Attend-Infer-Repeat (AIR)

Eslami et al. (2016) introduce the Attend-Infer-Repeat (AIR) framework as an end-to-end trainable generative model capable of decomposing multi-object scenes into its constituent objects in an unsupervised learning setting. AIR builds upon the inductive bias that real-world scenes can be understood as a composition of (locally) self-contained objects. Therefore, AIR uses a structured probabilistic model whose parameters are obtained by inference/optimization. As the name suggests, the image decomposition process can be abstracted into three steps:

  • Attend: Firstly, the model uses a Spatial Transformer (ST) to focus on a specific region of the image, i.e., crop the image.

  • Infer: Secondly, the cropped image is encoded by a Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE). Note the same VAE is used for every cropped image.

  • Repeat: Lastly, these steps are repreated until the full image is described or the maximum number of repetitions is reached.

Notably, the model can handle a variable number of objects (upper-bounded) by treating inference as an iterative process. As a proof of concept, they show that AIR could successfully learn to decompose multi-object scenes in multiple datasets (multiple MNIST, Sprites, Omniglot, 3D scenes).

Paper Results. Taken from this presentation. Note that the aim of unsupervised representation learning is to obtain good representations rather than perfect reconstructions.

Model Description

AIR is a rather sophisticated framework with some non-trivial subtleties. For the sake of clarity, the following description is organized as follows: Firstly, a high-level overview of the main ideas is given. Secondly, the transition from these ideas into a mathematical formulation (ignoring difficulties) is described. Lastly, the main difficulties are highlighted and how Eslami et al. (2016) proposed to tackle them.

High-Level Overview

In essence, the model can be understood as a special VAE architecture in which an image inline_formula not implemented is encoded to some kind of latent distribution from which we sample the latent representation inline_formula not implemented which then can be decoded into an reconstructed image inline_formula not implemented, see image below. The main idea by Eslami et al. (2016) consists of imposing additional structure in the model using the inductive bias that real-world scenes can often be approximated as multi-object scenes, i.e., compositions of several (variable number) objects. Additionally, they assume that all of these objects live in the same domain, i.e., each object is an instantiation from the same class.

Standard VAE Architecture. AIR can be understood as a modified VAE architecture.

To this end, Eslami et al. (2016) replace the encoder with an recurrent, variable-length inference network to obtain a group-structured latent representation. Each group inline_formula not implemented should ideally correspond to one object where the entries can be understood as the compressed attributes of that object (e.g., type, appearance, pose). The main purpose of the inference network is to explain the whole scene by iteratively updating what remains to be explained, i.e., each step is conditioned on the image and on its knowledge of previously explained objects, see image below. Since they assume that each object lives in the same domain, the decoder is applied group-wise, i.e., each vector inline_formula not implemented is fed through the same decoder network, see image below.

Eslami et al. (2016) put additional structure to the model by dividing the latent space of each object into what, where and pres. As the names suggest, inline_formula not implemented corresponds to the objects appearance, while inline_formula not implemented gives information about the position and scale. inline_formula not implemented is a binary variable describing whether an object is present, it is rather a helper variable to allow for a variable number of objects to be detected (going to be explained in the Difficulties section).

To disentangle whatfrom where, the inference network extracts attentions crops inline_formula not implemented of the image inline_formula not implemented based on a three-dimensional vector inline_formula not implemented which specifies the affine parameters inline_formula not implemented of the attention transformation. These attention crops are then put through a standard VAE to encode the latent what-vector inline_formula not implemented. Note that each attention crop is put through the same VAE, thereby consistency between compressed object attributes is achieved (i.e., each object is an instantiation of the same class).

On the decoder side, the reconstructed attention crop inline_formula not implemented is transformed to inline_formula not implemented using the information from inline_formula not implemented. inline_formula not implemented can be understood as a reconstructed image of the inline_formula not implemented-th object in the original image inline_formula not implemented. Note that inline_formula not implemented is used to decide whether the contribution of inline_formula not implemented is added to the otherwise empty canvas inline_formula not implemented.

The schematic below summarizes the whole AIR architecture.

Schematic of AIR

Creation of Attention Crops and Inverse Transformation: As stated before, a Spatial Transformer (ST) module is used to produce the attention crops using a standard attention transformation. Remind that this means that the regular grid inline_formula not implemented defined on the output is transformed into a new sampling grid inline_formula not implemented defined on the input. The latent vector inline_formula not implemented can be used to build the attention transformation matrix, i.e.,

formula not implemented

This is nothing new, but how do we map the reconstructed attention crop inline_formula not implemented back to the original image space, i.e., how can we produce inline_formula not implemented from inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented? The answer is pretty simple, we use the (pseudo)inverse of the formerly defined attention transformation matrix, i.e.,

formula not implemented

where inline_formula not implemented denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse of inline_formula not implemented, and the regular grid inline_formula not implemented is now defined on the original image space. Below is a self-written interactive visualization where inline_formula not implemented. It shows nicely that the whole process can abstractly be understood as cutting of a crop from the original image and placing the reconstructed version with the inverse scaling and shifting on an otherwise empty (black) canvas. The code and visualization can be found here.

Interactive Transformation Visualization

Mathematical Model

While the former model description gave an overview about the inner workings and ideas of AIR, the following section introduces the probabilistic model over which AIR operates. Similar to the VAE paper by Kingma and Welling (2013), Eslami et al. (2016) introduce a modeling assumption for the generative process and use a variational approximation for the true posterior of that process to allow for joint optimization of the inference (encoder) and generator (decoder) parameters.

In contrast to standard VAEs, the modeling assumption for the generative process is more structured in AIR, see image below. It assumes that:

  1. The number of objects inline_formula not implemented is sampled from some discrete prior distribution inline_formula not implemented (e.g., geometric distribution) with maximum value inline_formula not implemented.

  2. The latent scene descriptor inline_formula not implemented (length depends on sampled inline_formula not implemented) is sampled from a scene model inline_formula not implemented, , where each vector inline_formula not implemented describes the attributes of one object in the scene. Furthermore, Eslami et al. (2016) assume that inline_formula not implemented are independent for each possible inline_formula not implemented, i.e., inline_formula not implemented.

  3. inline_formula not implemented is generated by sampling from the conditional distribution inline_formula not implemented.

As a result, the marginal likelihood of an image given the generative model parameters can be stated as follows

formula not implemented

Generative Model VAE vs AIR

Learning by optimizing the ELBO: Since the integral is intractable for most models, Eslami et al. (2016) introduce an amortized variational approximation inline_formula not implemented for the true posterior inline_formula not implemented. From here on, the steps are very similar to the VAE paper by Kingma and Welling (2013): The objective of minimizing the KL divergence between the parameterized variational approximation (using a neural network) and the true (but unknown) posterior inline_formula not implemented is approximated by maximizing the evidence lower bound (ELBO):

formula not implemented

where inline_formula not implemented is a parameterized probabilistic decoder (using a neural network) and inline_formula not implemented is prior on the joint probability of inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented that we need to define a priori. As a result, the optimal parameters inline_formula not implemented, inline_formula not implemented can be learnt jointly by optimizing (maximizing) the ELBO.


In the former explanation, it was assummed that we could easily define some parameterized probabilistic encoder inline_formula not implemented and decoder inline_formula not implemented using neural networks. However, there are some obstacles in our way:

  • How can we infer a variable number of objects inline_formula not implemented? Actually, we would need to evaluate inline_formula not implemented for all inline_formula not implemented and then sample from the resulting distribution.

  • The number of objects inline_formula not implemented is clearly a discrete variable. How can we backprograte if we sample from a discrete distribution?

  • What priors should we choose? Especially, the prior for the number of objects in a scene inline_formula not implemented is unclear.

  • What the first or second object in a scene constitutes is somewhat arbitrary. As a result, object assigments inline_formula not implemented should be exchangeable and the decoder inline_formula not implemented should be permutation invariant in terms of inline_formula not implemented. Thus, the latent representation needs to preserve some strong symmetries.

Eslami et al. (2016) tackle these challenges by defining inference as an iterative process using a recurrent neural network (RNN) that is run for inline_formula not implemented steps (maximum number of objects). As a result, the number of objects inline_formula not implemented can be encoded in the latent distribution by defining the approximated posterior as follows

formula not implemented

where inline_formula not implemented is an introduced binary variable sampled from a Bernoulli distribution inline_formula not implemented whose probability inline_formula not implemented is predicted at each iteration step. Whenever inline_formula not implemented the inference process stops and no more objects can be described, i.e., we enforce inline_formula not implemented for all subsequent steps such that the vector inline_formula not implemented looks as follows

formula not implemented

Thus, inline_formula not implemented may be understood as an interruption variable. Recurrence is required to avoid explaining the same object twice.

Backpropagation for Discrete Variables: While we can easily draw samples from a Bernoulli distribution inline_formula not implemented, backpropagation turns out to be problematic. Remind that for continuous variables such as Gaussian distributions parameterized by mean and variance (e.g., inline_formula not implemented, inline_formula not implemented) there is the reparameterization trick to circumvent this problem. However, any reparameterization of discrete variables includes discontinuous operations through which we cannot backprograte. Thus, Eslami et al. (2016) use a variant of the score-function estimator as a gradient estimator. More precisely, the reconstruction accuracy gradient w.r.t. inline_formula not implemented is approximated by the score-function estimator, i.e.,

formula not implemented

Eslami et al. (2016) note that in this raw form the gradient estimate is likely to have high variance. To reduce variance, they use appropriately structured neural baselines citing a paper from Minh and Gregor, 2014. Without going into too much detail, appropriately structured neural baselines build upon the idea of variance reduction in score function estimators by introducing a scalar baseline inline_formula not implemented as follows

formula not implemented

Minh and Gregor, 2014 propose to use a data-dependent neural baseline inline_formula not implemented that is trained to match its target inline_formula not implemented. For further reading, pyro's SVI part III is a good starting point.

Prior Distributions: Before we take a closer look on the prior distribution, it will be helpful to rewrite the regularization term

formula not implemented

Note that we assume that each inline_formula not implemented is sampled independently from their respective distribution such that products could equally be rewritten as concatenated vectors. Clearly, there are three different prior distributions that we need to define in advance:

  • inline_formula not implemented: A centerd isotropic Gaussian prior is a typical choice in standard VAEs and has proven to be effective. Remind that the what-VAE should ideally receive patches of standard MNIST digits.

  • inline_formula not implemented: In this distribution, we can encode prior knowledge about the objects locality, i.e., average size and location of objects and their standard deviations.

  • inline_formula not implemented: Eslami et al. (2016) used an annealing geometric distribution as a prior on the number of objects, i.e., the success probability decreases from a value close to 1 to some small value close to 0 during the course of the training. The intuitive idea behind this process is to encourage the model to explore the use of objects (in the initial phase), and then to constrain the model to use as few objects as possible (trade-off between number of objects and reconstruction accuracy).

    For simplicity, we use a fixed Bernoulli distribution for each step as suggested in the pyro tutorial with inline_formula not implemented, i.e., we will constrain the number of objects from the beginning. To encourage the model to use objects we initialize the what-decoder to produce empty scenes such that things do not get much worse in terms of reconstruction accuracy when objects are used (also inspired by pyro).


The following reimplementation aims to reproduce the results of the multi-MNIST experiment, see image below. We will make some adaptations inspired by this pyro tutorial and this pytorch reimplementation from Andrea Dittadi. As a result, the following reimplementation receives a huge speed up in terms of convergence time and can be trained in less than 10 minutes on a Nvidia Tesla K80 (compared to 2 days on a Nvidia Quadro K4000 GPU by Eslami et al. (2016)).

As noted by Eslami et al. (2016), their model successfully learned to count the number of digits and their location in each image (i.e., appropriate attention windows) without any supervision. Furthermore, the scanning policy of the inference network (i.e., object assignment policy) converges to spatially divided regions where the direction of the spatial border seems to be random (dependent on random initialization). Lastly, the model also learned that it never needs to assign a third object (all images in the training dataset contained a maximum of two digits).

Paper Results of Multi-MNIST Experiment.

Eslami et al. (2016) argue that the the structure of AIR puts an important inductive bias onto explaining multi-object scenes by using two adversaries:

  • AIR wants to explain the scene, i.e., the reconstruction error should be minimized.

  • AIR is penalized for each instantiated object due to the KL divergence. Furthermore, the what-VAE puts an additional prior of instantiating similar objects.

Multi-MNIST Dataset

The multi-MNIST datasets consists of inline_formula not implemented gray-scale images containing zero, one or two non-overlapping random MNIST digits with equal probability, see image below. This dataset can easily be generated by taking a blank $50 \times 50$ canvas and positioning a random number of digits (drawn uniformly from MNIST dataset) onto it. To ensure that MNIST digits (inline_formula not implemented) will not overlap, we scale them to inline_formula not implemented and then position them such that the centers of two MNIST digits do not overlap. Note that some small overlap may occur which we simply accept. At the same time, we record the number of digits in each generated image to measure the count accuracy during training.

import torch
import numpy as np
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from import TensorDataset
CANVAS_SIZE = 50                # canvas in which 0/1/2 MNIST digits are put
MNIST_SIZE = 24                 # size of original MNIST digits (resized)
def generate_dataset(num_images, SEED=1):
    """generates multiple MNIST dataset with 0, 1 or 2 non-overlaping digits
        num_images (int): number of images inside dataset
        multiple_MNIST (torch dataset)
    data = torch.zeros([num_images, 1, CANVAS_SIZE, CANVAS_SIZE])
    original_MNIST = datasets.MNIST('/data', train=True, download=True,
          transforms.Resize(size=(MNIST_SIZE, MNIST_SIZE)),
    # sample random digits and positions
    pos_positions = np.arange(int(MNIST_SIZE/2),CANVAS_SIZE - int(MNIST_SIZE/2))
    mnist_indices = np.random.randint(len(original_MNIST), size=(num_images, 2))
    num_digits = np.random.randint(3, size=(num_images))
    positions_0 = np.random.choice(pos_positions, size=(num_images, 2),
    for i_data in range(num_images):
        if num_digits[i_data] > 0:
            # add random digit at random position
            random_digit = original_MNIST[mnist_indices[i_data][0]][0]
            x_0, y_0 = positions_0[i_data][0], positions_0[i_data][1]
            x = [x_0-int(MNIST_SIZE/2), x_0+int(MNIST_SIZE/2)]
            y = [y_0-int(MNIST_SIZE/2), y_0+int(MNIST_SIZE/2)]
            data[i_data,:,y[0]:y[1],x[0]:x[1]] += random_digit
            if num_digits[i_data] == 2:
                # add second non overlaping random digit
                random_digit = original_MNIST[mnist_indices[i_data][1]][0]
                impos_x_pos = np.arange(x_0-int(MNIST_SIZE/2),
                impos_y_pos = np.arange(y_0-int(MNIST_SIZE/2),
                x_1 = np.random.choice(np.setdiff1d(pos_positions, impos_x_pos),
                y_1 = np.random.choice(np.setdiff1d(pos_positions, impos_y_pos),
                x = [x_1-int(MNIST_SIZE/2), x_1+int(MNIST_SIZE/2)]
                y = [y_1-int(MNIST_SIZE/2), y_1+int(MNIST_SIZE/2)]
                data[i_data,:,y[0]:y[1],x[0]:x[1]] += random_digit
    labels = torch.from_numpy(num_digits)
    return TensorDataset(data.type(torch.float32), labels)
train_dataset = generate_dataset(num_images=1000)

Model Implementation

For the sake of clarity, the model implementation is divided into its constitutive parts:

  • what-VAE implementation: The what-VAE can be implemented as an independent class that receives an image patch (crop) and outputs its reconstruction as well as its latent distribution parameters. Note that we could also compute the KL divergence and reconstruction error within that class, however we will put the whole loss computation in another function to have everything in one place. As shown in a previous summary, two fully connected layers with ReLU non-linearity in between suffice for decent reconstructions of MNIST digits.

    We have additional prior knowledge about the output distribution: It should only be between 0 and 1. It is always useful to put as much prior knowledge as possible into the architecture, but how to achieve this?

    • Clamping: The most intuitive idea would be to simply clamp the network outputs, however this is a bad idea as gradients wont propagate if the outputs are outside of the clamped region.

    • Network Initialization: Another approach would be to simply initialize the weights and biases of the output layer to zero such that further updates push the outputs into the positive direction. However, as the reconstruction of the whole image in AIR is a sum over multiple reconstructions, this turns out to be a bad idea as well. I tried it and the what-VAE produces negative outputs which it compensates with another object that has outputs greater than 1.

    • Sigmoid Layer: This is a typical choice in classification problems and is commonly used in VAEs when the decoder approximates a Bernoulli distribution. However, it should be noted that using MSE loss (Gaussian decoder distribution) with a sigmoid is generally not advised due to the vanishing/saturating gradients (explained here).

      On the other hand, using a Bernoulli distribution for the reconstruction of the whole image (sum over multiple reconstruction) comes with additional problems, e.g., numerical instabilities due to empty canvas (binary cross entropy can not be computed when probabilties are exactly 0) and due to clamping (as the sum over multiple bernoulli means could easily overshoot 1). While there might be some workarounds, I decided to take the easier path: A sigmoid layer with MSE loss.

      To avoid vanishing gradients, we use a small variance for the Gaussian decoder (i.e., scale the nll loss by some hyperparameter which is the inverse of the fixed variance). Furthermore, the decoder is initialized to generate mostly empty objects to encourage the model to use objects. This is done by adding SIGMOID_BIAS to the input of the sigmoid layer as suggested in here.

from torch import nn
WINDOW_SIZE = MNIST_SIZE        # patch size (in one dimension) of what-VAE
Z_WHAT_HIDDEN_DIM = 400         # hidden dimension of what-VAE
Z_WHAT_DIM = 20                 # latent dimension of what-VAE
SIGMOID_BIAS = -3.              # bias to encourage objects use
FIXED_VAR = 0.6**2              # fixed variance of Gaussian decoder
class VAE(nn.Module):
    """simple VAE class with a Gaussian encoder (mean and diagonal variance
    structure) and a Gaussian decoder with fixed variance
        encoder (nn.Sequential): encoder network for mean and log_var
        decoder (nn.Sequential): decoder network for mean (fixed var)
    def __init__(self):
        super(VAE, self).__init__()
        self.encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(WINDOW_SIZE**2, Z_WHAT_HIDDEN_DIM),
            nn.Linear(Z_WHAT_HIDDEN_DIM, Z_WHAT_DIM*2),
        self.decoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(Z_WHAT_DIM, Z_WHAT_HIDDEN_DIM),
            nn.Linear(Z_WHAT_HIDDEN_DIM, WINDOW_SIZE**2),
        self.bias = SIGMOID_BIAS
    def forward(self, x_att_i):
        z_what_i, mu_E_i, log_var_E_i = self.encode(x_att_i)
        x_tilde_att_i = self.decode(z_what_i)
        return x_tilde_att_i, z_what_i, mu_E_i, log_var_E_i
    def encode(self, x_att_i):
        batch_size = x_att_i.shape[0]
        # get encoder distribution parameters
        out_encoder = self.encoder(x_att_i.view(batch_size, -1))
        mu_E_i, log_var_E_i = torch.chunk(out_encoder, 2, dim=1)
        # sample noise variable for each batch
        epsilon = torch.randn_like(log_var_E_i)
        # get latent variable by reparametrization trick
        z_what_i = mu_E_i + torch.exp(0.5*log_var_E_i) * epsilon
        return z_what_i, mu_E_i, log_var_E_i
    def decode(self, z_what_i):
        # get decoder distribution parameters
        x_tilde_att_i = self.decoder(z_what_i)
        x_tilde_att_i = torch.sigmoid(x_tilde_att_i + self.bias)
        # reshape to [1, WINDOW_SIZE, WINDOW_SIZE] (input shape)
        x_tilde_att_i = x_tilde_att_i.view(-1, 1, WINDOW_SIZE, WINDOW_SIZE)
        return x_tilde_att_i
  • Recurrent Inference Network: Eslami et al. (2016) used a standard recurrent neural network (RNN) which in each step inline_formula not implemented computes

    formula not implemented

    i.e., the distribution parameters of inline_formula not implemented and inline_formula not implemented, and the next hidden state inline_formula not implemented. They did not provide any specifics about the network architecture, however in my experiments it turned out that a simple 3 layer (fully-connected) network suffices for this task.

    To speed up convergence, we initialize useful distribution parameters:

    • inline_formula not implemented: This encourages AIR to use objects in the beginning of training.

    • inline_formula not implemented: This leads to a center crop with (approximate) size of the inserted digits.

    • inline_formula not implemented: Start with low variance.

    Note: We use a very similar recurrent network architecture for the neural baseline model (to predict the negative log-likelihood), see code below.

Z_PRES_DIM = 1                      # latent dimension of z_pres
Z_WHERE_DIM = 3                     # latent dimension of z_where
RNN_HIDDEN_STATE_DIM = 256          # hidden state dimension of RNN
P_PRES_INIT = [2.]                  # initialization p_pres (sigmoid -> 0.8)
MU_WHERE_INIT = [3.0, 0., 0.]       # initialization z_where mean
LOG_VAR_WHERE_INIT = [-3.,-3.,-3.]  # initialization z_where log var
class RNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, baseline_net=False):
        super(RNN, self).__init__()
        self.baseline_net = baseline_net
        if baseline_net:
        output_layer = nn.Linear(RNN_HIDDEN_STATE_DIM, OUTPUT_SIZE)
        self.fc_rnn = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(INPUT_SIZE, RNN_HIDDEN_STATE_DIM),
        if not baseline_net:            
            # initialize distribution parameters
  [0:7] = nn.Parameter(
                torch.zeros(Z_PRES_DIM+2*Z_WHERE_DIM, RNN_HIDDEN_STATE_DIM)
  [0:7] = nn.Parameter(
                torch.tensor(P_PRES_INIT + MU_WHERE_INIT + LOG_VAR_WHERE_INIT)
    def forward(self, x, z_im1, h_im1):
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        rnn_input =, -1), z_im1, h_im1), dim=1)
        rnn_output = self.fc_rnn(rnn_input)
        if self.baseline_net:
            baseline_value_i = rnn_output[:, 0:1]
            h_i = rnn_output[:, 1::]
            return baseline_value_i, h_i
            omega_i = rnn_output[:, 0:(Z_PRES_DIM+2*Z_WHERE_DIM)]
            h_i = rnn_output[:, (Z_PRES_DIM+2*Z_WHERE_DIM)::]
            # omega_i[:, 0] corresponds to z_pres probability
            omega_i[:, 0] = torch.sigmoid(omega_i[:, 0])
            return omega_i, h_i
  • AIR Implementation: The whole AIR model is obtained by putting everything together. To better understand what's happening, let's take a closer look on the two main functions:

    • forward(x): This function essentially does what is described in High-Level Overview. Its purpose is to obtain a structured latent representation inline_formula not implemented for a given input (batch of images) inline_formula not implemented and to collect everything needed to compute the loss.

    • compute_loss(x): This function is only necessary for training. It computes four loss quantities:

      • KL Divergence: As noted above the KL divergence term can be computed by summing the KL divergences of each type (pres, what, where) for each step.

      • NLL: We assume a Gaussian decoder such that the negative log-likelihood can be computed as follows

        formula not implemented

        where inline_formula not implemented enumerates the pixel space, inline_formula not implemented denotes the original image, inline_formula not implemented the reconstructed image and inline_formula not implemented is a the fixed variance of the Gaussian distribution (hyperparameter).

      • REINFORCE Term: Since the image reconstruction is build by sampling from a discrete distribution, backpropagation stops at the sampling operation. In order to optimize the distribution parameters inline_formula not implemented, we use a score-function estimator with a data-dependent neural baseline.

      • Baseline Loss: This loss is needed to approximately fit the neural baseline to the true NLL in order to reduce the variance of the REINFORCE estimator.

import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.distributions import Bernoulli
N = 3                                 # number of inference steps
EPS = 1e-32                           # numerical stability
PRIOR_MEAN_WHERE = [3., 0., 0.]       # prior for mean of z_i_where
PRIOR_VAR_WHERE = [0.1**2, 1., 1.]    # prior for variance of z_i_where
PRIOR_P_PRES = [0.01]                 # prior for p_i_pres of z_i_pres
BETA = 0.7                            # hyperparameter to scale KL div
class AIR(nn.Module):
    PRIOR_MEAN_Z_WHERE = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(PRIOR_MEAN_WHERE), 
    PRIOR_VAR_Z_WHERE = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(PRIOR_VAR_WHERE), 
    PRIOR_P_Z_PRES = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(PRIOR_P_PRES),
    expansion_indices = torch.LongTensor([1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3])
    target_rectangle = torch.tensor(
      [[-1., -1., 1., 1., -1.], 
       [-1., 1., 1., -1, -1.], 
       [1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]]
    ).view(1, 3, 5)
    def __init__(self):
        super(AIR, self).__init__()
        self.vae = VAE()
        self.rnn = RNN()
        self.baseline = RNN(True)
    def compute_loss(self, x):
        """compute the loss of AIR (essentially a VAE loss)
        assuming the following prior distributions for the latent variables
            z_where ~ N(PRIOR_MEAN_WHERE, PRIOR_VAR_WHERE)
            z_what ~ N([0, 1])
            z_pres ~ Bern(p_pres)
        and a 
            Gaussian decoder with fixed diagonal var (FIXED_VAR)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        results = self.forward(x, True)
        # kl_div for z_pres (between two Bernoulli distributions)
        q_z_pres = results['all_prob_pres']
        P_Z_PRES = AIR.PRIOR_P_Z_PRES.expand(q_z_pres.shape).to(x.device)
        kl_div_pres = AIR.bernoulli_kl(q_z_pres, P_Z_PRES).sum(axis=2)
        # kl_div for z_what (standard VAE regularization term)
        q_z_what = [results['all_mu_what'], results['all_log_var_what']]
        P_MU_WHAT = torch.zeros_like(results['all_mu_what'])
        P_VAR_WHAT = torch.ones_like(results['all_log_var_what'])
        P_Z_WHAT = [P_MU_WHAT, P_VAR_WHAT]
        kl_div_what = AIR.gaussian_kl(q_z_what, P_Z_WHAT).sum(axis=2)
        # kl_div for z_where (between two Gaussian distributions)
        q_z_where = [results['all_mu_where'], results['all_log_var_where']]
        P_Z_WHERE = [,]
        kl_div_where = AIR.gaussian_kl(q_z_where, P_Z_WHERE).sum(axis=2)
        # sum all kl_divs and use delayed mask to zero out irrelevants
        delayed_mask = results['mask_delay']
        kl_div = (kl_div_pres + kl_div_where + kl_div_what) * delayed_mask
        # negative log-likelihood for Gaussian decoder (no gradient for z_pres)
        factor = 0.5 * (1/FIXED_VAR)
        nll = factor * ((x - results['x_tilde'])**2).sum(axis=(1,2,3))
        # REINFORCE estimator for nll (gradient for z_pres)
        baseline_target = nll.unsqueeze(1)
        reinforce_term = ((baseline_target - results['baseline_values']
        # baseline model loss
        baseline_loss = ((results['baseline_values'] - 
                          baseline_target.detach())**2 * delayed_mask).sum(1)
        loss = dict()
        loss['kl_div'] = BETA*kl_div.sum(1).mean()
        loss['nll'] = nll.mean()
        loss['reinforce'] = reinforce_term.mean()
        loss['baseline'] = baseline_loss.mean()
        return loss, results
    def forward(self, x, save_attention_rectangle=False):
        batch_size = x.shape[0]        
        # initializations
        all_z = torch.empty((batch_size, N, Z_DIM), device=x.device)
        z_pres_likelihood = torch.empty((batch_size, N), device=x.device)
        mask_delay = torch.empty((batch_size, N), device=x.device)
        all_omega = torch.empty((batch_size, N, OMEGA_DIM), device=x.device)
        all_x_tilde = torch.empty((batch_size, N, CANVAS_SIZE, CANVAS_SIZE),
        baseline_values = torch.empty((batch_size, N), device=x.device)
        z_im1 = torch.ones((batch_size, Z_DIM)).to(x.device)
        h_im1 = torch.zeros((batch_size, RNN_HIDDEN_STATE_DIM)).to(x.device)
        h_im1_b = torch.zeros((batch_size, RNN_HIDDEN_STATE_DIM)).to(x.device)
        if save_attention_rectangle:
            attention_rects = torch.empty((batch_size, N, 2, 5)).to(x.device)
        for i in range(N):
            z_im1_pres = z_im1[:, 0:1]
            # mask_delay is used to zero out all steps AFTER FIRST z_pres = 0
            mask_delay[:, i] = z_im1_pres.squeeze(1)
            # obtain parameters of sampling distribution and hidden state
            omega_i, h_i = self.rnn(x, z_im1, h_im1)
            # baseline version
            baseline_i, h_i_b = self.baseline(x.detach(), z_im1.detach(), 
            # set baseline 0 if z_im1_pres = 0
            baseline_value = (baseline_i * z_im1_pres).squeeze()
            # extract sample distributions parameters from omega_i
            prob_pres_i = omega_i[:, 0:1]
            mu_where_i = omega_i[:, 1:4]
            log_var_where_i = omega_i[:, 4:7]
            # sample from distributions to obtain z_i_pres and z_i_where
            z_i_pres_post = Bernoulli(probs=prob_pres_i)
            z_i_pres = z_i_pres_post.sample() * z_im1_pres
            # likelihood of sampled z_i_pres (only if z_im_pres = 1)
            z_pres_likelihood[:, i] = (z_i_pres_post.log_prob(z_i_pres) * 
            # get z_i_where by reparametrization trick
            epsilon_w = torch.randn_like(log_var_where_i)
            z_i_where = mu_where_i + torch.exp(0.5*log_var_where_i)*epsilon_w
            # use z_where and x to obtain x_att_i
            x_att_i = AIR.image_to_window(x, z_i_where)
            # put x_att_i through VAE
            x_tilde_att_i, z_i_what, mu_what_i, log_var_what_i = \
            # create image reconstruction
            x_tilde_i = AIR.window_to_image(x_tilde_att_i, z_i_where)
            # update im1 with current versions
            z_im1 =, z_i_where, z_i_what), 1)
            h_im1 = h_i
            h_im1_b = h_i_b
            # put all distribution parameters into omega_i
            omega_i =, mu_where_i, log_var_where_i,
                                 mu_what_i, log_var_what_i), 1)
            # store intermediate results
            all_z[:, i:i+1] = z_im1.unsqueeze(1)
            all_omega[:, i:i+1] = omega_i.unsqueeze(1)
            all_x_tilde[:, i:i+1] = x_tilde_i
            baseline_values[:, i] = baseline_value
            # for nice visualization
            if save_attention_rectangle:
                attention_rects[:, i] = (AIR.get_attention_rectangle(z_i_where)
        # save results in dict (easy accessibility)
        results = dict()
        # fixes Z_PRES_DIM = 1 and Z_WHERE_DIM = 3
        results['z_pres_likelihood'] = z_pres_likelihood
        results['all_z_pres'] = all_z[:, :, 0:1]
        results['mask_delay'] = mask_delay
        results['all_prob_pres'] = all_omega[:, :, 0:1]
        results['all_z_where'] = all_z[:, :, 1:4]
        results['all_mu_where'] =  all_omega[:, :, 1:4]
        results['all_log_var_where'] = all_omega[:, :, 4:7]
        results['all_z_what'] = all_z[:, :, 4::]
        results['all_mu_what'] =  all_omega[:, :, 7:7+Z_WHAT_DIM]
        results['all_log_var_what'] = all_omega[:, :, 7+Z_WHAT_DIM::]
        results['baseline_values'] = baseline_values
        if save_attention_rectangle:
            results['attention_rects'] = attention_rects
        # compute reconstructed image (take only x_tilde_i with z_i_pres=1)
        results['x_tilde_i'] = all_x_tilde
        x_tilde = (all_z[:, :, 0:1].unsqueeze(2) * all_x_tilde).sum(axis=1,
        results['x_tilde'] = x_tilde
        # compute counts as identified objects (sum z_i_pres)
        results['counts'] = results['all_z_pres'].sum(1).to(dtype=torch.long)
        return results
    def image_to_window(x, z_i_where):
        grid_shape = (z_i_where.shape[0], 1, WINDOW_SIZE, WINDOW_SIZE)
        z_i_where_inv = AIR.invert_z_where(z_i_where)
        x_att_i = AIR.spatial_transform(x, z_i_where_inv, grid_shape)
        return x_att_i
    def window_to_image(x_tilde_att_i, z_i_where):
        grid_shape = (z_i_where.shape[0], 1, CANVAS_SIZE, CANVAS_SIZE)
        x_tilde_i = AIR.spatial_transform(x_tilde_att_i, z_i_where, grid_shape)
        return x_tilde_i
    def spatial_transform(x, z_where, grid_shape):
        theta_matrix = AIR.z_where_to_transformation_matrix(z_where)
        grid = F.affine_grid(theta_matrix, grid_shape, align_corners=False)
        out = F.grid_sample(x, grid, align_corners=False)
        return out
    def z_where_to_transformation_matrix(z_i_where):
        """taken from
        batch_size = z_i_where.shape[0]
        out =, 1), z_i_where), 1)
        ix = AIR.expansion_indices
        if z_i_where.is_cuda:
            ix = ix.cuda()
        out = torch.index_select(out, 1, ix)
        theta_matrix = out.view(batch_size, 2, 3)
        return theta_matrix
    def invert_z_where(z_where):
        z_where_inv = torch.zeros_like(z_where)
        scale = z_where[:, 0:1] + 1e-9
        z_where_inv[:, 1:3] = -z_where[:, 1:3] / scale
        z_where_inv[:, 0:1] = 1 / scale
        return z_where_inv
    def get_attention_rectangle(z_i_where):
        batch_size = z_i_where.shape[0]
        z_i_where_inv = AIR.invert_z_where(z_i_where)
        theta_matrix = AIR.z_where_to_transformation_matrix(z_i_where_inv)
        target_rectangle = AIR.target_rectangle.expand(batch_size, 3, 
        source_rectangle_normalized = torch.matmul(theta_matrix,
        # remap into absolute values
        source_rectangle = 0 + (CANVAS_SIZE/2)*(source_rectangle_normalized + 1)
        return source_rectangle
    def bernoulli_kl(q_probs, p_probs):
        p1 = p_probs
        p0 = 1 - p1
        q1 = q_probs
        q0 = 1 - q1  
        logq1 = (q1 + EPS).log()
        logq0 = (q0 + EPS).log()
        logp1 = (p1).log()
        logp0 = (p0).log()
        kl_div_1 = q1*(logq1 - logp1)
        kl_div_0 = q0*(logq0 - logp0)
        return kl_div_1 + kl_div_0
    def gaussian_kl(q, p):
        mean_q, log_var_q = q[0], q[1]
        mean_p, var_p = p[0], p[1]
        var_ratio = log_var_q.exp()/var_p
        t1 = (mean_q - mean_p).pow(2)/var_p
        return -0.5 * (1 + var_ratio.log() - var_ratio - t1)
  • Training Procedure: Lastly, a standard training procedure is implemented. We will use two optimizers, one for the model parameters and one for the neural baseline parameters. Note that the training process is completely unsupervised, i.e., the model only receives a batch of images to compute the losses.

from livelossplot import PlotLosses, outputs
from import DataLoader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def train(air, dataset):
    device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
    print('Device: {}'.format(device))
    data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, 
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': list(air.rnn.parameters()) + 
                                   'lr': LEARNING_RATE,},
                                  {'params': air.baseline.parameters(),
                                   'lr': BASE_LEARNING_RATE}])
    # prettify livelossplot 
    def custom(ax: plt.Axes, group: str, x_label: str):
        if group == 'accuracy':
            ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
        elif group == 'loss base':
            ax.set_ylim(0, 300)
    matplot = [outputs.MatplotlibPlot(after_subplot=custom,max_cols=3)]
    losses_plot = PlotLosses(groups={'loss model':['KL div','NLL','REINFORCE'], 
                                     'loss base': ['baseline'],
                                     'accuracy': ['count accuracy']},
    for epoch in range(1, EPOCHS+1):
        avg_kl_div, avg_nll, avg_reinforce, avg_base, avg_acc = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        for x, label in data_loader:
            losses, results = air.compute_loss(, non_blocking=True))
            loss  = (losses['kl_div'] + losses['nll'] + losses['reinforce']
            # compute accuracy
            label = label.unsqueeze(1).to(device)
            acc = (results['counts']==label).sum().item()/len(results['counts'])
            # update epoch means
            avg_kl_div += losses['kl_div'].item() / len(data_loader)
            avg_nll += losses['nll'].item() / len(data_loader)
            avg_reinforce += losses['reinforce'].item() / len(data_loader)
            avg_base += losses['baseline'].item() / len(data_loader)
            avg_acc += acc / len(data_loader)
        if epoch in EPOCHS_TO_SAVE_MODEL:  # save model
  , f'/results/checkpoint_{epoch}.pth')  
        losses_plot.update({'KL div': avg_kl_div, 
                            'NLL': avg_nll,
                            'REINFORCE': avg_reinforce,
                            'baseline': avg_base,
                            'count accuracy': avg_acc}, current_step=epoch)
    print(f'Accuracy after Training {avg_acc:.2f} (on training dataset)'), f'/results/checkpoint_{epoch}.pth')
    trained_air = air
    return trained_air


Let's train our model:

air_model = AIR()
train_dataset = generate_dataset(num_images=10000, SEED=np.random.randint(1000))
trained_air = train(air_model, train_dataset)
8.71 MB
8.71 MB
8.71 MB

This looks pretty awesome! It seems that our model nearly perfectly learns to count the number of digits without even knowing what a digit is.

Let us look in more detail what's happening and plot the results of the model at different stages of the training against a test dataset.

def plot_results(dataset):
    device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
    n_samples = 7
    i_samples = np.random.choice(range(len(dataset)), n_samples, replace=False)
    colors_rect = ['red', 'green', 'yellow']
    num_rows = len(EPOCHS_TO_SAVE_MODEL) + 1
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
    for counter, i_sample in enumerate(i_samples):
        orig_img = dataset[i_sample][0]
        # data
        ax = plt.subplot(num_rows, n_samples, 1 + counter)
        plt.imshow(orig_img[0].numpy(), cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)
        if counter == 0:
            ax.annotate('Data', xy=(-0.05, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction',
                        fontsize=14, va='center', ha='right', rotation=90)
        # outputs after epochs of training
        MODELS = [
        for j, (epoch, model) in enumerate(zip(EPOCHS_TO_SAVE_MODEL, MODELS)):
            trained_air = torch.load(model)
            results = trained_air(orig_img.unsqueeze(0).to(device), True)
            attention_recs = results['attention_rects'].squeeze(0)
            x_tilde = torch.clamp(results['x_tilde'][0], 0 , 1)
            ax = plt.subplot(num_rows, n_samples, 1 + counter + n_samples*(j+1))
            plt.imshow(x_tilde[0].cpu().detach().numpy(), cmap='gray', 
                       vmin=0, vmax=1)
            # show attention windows
            for step_counter, step in enumerate(range(N)):
                rect = attention_recs[step].detach().cpu().numpy()
                if rect.sum() > 0:  # valid rectangle
                    plt.plot(rect[0], rect[1]-0.5, 
            if counter == 0:
                # compute accuracy
                data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
                avg_acc = 0
                for batch, label in data_loader:
                    label = label.unsqueeze(1).to(device)
                    r = trained_air(
                    acc = (r['counts']==label).sum().item()/len(r['counts'])
                    avg_acc += acc / len(data_loader)
                # annotate plot 
                ax.annotate(f'Epoch {epoch}\n Acc {avg_acc:.2f}', 
                            xy=(-0.05, 0.5), va='center',
                            xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14,  ha='right',
test_dataset = generate_dataset(num_images=17, SEED=2)

Very neat results, indeed! Note that this looks very similar to Figure 3 in the AIR paper.

Closing Notes

Alright, time to step down from our high horse. Actually, it took me quite some time to tweak the hyperparameters to obtain such good results. I put a lot of prior knowledge into the model so that completely unsupervised is probably exaggerated. Using a slightly different setup might result in entirely different results. Furthermore, even in this setup, there may be cases in which the training converges to some local maximum (depending on the random network initializations and random training dataset).


The blog post by Adam Kosiorek, the pyro tutorial on AIR and the pytorch implementation by Andrea Dittadi are great resources and helped very much to understand the details of the paper.

Runtimes (1)