Welcome to Nextjournal

An online coding "note-book"

import sys; from IPython.display import Image
print("hello from python version", sys.version.split()[0])
# Image(url="https://nextjournal.com/data/QmSCh17aGJcrEho2NtCwYHa2pjm4xDoCwdrLJiriuTPpUu?filename=1024px-Python-logo-notext.png&content-type=image/png")

We can make small programs, and run them in "cells"

# hit Control + Enter (Return on MacOS) to "run" (we can also say "evaluate") a cell
print("Hello World!")
# I can make cell after cell of just code
fruits = ["apples", "bananas", "cherries"]
for f in fruits:
  print("I like " + f + "!")

You can use Markdown in Nextjournal 👍🌞

Using a technology called "Markdown" I can write and edit text here in this Nextjournal document that allows for bold text, strikethrough, italics, and a few more cool things like tables, lists, etc..

  • I am a bulleted list item

  • blah blah

  1. I am a numbered list item

  2. blah blah

I am an "H2" Heading

I am an "H3" Heading

Runtimes (1)