Illustrations of use of NestedSamplers.jl
Here are two illustrations of the use of NestedSamplers.jl v0.5.0 which are inspired by dynesty.
First the environment is setup. Setting a seed will ensure reproducibility of these examples.
using Random
Next we need to add the latest released version (v0.5.0)
of NestedSamplers
package, and also add the Distributions
, LinearAlgebra
, StatsBase
, and MCMCChains
]add NestedSamplers#v0.5.0
]add Distributions LinearAlgebra StatsBase MCMCChains
using NestedSamplers
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using StatsBase: sample, Weights
using MCMCChains: Chains
NestedSamplers v0.5.0
supports five proposal algorithms:
is suitable for low dimensions,Proposals.RWalk()
are suitable for low to moderate dimensions,Proposals.Slice()
are suitable for high dimensions.
25-D correlated normal likelihood function
This example demonstrates how Proposals.Slice()
and Proposals.RSlice()
perform for 25-D correlated multivariate normal distribution.
ndims = 25 # number of dimensions
C = Matrix(1.0I, ndims, ndims) # covariance is set to be an identity Matrix
C[C.==0] .= 0.4 # off-diagonal terms set to be correlated
Cinv = inv(C) # the precision Matrix
lnorm = -0.5 * (log(2π)*ndims + log(det(C))) # ln(normalization) constant
# 25-D correlated multivariate normal log-likelihood function
function logl(x)
return -0.5 * (x' * (Cinv * x)) + lnorm
# prior transform
function prior_transform(u)
return @. 10.0 * u - 5.0 # unit cube samples `u` are transformed to a uniform prior in -5.0 to 5.0 and 0 elsewhere, for each variable
Create the model using the log-likelihood and prior transform functions as arguments for NestedModel
model = NestedModel(logl, prior_transform)
For the 25 (ndims
) parameters, create the sampler with 500 active points. Since this is a unimodal case, the Ellipsoid
(single) bound is selected to initialize the sampler.
spl = Nested(ndims, 500, bounds=Bounds.Ellipsoid, proposal=Proposals.Slice())
Next the chains object is constructed.
# by default, dlogz_convergence is used
chain = sample(model, spl; dlogz=0.01, chain_type=Chains)
Another sample is drawn using the random slice sampling proposal algorithm. Random slice sampling differs from slice sampling in the sense that, the former is a standard random implementation where each slice is along a random direction based on the provided axes.
spl = Nested(ndims, 500, bounds=Bounds.Ellipsoid, proposal=Proposals.RSlice())
chain = sample(model, spl; dlogz=0.01, chain_type=Chains)
Noisy Likelihoods
In some estimation and inference problems, the likelihood inline_formula not implemented is either intractable or its computation is numerically infeasible. In such cases, a noisy estimateinline_formula not implemented can be obtained, which is a function of the actual likelihood inline_formula not implemented and hyper-parameters inline_formula not implemented .
Using a 3-D multivariate normal distribution, sampling from a noiseless and a noisy likelihood case is illustrated here. The Proposals.Uniform()
algorithm is used for sampling in both the case.
The noiseless case is demonstrated below:
ndims = 3 # number of dimensions
C = Matrix(1.0I, ndims, ndims) # covariance is set to be an identity Matrix
Cinv = inv(C) # the precision Matrix
lnorm = -0.5 * (log(2π)*ndims + log(det(C))) # ln(normalization) constant
# 3-D multivariate normal log-likelihood function
function logl(x)
return -0.5 * (x' * (Cinv * x)) + lnorm
# prior transform which transforms the unit cube samples `u` to be uniform in each dimension from -10.0 to 10.0 and 0 elsewhere
function prior_transform(u)
return @. 20.0 * u - 10.0
model = NestedModel(logl, prior_transform)
spl = Nested(ndims, 100, bounds=Bounds.Ellipsoid, proposal=Proposals.Uniform())
# by default, dlogz_convergence is used
chain = sample(model, spl; dlogz=0.2, param_names = ["x", "y", "z"], chain_type=Chains)
A noisy case of the above model is demonstrated below. Noise is introduced by setting a variable noise = 1.0
. Hence, noisy estimate of the above model, which is inline_formula not implemented, is set as inline_formula not implemented .
noise = 1.0
# 3-D multivariate normal log-likelihood function
function logl2(x)
xp = @. rand(Normal(x, noise), 1)
loglikeli = -0.5 * (xp' * (Cinv * xp)) + lnorm
scale = -0.5 * (noise^2) # scaling
bias_correction = scale * ndims # bias correction term, introduced to ensure that the noisy likelihood is unbiased relative to the true likelihood
return loglikeli - bias_correction
model = NestedModel(logl2, prior_transform)
spl = Nested(ndims, 100, bounds=Bounds.Ellipsoid, proposal=Proposals.Uniform())
chain = sample(model, spl; dlogz=0.2, param_names = ["x", "y", "z"], chain_type=Chains)
Miles Lucas, Saranjeet Kaur, Hong Ge, & Cameron Pfiffer. (2020, July 22). TuringLang/NestedSamplers.jl: v0.5.0 (Version v0.5.0). Zenodo.
Speagle, J. S. (2020). dynesty: A dynamic nested sampling package for estimating Bayesian posteriors and evidences. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493(3), 3132-3158