Akshay Jain / Jul 27 2019
Remix of Julia by
SparseMvNormal Runtime
using Pkg; Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="https://github.com/luca-aki/traceEstimation.jl")) Pkg.add("Distributions") Pkg.add("IterativeSolvers") Pkg.add("JLD2") using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, Distributions, IterativeSolvers
Following is an example application of Chebyhutch log-determinant. In this example, we are creating a struct SparseMvNormal that inherits from AbstractMvNormal. We will be using this to calculate log probability density function.
The implementation is fairly straightforward. The major change that we have done here is to include chebyhutch as a replacement for logdet.
export SparseMvNormal struct SparseMvNormal{T<:Real, Cov<:AbstractSparseMatrix, Mean<:AbstractVector{T}} <: AbstractMvNormal μ::Mean Σ::Cov end # Constructor function SparseMvNormal(μ::AbstractVector{T}, Σ::AbstractSparseMatrix{T}) where {T<:Real} size(Σ, 1) == size(μ, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch("The dimensions of mu and Sigma are inconsistent.")) SparseMvNormal{T, typeof(Σ), typeof(μ)}(μ, Σ) end # Basic stats Base.length(d::SparseMvNormal) = length(d.μ) Distributions.mean(d::SparseMvNormal) = d.μ Distributions.var(d::SparseMvNormal) = diag(d.Σ) Distributions.cov(d::SparseMvNormal) = d.Σ struct Inv{T, Cov<:AbstractSparseMatrix} cov::Cov end Base.:\(a::Inv, x::AbstractVector) = cg(a.cov, x) Distributions.invcov(d::SparseMvNormal) = Inv(d.cov) Distributions.logdetcov(d::SparseMvNormal) = chebyhutch(d.Σ, 4, 6, fn = log) # Evaluation invquad(a::AbstractSparseMatrix, x::StridedVector) = dot(x, cg(a, x)) Distributions.sqmahal(d::SparseMvNormal, x::AbstractVector) = invquad(d.Σ, x .- d.μ) Distributions.sqmahal!(r::AbstractVector, d::SparseMvNormal, x::AbstractMatrix) = invquad!(r, d.Σ, x .- d.μ) gradlogpdf(d::SparseMvNormal, x::AbstractVector) = -(d.Σ \ (x .- d.μ))