Three Language Comparison

First Steps

For fun, I'd like to create a code demo that compares code from three languages I know in the order I learned them: Python, JavaScript, and Clojure.

In each cell, I will attempt to:

  • 1 print a string ✔

  • 2 print a number ✔

  • 3 ask the user for their name via some sort of input mechanism ✖

    • 4 then print a greeting in response ✖

  • 5 define a custom function ✔

  • 6 declare a variable, constant, or otherwise saved value ✔

  • 7 use that custom function ✔

  • 8 what's next? I'd love to hear your ideas!

# print the string "Hello World"
print("Hello World")
# print the number 5
# ask the user for their name
# name = input("What's your name? ") # error: currently unsupported: StdinNotImplementedError raw_input was called, but this frontend does not support input requests.
# print("Hi " + name + "!")
# define the function "make-full-name-map" which takes in a first, middle, and last name, and returns a hashmap collection ("dictionary" in Python)
def makeFullNameMap (first, middle, last):
  return {"first": first, "middle": middle, "last": last}
# define the function "full-name-map-to-full-name" which takes in a hashmap ("dictionary" in Python) of first, middle, and last names and returns the name as string joined by spaces
def fullNameMapToFullName (nameMap):
  return nameMap.get("first") + " " + nameMap['middle'] + " " + nameMap['last']
  # " ".join([nameMap.get("first"), nameMap.get("middle"), nameMap.get("last")])
bjb = makeFullNameMap("Billy", "Joe", "Bob")
full = fullNameMapToFullName(bjb)
;; print the string "Hello World"
(println "Hello World")
;; print the number 5
(println 5)
;; note: this doesn't stop for the user to input their text
;;(do (print "What's your name? ")
;;           (flush) 
;;          (read-line))
;; note: this also doesn't stop for the user to input their text
;; (println "Enter something> ")
;; (def x (read-line))
;; (println (str "You typed \"" x "\""))
;; define the function "make-full-name-map" which takes in a first, middle, and last name, and returns a hashmap collection
(defn makeFullNameMap [f,m,l]
  {:first f :middle m :last l})
;; define the function "full-name-map-to-full-name" which takes in a hashmap of first, middle, and last names and returns the name as string joined by spaces
(defn fullNameMapToFullName [m]
  (clojure.string/join " " [(:first m) (:middle m) (:last m)])) 
(def bjb (makeFullNameMap "Brenda" "Jane" "Brant"))
(println bjb)
(println (fullNameMapToFullName bjb))
// question: How may I explicitly print from a JavaScript cell?
// answer: See the two hidden cells above, also related research:
console.log("Hello World")
// console.everything // UNCOMMENT to see full log
// This cell can be used to clear the JavaScript console log array
// console.everything.length = 0; // UNCOMMENT to reset
// console.everything.length // UNCOMMENT to verify # of JavaScript logs made
// define the function "make-full-name-map" which takes in a first, middle, and last name, and returns a hashmap collection (object in JavaScript)
function makeFullNameMap(f,m,l) {
  return {first: f, middle: m, last: l};
// define the function "full-name-map-to-full-name" which takes in a hashmap (object in JavaScript) of first, middle, and last names and returns the name as string joined by spaces
function fullNameMapToFullName (o) {
  return o.first + " " + o.middle + " " + o.last;
console.everything.length = 0; // clear "console log"
const bjb = makeFullNameMap("Boba", "Jett", "Bright");
console.log(fullNameMapToFullName (bjb));

In order to get the JavaScript items printed below their respective cells, I leveraged a workaround which allows side effects of console.log to be saved to a resulting object, and then unpackaged said object to show its array contents.


Runtimes (3)