Jun / Sep 27 2019
Chapter03 Grid World
using ReinforcementLearning, ReinforcementLearningEnvironments
To get the value estimation of the Grid World example, we create a distribution based environment model to describe the Grid World first.
const GridWorldLinearIndices = LinearIndices((5,5)) const GridWorldCartesianIndices = CartesianIndices((5,5)) function nextstep(s::CartesianIndex{2}, a::CartesianIndex{2}) if s == CartesianIndex(1, 2) ns, r = CartesianIndex(5, 2), 10. elseif s == CartesianIndex(1, 4) ns, r = CartesianIndex(3, 4), 5. else ns = s + a if 1 ≤ ns[1] ≤ 5 && 1 ≤ ns[2] ≤ 5 ns, r = ns, 0. else ns, r = s, -1. end end [(nextstate=GridWorldLinearIndices[ns], reward=r, prob=1.0)] end const GridWorldActions = [CartesianIndex(-1, 0), CartesianIndex(1,0), CartesianIndex(0, 1), CartesianIndex(0, -1)] const GridWorldEnvModel = DeterministicDistributionModel([nextstep(GridWorldCartesianIndices[s], a) for s in 1:25, a in GridWorldActions]);
Here, the GridWorldEnvModel
is an instance of DeterministicDistributionModel
. It is used to describe the grid world in Figure 3.2 in the book. Given a state s
and an action a
, we can get an Array of the probability of the reward to receive and next state.

GridWorldEnvModel(1, 2)
1-element Array{NamedTuple{(:nextstate, :reward, :prob),Tuple{Int64,Float64,Float64}},1}:
(nextstate = 2, reward = 0.0, prob = 1.0)
n_state, n_action = length(observation_space(GridWorldEnvModel)), length(action_space(GridWorldEnvModel))
(25, 4)
Then we create a random policy:
using Plots default(size=(800, 600)) using StatsBase:sample, Weights V = TabularVApproximator(n_state) policy_evaluation!( V = V, π=TabularRandomPolicy(fill(1 / n_action, n_state, n_action)), model=GridWorldEnvModel ) heatmap(1:5, 1:5, reshape(V.table, 5,5), yflip=true)
Next, we can try the policy iteration method with a DeterministicPolicy
V = TabularVApproximator(n_state) policy_iteration!(; V=V, π=TabularDeterministicPolicy(rand(1:n_action, n_state), n_action), model=GridWorldEnvModel )
heatmap(1:5, 1:5, reshape(V.table, 5,5), yflip=true)