looks similar to the physics phenomenon, see image below. Ronneberger et al. (2015) noted that elastic deformations seem to be a key concept for successfully training with few samples. A possible reason may be that the model's generalization capabilities improve more by elastic deformations since the resulting images have more variability than with coherent affine transformations.

Elastic deformation visualization. Left side shows input and label data before deformation is applied. Right side shows the corresponding data after deformation. The grid is artificially added to emphasize that image and label are deformed in the same way. Image created with `visualize_data_augmentation` (code presented at the end of this section).

Implementing elastic deformations basically consists of generating random displacement fields, convolving these with a Gaussian filter for smoothening, scaling the result by a predefined factor to control the intensity and then computing the new pixel values for each displacement vector (using interpolation within the old grid), see Best Practices for CNNs by Simard et al. (2003) for more details.

  • Color variations or in this case rather gray value variations in the input image should make the network invariant to small color changes. This can easily be implemented by adding Gaussian noise (other distributions may also be possible) to the input image, see image below.

Gray value variation visualization. Left side shows input image before noise is applied. Right side shows the corresponding data after transformation (segmentation mask does not change). Image created with `visualize_data_augmentation` (code presented at the end of this section).

The whole data augmentation process is put into a self written Pytorch Dataset class, see code below. Note that while this class includes all described transformations (affine transformation, elastic deformation and gray value variation), in the __get_item__ method only elastic_deform is applied to speed up the training processinline_formula not implemented. However, if you want to create a more sophisticated data augmentation process, you can easily add the other transformations in the __get_item__ method.

from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
class EM_Dataset(Dataset):
    """EM Dataset (from ISBI 2012) to train U-Net on including data 
    augmentation as proposed by Ronneberger et al. (2015)
        imgs (tensor): torch tensor containing input images [1, 512, 512]
        labels (tensor): torch tensor containing segmented images [1, 512, 512]
        stride (int): stride that is used for overlap-tile strategy,
            Note: stride must be chosen such that all labels are retrieved
        transformation (bool): transform should be applied (True) or not (False)
    ------- transformation related -------
        probability (float): probability that transformation is applied
        alpha (float): intensity of elastic deformation
        sigma (float): std dev. of Gaussian kernel, i.e., smoothing parameter 
        kernel dim (int): kernel size is [kernel_dim, kernel_dim]
    def __init__(self, imgs, labels, stride, transformation=False, 
                 probability=None, alpha=None, sigma=None, kernel_dim=None):
        assert isinstance(stride, int) and stride <= 124 and \
          round((512-388)/stride) == (512-388)/stride 
        self.orig_imgs = imgs
        self.imgs = EM_Dataset._extrapolate_by_mirroring(imgs)
        self.labels = labels
        self.stride = stride
        self.transformation = transformation
        if transformation:
            assert 0 <= probability <= 1
            self.probability = probability 
            self.alpha = alpha
            self.kernel = EM_Dataset._create_gaussian_kernel(kernel_dim, sigma)
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """images and labels are divided into several overlaping parts using the 
        overlap-tile strategy        
        number_of_tiles_1D = (1 + int((512 - 388)/self.stride))
        number_of_tiles_2D = number_of_tiles_1D**2
        img_index = int(index/number_of_tiles_2D)
        # tile indexes of image
        tile_index = (index % number_of_tiles_2D)
        tile_index_x = (tile_index % number_of_tiles_1D) * self.stride
        tile_index_y = int(tile_index / number_of_tiles_1D) * self.stride
        img = self.imgs[img_index, :,
                        tile_index_y:tile_index_y + 572, 
                        tile_index_x:tile_index_x + 572]
        label = self.labels[img_index, :, 
                            tile_index_y: tile_index_y + 388, 
                            tile_index_x: tile_index_x + 388]
        if self.transformation:
            if np.random.random() > 1 - self.probability:
                img, label = EM_Dataset.elastic_deform(img, label, self.alpha,
        return (img, label)
    def __len__(self):
        number_of_imgs = len(self.imgs)
        number_of_tiles = (1 + int((512 - 388)/self.stride))**2
        return number_of_imgs * number_of_tiles
    def gray_value_variations(image, sigma):
        """applies gray value variations by adding Gaussian noise
            image (torch tensor): extrapolated image tensor [1, 572, 572]
            sigma (float): std. dev. of Gaussian distribution
            image (torch tensor): image tensor w. gray value var. [1, 572, 572]
        # see https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/383976
        noise = torch.randn(image.shape, dtype=torch.float32) * sigma
        return image + noise
    def affine_transform(image, label, angle, translate):
        """applies random affine translations and rotation on image and label 
            image (torch tensor): extrapolated image tensor [1, 572, 572]
            label (torch tensor): label tensor [1, 388, 388]
            angle (float): rotation angle
            translate (list): entries correspond to horizontal and vertical shift
            image (torch tensor): transformed image tensor [1, 572, 572]
            label (torch tensor): transformed label tensor [1, 388, 388]        
        # transform to PIL
        image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image[0])
        label = transforms.ToPILImage()(label[0])
        # apply affine transformation
        image = TF.affine(image, angle=angle, translate=translate, 
                          scale=1, shear=0)
        label = TF.affine(label, angle=angle, translate=translate, 
                          scale=1, shear=0)
        # transform back to tensor
        image = transforms.ToTensor()(np.array(image))
        label = transforms.ToTensor()(np.array(label))
        return image, label
    def elastic_deform(image, label, alpha, gaussian_kernel):
        """apply smooth elastic deformation on image and label data as 
        described in
        [Simard2003] "Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks applied
        to Visual Document Analysis"
            image (torch tensor): extrapolated image tensor [1, 572, 572]
            label (torch tensor): label tensor [1, 388, 388]
            alpha (float): intensity of transformation
            gaussian_kernel (np array): gaussian kernel used for smoothing
            deformed_img (torch tensor): deformed image tensor [1, 572, 572]
            deformed_label (torch tensor): deformed label tensor [1, 388, 388]
        code is adapted from https://github.com/vsvinayak/mnist-helper
        # generate standard coordinate grids
        x_i, y_i = np.meshgrid(np.arange(572), np.arange(572))
        x_l, y_l = np.meshgrid(np.arange(388), np.arange(388))
        # generate random displacement fields (uniform distribution [-1, 1])
        dx = 2*np.random.rand(*x_i.shape) - 1
        dy = 2*np.random.rand(*y_i.shape) - 1
        # smooth by convolving with gaussian kernel 
        dx = alpha * convolve2d(dx, gaussian_kernel, mode='same')
        dy = alpha * convolve2d(dy, gaussian_kernel, mode='same')
        # one dimensional coordinates (neccessary for map_coordinates)
        x_img = np.reshape(x_i + dx, (-1, 1))
        y_img = np.reshape(y_i + dy, (-1, 1))
        x_label = np.reshape(x_l + dx[92:480, 92:480], (-1, 1))
        y_label = np.reshape(y_l + dy[92:480, 92:480], (-1, 1))
        # deformation using map_coordinates interpolation (spline not bicubic)
        deformed_img = map_coordinates(image[0], [y_img, x_img], order=1, 
        deformed_label = map_coordinates(label[0], [y_label, x_label], order=1,
        # reshape into desired shape and cast to tensor
        deformed_img = torch.from_numpy(deformed_img.reshape(image.shape))
        deformed_label = torch.from_numpy(deformed_label.reshape(label.shape))
        return deformed_img, deformed_label
    def _extrapolate_by_mirroring(data):
        """increase data by mirroring (needed for overlap-tile strategy)
            data (torch tensor): shape [num_samples, 1, 512, 512]
            extrapol_data (torch tensor): shape [num_samples, 1, 696, 696]
        num_samples = len(data)
        extrapol_data = torch.zeros(num_samples, 1, 696, 696)
        # put data into center of extrapol data
        extrapol_data[:,:, 92:92+512, 92:92+512] = data
        # mirror left
        extrapol_data[:,:, 92:92+512, 0:92] = data[:,:,:,0:92].flip(3)
        # mirror right
        extrapol_data[:,:, 92:92+512, 92+512::] = data[:,:,:,-92::].flip(3)
        # mirror top
        extrapol_data[:,:, 0:92,:] = extrapol_data[:,:,92:92+92,:].flip(2)
        # mirror buttom
        extrapol_data[:,:, 92+512::,:] = extrapol_data[:,:, 512:512+92,:].flip(2)
        return extrapol_data
    def _create_gaussian_kernel(kernel_dim, sigma):
        """returns a 2D Gaussian kernel with the standard deviation
        denoted by sigma
            kernel_dim (int): kernel size will be [kernel_dim, kernel_dim]
            sigma (float): std dev of Gaussian (smoothing parameter)
            gaussian_kernel (numpy array): centered gaussian kernel
        code is adapted from https://github.com/vsvinayak/mnist-helper
        # check if the dimension is odd
        if kernel_dim % 2 == 0:
            raise ValueError("Kernel dimension should be odd")
        # initialize the kernel
        kernel = np.zeros((kernel_dim, kernel_dim), dtype=np.float16)
        # calculate the center point
        center = kernel_dim/2
        # calculate the variance
        variance = sigma ** 2
        # calculate the normalization coefficeint
        coeff = 1. / (2 * variance)
        # create the kernel
        for x in range(0, kernel_dim):
            for y in range(0, kernel_dim):
                x_val = abs(x - center)
                y_val = abs(y - center)
                numerator = x_val**2 + y_val**2
                denom = 2*variance
                kernel[x,y] = coeff * np.exp(-1. * numerator/denom)
        # normalise it
        return kernel/sum(sum(kernel))
# generate datasets   
stride = 124
whole_dataset = EM_Dataset(imgs, labels, stride=stride, 
                           transformation=True, probability=0.5, alpha=5, 
                           sigma=10, kernel_dim=3)
Python Jupyter (Python)

The visualization functions used to generate the images in this section are provided below:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def visualize_overlap_tile_strategy(dataset, img_index, tile_indexes):
    # compute tiling data
    number_of_tiles_1D = (1 + int((512 - 388)/dataset.stride))
    number_of_tiles_2D = number_of_tiles_1D**2
    # original image [1, 512, 512]
    orig_img = dataset.orig_imgs[img_index]
    # extrapolated image [1, 696, 696]
    extrapol_img = dataset.imgs[img_index]
    # start plotting
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
    # original image 
    plt.subplot(1, len(tile_indexes) + 1, 1)
    plt.imshow(transforms.ToPILImage()(orig_img), cmap='gray')
    plt.title('Original Image')
    # extrapolated image with bounding boxes and mirror lines for tile_indexes
    for index, tile_index in enumerate(tile_indexes):
        plt.subplot(1, len(tile_indexes) + 1, 2 + index)
        plt.imshow(transforms.ToPILImage()(extrapol_img), cmap='gray')
        # calculate tile index x and y 
        tile_ix = (tile_index % number_of_tiles_1D) * dataset.stride
        tile_iy = int(tile_index / number_of_tiles_1D) * dataset.stride
        # add focus of current input tile
        plt.plot([tile_ix, tile_ix + 572, tile_ix + 572, tile_ix, tile_ix], 
                 [tile_iy, tile_iy, tile_iy + 572, tile_iy + 572, tile_iy],
                 'blue', linewidth=2)
        # add focus of current segmentation mask
        tile_ix, tile_iy = tile_ix + 92, tile_iy + 92
        plt.plot([tile_ix, tile_ix + 388, tile_ix + 388, tile_ix, tile_ix], 
                 [tile_iy, tile_iy, tile_iy + 388, tile_iy + 388, tile_iy],
                 'yellow', linewidth=2)
        # add mirror lines
        plt.vlines([92, 604], 0, 696, 'white', linewidth=1)
        plt.hlines([92, 604], 0, 696, 'white', linewidth=1)
        plt.title('Extrapolated Image, Tile '+ str(tile_index + 1) + '/' + 
        plt.xlim(0, 696)
        plt.ylim(696, 0)
def visualize_data_augmentation(dataset, index, show_grid, kind):
    # get untransformed img, label
    dataset.transformation = False
    img, label = dataset[index]
    # copy image (since it may be modified)
    cur_img = img.clone().numpy()
    cur_label = label.clone().numpy()
    if show_grid:
        # modify image to include outer grid (outside of label)
        cur_img[0, 0:91:25] = 10.0
        cur_img[0, 480::25] = 10.0
        cur_img[0, :, 0:91:25] = 10.0
        cur_img[0, :, 480::25] = 10.0
        # modify image to include label grid
        cur_img[0, 92:480:20, 92:480] = -5
        cur_img[0,  92:480, 92:480:20] = -5
        # modify label to include label grid
        cur_label[0, ::20] = -5
        cur_label[0, :, ::20] = -5
    if kind == 'elastic deformation':
        # set transformation
        kernel = EM_Dataset._create_gaussian_kernel(kernel_dim=25, sigma=5)
        alpha = 50
        new_img, new_label = EM_Dataset.elastic_deform(cur_img, cur_label,
                                                       alpha, kernel)
    elif kind == 'affine transformation':
        angle = np.random.randint(-3, 3)
        translate = list(np.random.randint(-3, 3, size=2))
        new_img, new_label = EM_Dataset.affine_transform(cur_img, cur_label,
                                                         angle, translate)
    elif kind == 'gray value variation':
        sigma = 0.2
        new_img = EM_Dataset.gray_value_variations(img, sigma)
        new_label = label
        raise NameError('Unknown `kind`, can only be `elastic deformation`, ' +
                        '`affine transformation` or `gray value variation`')
    # start plotting
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
    plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    plt.title('Before ' + kind)
    plt.imshow(cur_img[0], cmap='gray', aspect='equal', 
               interpolation='gaussian', vmax=1, vmin=0)
    # focus of current segmentation mask
    plt.plot([92, 480, 480, 92, 92], [92, 92, 480, 480, 92],
            'yellow', linewidth=2)
    plt.imshow(cur_label[0], cmap='gray', aspect='equal', 
               interpolation='gaussian', vmax=1, vmin=0)
    plt.title('After ' + kind)
    plt.imshow(new_img[0], cmap='gray', aspect='equal', 
               interpolation='gaussian', vmax=1, vmin=0)
    # focus of current segmentation mask
    plt.plot([92, 480, 480, 92, 92], [92, 92, 480, 480, 92],
            'yellow', linewidth=2)
    plt.imshow(new_label[0], cmap='gray', aspect='equal', 
               interpolation='gaussian', vmax=1, vmin=0)
# generate images in order of appearance
visualize_overlap_tile_strategy(whole_dataset, img_index=0, 
                                tile_indexes=[0, 1])
visualize_data_augmentation(whole_dataset, index=0, show_grid=True, 
                            kind='affine transformation')
visualize_data_augmentation(whole_dataset, index=0, show_grid=True, 
                            kind='elastic deformation')
visualize_data_augmentation(whole_dataset, index=0, show_grid=False, 
                            kind='gray value variation')
Python Jupyter (Python)

Model Implementation

Model implementation can be divided into three tasks:

  • Network Architecture: The model architecture is given in the model description in which one can identify several blocks of two inline_formula not implemented convolutional layers each followed by a ReLU non-linearity (called _block in the implementation). Note that the output of the last prediction layer can be understood as the unnormalized prediction for each class, i.e., inline_formula not implemented where inline_formula not implemented denotes the activation in feature channel inline_formula not implemented (one channel for each class) and the indices inline_formula not implemented describe the pixel position. In order to get normalized probabilities for each pixel inline_formula not implemented, a pixel-wise softmax is applied at the end (last operation in forward), i.e., after this operation the sum of the two output channels equals one for each pixel inline_formula not implemented.

from torch import nn
class Unet(nn.Module):
    """original U-Net architecture proposed by Ronneberger et al. (2015)
        encoder_blocks (list):  four u_net blocks of encoder path
        bottleneck_bock: block that mediates between encoder and decoder
        decoder_blocks (list):  four u_net blocks of decoder path
        cropped_img_size (list): cropped images size in order of encoder blocks 
        up_convs (list): upsampling (transposed convolutional) layers (decoder)
        max_pool: max pool operation used in encoder path
    def __init__(self):
        self.encoder_blocks = nn.ModuleList([
            Unet._block(1, 64),
            Unet._block(64, 128),
            Unet._block(128, 256),
            Unet._block(256, 512)
        self.bottleneck_block = Unet._block(512, 1024)
        self.decoder_blocks = nn.ModuleList([
            Unet._block(1024, 512),
            Unet._block(512, 256),
            Unet._block(256, 128),
            Unet._block(128, 64)
        self.cropped_img_sizes = [392, 200, 104, 56]
        self.up_convs = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(1024, 512, kernel_size=(2,2), stride=2),
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(512, 256, kernel_size=(2,2), stride=2),
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(256, 128, kernel_size=(2,2), stride=2),
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 64, kernel_size=(2,2), stride=2),
        self.max_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2,2))
        self.prediction = nn.Conv2d(64, 2, kernel_size=(1,1), stride=1)
    def forward(self, x):
        # go through encoder path and store cropped images
        cropped_imgs = []
        for index, encoder_block in enumerate(self.encoder_blocks):
            out = encoder_block(x)
            # center crop and add to cropped image list
            cropped_img = Unet._center_crop(out, self.cropped_img_sizes[index])
            # max pool output of encoder block
            x = self.max_pool(out)
        # bottleneck block (no max pool)
        x = self.bottleneck_block(x)  # [batch_size, 1024, 28, 28]
        # go through decoder path with stored cropped images
        for index, decoder_block in enumerate(self.decoder_blocks):
            x = self.up_convs[index](x)
            # concatenate x and cropped img along channel dimension
            x = torch.cat((cropped_imgs[-1-index], x), 1)
            # feed through decoder_block
            x = decoder_block(x)
        # feed through prediction layer [batch_size, 2, 388, 388]
        x_pred_unnormalized = self.prediction(x)
        # normalize prediction for each pixel
        x_pred = torch.softmax(x_pred_unnormalized, 1)
        return x_pred
    def _center_crop(x, new_size):
        """center croping of a square input tensor
            x: input tensor shape [batch_size, channels, resolution, resolution]
            new_size: the desired output resolution (taking center of input)
            x_cropped: tensor shape [batch_size, channels, new_size, new_size]
        img_size = x.shape[-1]
        i_start = int((img_size - new_size)/2)
        i_end = int((img_size + new_size)/2)
        x_cropped = x[:, :, i_start:i_end, i_start:i_end]
        return x_cropped
    def _block(in_channels, out_channels):
        """block for use in U-Net architecture,
        consists of two conv 3x3, ReLU layers
            in_channels: number of input channels for first convolution
            out_channels: number of output channels for both convolutions
            u_net_block: Sequential U net block
        conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=(3,3),
                          stride=1, padding=0)
        conv2 = nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=(3,3), 
                          stride=1, padding=0)
        N_1, N_2 = 9*in_channels, 9*out_channels
        # initialize by drawing weights from Gaussian distribution
        conv1.weight.data.normal_(mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2/N_1))
        conv2.weight.data.normal_(mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2/N_2))
        # define u_net_block
        u_net_block = nn.Sequential(
        return u_net_block
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  • Loss Function: Since the segmentation labels are clearly imbalanced (much more white pixels than black pixels), Ronneberger et al. (2015) use the weighted cross entropy as the loss function (which they term energy function)

    formula not implemented

    where inline_formula not implemented denotes the input image, inline_formula not implemented the corresponding segmentation mask, inline_formula not implemented the groundtruth probability for each class inline_formula not implemented, inline_formula not implemented denotes the inline_formula not implemented-th channel output of the network parameterized by inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented is a introduced weight map (computed via the segmentation mask inline_formula not implemented) to give some pixels more importance during training. Accordingly, the loss function can be interpreted as penalizing the deviation from 1 for each true class output pixel weighted by the corresponding entry of the weight map.

    Weight Map: To compensate for the imbalance between separation borders and segmented objectinline_formula not implemented, Ronneberger et al. (2015) introduce the following weight map

    formula not implemented

    where the first term reweights each pixel of the minority class (i.e., black pixels) to balance the class frequencies. In the second term inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented denote the distance to the border of the nearest and second nearest cell, respectively. inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented are predefined hyperparameters. Thus, the second term can be understood as putting additional weight to smaller borders, see code and image below.

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from skimage import measure
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt
from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
def compute_weight_map(label_mask, w_0, sigma, plot=False):
    """compute weight map for each ground truth segmentation to compensate
    for the different class frequencies and to put additional
    emphasis on small borders as proposed by Ronneberger et al.
        label mask (torch tensor): true segment. masks [batch_size, 1, 388, 388]
        w_0 (float): hyperparameter in second term of weight map
        sigma (float): hyperparameter in second term of weight map
        weight_map (torch tensor): computed weight map [batch_size, 1, 388, 388]
    batch_size = label_mask.shape[0]
    weight_map = torch.zeros_like(label_mask)
    for i in range(batch_size):
        # compute w_c to balance class frequencies
        w_c = label_mask[i][0].clone()
        class_freq_0 = (label_mask[i]==0).sum().item()
        class_freq_1 = (label_mask[i]==1).sum().item()
        w_c[label_mask[i][0]==0] = class_freq_1 / class_freq_0
        # d_1, d_2, i.e., euclid. dist. to border of (1st/2nd) closest cell
        d_1 = np.zeros(label_mask[i][0].shape)
        d_2 = np.zeros(label_mask[i][0].shape)
        # distinguish all cells (connected components of ones)
        all_cells = measure.label(label_mask[i][0], background=0, connectivity=2)
        num_cells = np.max(all_cells)
        # initialize distances for all cells 
        dists = np.zeros([num_cells, d_2.shape[0], d_2.shape[1]])
        # iterate over all zero components
        for index, i_cell in enumerate(range(1, num_cells + 1)):
            # cell segmentation (segmented cell 1, rest 0)
            cell_segmentation = all_cells==i_cell
            # find boundary (boundary 1, rest 0)
            boundary = find_boundaries(cell_segmentation, mode='inner')
            # compute distance to boundary (set boundary 0, rest -1)
            bound_dists = distance_transform_edt(1 - boundary)
            dists[index] = bound_dists
        # sort dists along first axis (each pixel)
        d_1 = dists[0]
        d_2 = dists[1]
        w = w_c + w_0 * np.exp(- (d_1 + d_2)**2/(2*sigma**2))
        # save w to weight map
        weight_map[i, 0] = w
        # visualize weight map
        if plot and i==0:
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 14))
            ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
            plt.title('Segmenation Mask')
            plt.imshow(label_mask[0, 0], cmap='gray')
            divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
            cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
            ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
            plt.imshow(w_c, cmap='jet')
            divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
            cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
            ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
            plt.imshow(w, cmap='jet')
            divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
            cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
    return weight_map
img, label_mask = whole_dataset[0]
weight_map = compute_weight_map(label_mask.unsqueeze(0), w_0=10, sigma=5, 
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  • Training Procedure: A simple SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) optimizer with a high momentum (0.99) and a batch_size of 1 are choosen for training as proposed by Ronneberger et al. (2015), see code below. Note that we take the mean instead of the sum in the loss function calculation to avoid overflow (i.e., nans). This will only change the strength of a gradient step (which can be adjusted by the learning rate), but not its direction.

from livelossplot import PlotLosses
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
def train(u_net, dataset, epochs):
    device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
    # hyperparameters weight map
    w_0, sigma = 10, 5
    print('Device: {}'.format(device))
    data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(u_net.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.99)
    losses_plot = PlotLosses()
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        avg_loss = 0
        for counter, (imgs, label_masks) in enumerate(data_loader):
            # retrieve predictions of u_net [batch, 2, 388, 388]
            pred_masks = u_net(imgs.to(device))
            # compute weight map
            weight_map = compute_weight_map(label_masks, w_0, sigma).to(device)
            # put label_masks to device
            label_masks = label_masks.to(device)
            # compute weighted binary cross entropy loss
            loss = -(weight_map*
                     (pred_masks[:, 0:1].log() * label_masks +
                      pred_masks[:, 1:2].log() * (1 - label_masks))
            avg_loss += loss.item() / len(dataset)
            losses_plot.update({'current weighted loss': loss.item()},
                              current_step=epoch + counter/len(data_loader))
        losses_plot.update({'avg weighted loss': avg_loss}, 
                          current_step=epoch + 1)
    trained_u_net = u_net
    return trained_u_net
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Beware: Training for 30 epochs (i.e., the code below) takes about 2 hours with a NVIDIA Tesla K80 as GPU. The loss plot (see below avg weighted loss) indicates that training for more epochs might improve the model even moreinline_formula not implemented. For people who are interested in using the model without waiting for 2 hours, I stored a trained version (set do_train=False).

u_net = Unet()
epochs = 30
# all image indexes
idx = np.arange(30)
# random inplace shuffling of indexes
# split data into training and test data
train_imgs, train_labels = imgs[idx[0:25]], labels[idx[0:25]]
test_imgs, test_labels = imgs[idx[25:]], labels[idx[25:]]
# generate datasets   
stride = 124
train_dataset = EM_Dataset(train_imgs, train_labels, stride=stride, 
                           transformation=True, probability=0.7, alpha=50, 
                           sigma=5, kernel_dim=25)
test_dataset = EM_Dataset(test_imgs, test_labels, stride=stride, 
# modify this if model should be loaded
do_train, save = True, True
if do_train:
    trained_u_net = train(u_net, train_dataset, epochs)
    if save:
        torch.save(trained_u_net, '/results/trained_u_net.pth')
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124.17 MB
trained_u_net = torch.load(
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Let's look at some image segmentations generated by the trained model on the unseen test set:

def visualize_results(trained_u_net, test_dataset, num_test_images=None):
    device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
    # take random tile from each test image
    num_tiles = (1 + int((512 - 388)/test_dataset.stride))**2
    num_images = int(len(test_dataset) / num_tiles)
    if num_test_images:
        # number of images < number of images in test set
        num_images = min(num_test_images, num_images)
    random_tile_idx = np.random.choice(range(num_tiles), num_images, 
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(num_images*6, 10))
    # annotation plots
    ax = plt.subplot(3, num_images + 1, 1)
    ax.annotate('cell image\n(input)', xy=(1, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction',
                 fontsize=14, va='center', ha='right')
    ax = plt.subplot(3, num_images + 1, num_images + 2)
    ax.annotate('true segmentation\n(label)', xy=(1, 0.5), 
                xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, va='center', ha='right')
    ax = plt.subplot(3, num_images + 1, 2*(num_images + 1) + 1)
    ax.annotate('U-net prediction', xy=(1, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction',
                 fontsize=14, va='center', ha='right')
    # image, label, predicted label plots
    for index in range(num_images):
        img, label = test_dataset[index*num_tiles + random_tile_idx[index]]
        label_pred = u_net(img.unsqueeze(0).to(device)).squeeze(0)[0] > 0.5
        # plot original image
        plt.subplot(3, num_images + 1, index + 2)
        plt.imshow(transforms.ToPILImage()(img), cmap='gray')
        plt.plot([92, 480, 480, 92, 92], [92, 92, 480, 480, 92],
                 'yellow', linewidth=2)
        # plot original segmentation mask
        plt.subplot(3, num_images + 1, index + num_images + 3)
        plt.imshow(transforms.ToPILImage()(label), cmap='gray')
        # plot prediction segmentation mask
        plt.subplot(3, num_images + 1, index + 2*(num_images + 1) + 2)
        plt.imshow(label_pred.detach().cpu().numpy(), cmap='gray')
visualize_results(trained_u_net, test_dataset, num_test_images=3)
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The predictions are pretty decent, though far from perfect. Bear in mind, that our model had only 25 example images to learn from and that training for more epochs might have led to even better predictions.


[1]: A greater input image than output segmentation size makes sense since the network has no information about the surrounding of the input image.

[2]: Actually, CNNs should put more emphasis on the where or rather the local relation between context information, see Geoffrey Hinton's comment about pooling.

[3]: The implementation intends to be easily understandable, while keeping the computational resources low. Thus, it is not aimed to generate the best training results or model performance.

[4]: Since the separation borders are much smaller than the segmented objects, the network could be trapped into merging touching objects without being penalized enough.

Runtimes (1)