Avi Drucker / Nov 16 2021
Remix of ⚡️ Lightning Demo by
Martin Kavalar
Nov 16 2021 Reagent Test 002 (fork of Martin's Lightning Demo Notebook)
🗃 Passing Data
Polyglot cells can exchange data by writing to a /results
with open("/results/wave.txt", 'w') as f:
f.write("Hello Future of Coding 👋")
Then other cells can access it.
ls wave.txt
🥾 Custom Components & API
Work-in-progress: extensibility via in-browser runtimes:
(def turtles (atom []))
{:nextjournal/viewer :reagent}
(into [:div] (map (fn [s] [:span {:style {:font-size s}} "🐢"])) turtles)
(dotimes [_ 10]
(swap! turtles conj (/ (or (last turtles) 130) 1.2)))
✨ More
realtime collaboration
on demand provisioning with powerful machines + GPUs
automatic versioning
remix existing notebooks