Hugh Murrell / Aug 15 2019

Chapter 8, Layered Networks.

A Layered Network for recognising handwritten digits.

We have now reached the point where we can tackle a very interesting task: applying the knowledge we have gained with machine learning in general, and Flux.jl in particular, to create a neural network that can recognize handwritten digits! The data are from a data set called MNIST, which has become a classic in the machine learning world.

Data munging

As we know, the first difficulty with any new data set is locating it, understanding what format it is stored in, reading it in and decoding it into a useful data structure in Julia.

The original MNIST data is available here; see also the Wikipedia page. However, the format that the data is stored in is rather obscure.

Fortunately, various packages in Julia provide nicer interfaces to access it. We will use the one provided by Flux.jl.

The data are images of handwritten digits, and the corresponding labels that were determined by hand (i.e. by humans). Our job will be to get the computer to learn to recognize digits by learning, as usual, the function that relates the input and output data.

Loading and examining the data

First we load the required packages:

using Flux, Flux.Data.MNIST, Images

Now we read in the data:

labels = MNIST.labels();
images = MNIST.images();

We see that images is a Vector, with length


But we can just look at the first handful to get a sense of the contents

labels[1:5]' # transposed to match the above
1×5 LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}: 5 0 4 1 9

So the th entry of the array is the data for the th image.


As with the fruit images from the start of the course, the image is an array of color blocks, except that now each pixel just has a grey scale.

To see the actual numeric content of the image, we can do, for example


Setting up a neural network

In the previous notebooks, we arranged the input data for Flux as a Vector of Vectors. Now we will use an alternative arrangement, as a matrix, since that allows Flux to use matrix operations, which are more efficient.

The column of the matrix is a vector consisting of the th data point . Similarly, the desired outputs are given as a matrix, with the th column being the desired output .

n_inputs = unique(length.(images))[]
n_outputs = length(unique(labels))
Creating the features

We want to create a vector of feature vectors, each with the floating point values of the 784 pixels.

An image is a matrix of colours, but now we need a vector of floating point numbers instead. To do so, we just arrange all of the elements of the matrix in a certain way into a single list; fortunately, Julia already provides the function vec to do so!

Let's use a subset of of the total images available in order to hold out test images that our model hasn't been trained on.

preprocess(img) = vec(Float64.(img))
preprocess (generic function with 1 method)
xs = preprocess.(images[1:30000]);
Creating the labels

We can just use Flux.onehot to create them:

ys = [Flux.onehot(label, 0:9) for label in labels[1:30000]];
Create the batched matrices for efficiency

Let's also create a function so we can easily create independent batches from arbitrary segments of the original dataset.

function create_batch(r)
    xs = [preprocess(img) for img in images[r]]
    ys = [Flux.onehot(label, 0:9) for label in labels[r]]
    return (Flux.batch(xs), Flux.batch(ys))
create_batch (generic function with 1 method)

We'll train our model on the first 5000 images.

trainbatch = create_batch(1:30000);
10×30000 Flux.OneHotMatrix{Array{Flux.OneHotVector,1}}: false true false false false … false false false false false false false false true false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false false false false true false false false false … false false false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false false false true false false false false false false false false true false true false false false

Setting up the neural network

Now we must set up a neural network. Since the data is complicated, we may expect to need several layers. But we can start with a single layer.

  • The network will take as inputs the vectors $\mathbf{x}^{(i)}$, so the input layer has $n$ nodes.

  • The output will be a one-hot vector encoding the digit from 1 to 9 or 0 that is desired. There are 10 possible categories, so we need an output layer of size 10.

It is then our task as neural network designers to insert layers between these input and output layers, whose weights will be tuned during the learning process. This is an art, not a science! But major advances have come from finding a good structure for the network.

model = Chain(Dense(n_inputs, n_outputs, identity), softmax)
L(x,y) = Flux.crossentropy(model(x), y)
# opt = SGD(params(model))
opt = Descent(0.1)
@time Flux.train!(L, params(model), [trainbatch], opt)
@time Flux.train!(L, params(model), [trainbatch], opt)


Just as before, use repeated to create an iterator. It does not copy the data 100 times, which would be very wasteful; it just gives an object that repeatedly loops over the same data:

Iterators.repeated(trainbatch, 200);

We can see what the total current loss is (after training just a handful to times above):

2.184905f0 (tracked)
@time Flux.train!(L, params(model), [trainbatch], opt)
2.081891f0 (tracked)

Using callbacks

The train! function can take an optional keyword argument, cb (short for "callback"). A callback function is a function that you provide as an argument to a function f, which "calls back" your function every so often.

This provides the possibility to provide a function that is called at each step or every so often during the training process. A common use case is to provide a visual trace of the training process by printing out the current value of the loss function:

callback() = @show(L(trainbatch...))

Flux.train!(L, params(model), Iterators.repeated(trainbatch, 3), opt; cb = callback)

However, it is expensive to calculate the complete loss function and it is not necessary to output it every step. So Flux also provides a function throttle, that provides a mechanism to call a given function at most once every certain number of seconds:

Flux.train!(L, params(model), Iterators.repeated(trainbatch, 200), opt; cb = Flux.throttle(callback, 1))

Of course, that's just measuring the loss over the same data it's training on. It'd be more representative to test against novel data. In fact, let's track the performance of both as we continue training our model. In order to do so, we need to create a batch of test data.

testbatch = create_batch(30001:60000);
using Printf
train_loss = Float64[]
test_loss = Float64[]
function update_loss!()
    push!(train_loss, L(trainbatch...).data)
    push!(test_loss, L(testbatch...).data)
    @printf("train loss = %.2f, test loss = %.2f\n", train_loss[end], test_loss[end])
update_loss! (generic function with 1 method)
Flux.train!(L, params(model), Iterators.repeated(trainbatch, 1000), opt;
                cb = Flux.throttle(update_loss!, 1))
using Plots
plot(1:length(train_loss), train_loss, 
    xlabel="~seconds of training", 
    fmt = :png)
plot!(1:length(test_loss), test_loss, label="test")

Testing phase

We now have trained a model, i.e. we have found the parameters W and b for the network layer(s). In order to test if the learning procedure was really successful, we check how well the resulting trained network performs when we test it with images that the network has not yet seen!

Often, a dataset is split up into "training data" and "test (or validation) data" for this purpose, and indeed the MNIST data set has a separate pool of training data. We can instead use the images that we have not included in our reduced training process.

i = 5001
labels[i], findmax(model(preprocess(images[i]))) .- (0, 1)
Tracked 10-element Array{Float32,1}: 8.255809f-5 1.2558262f-5 0.14990321f0 0.0073672296f0 0.0021924234f0 2.0329711f-5 0.00013083576f0 0.8102539f0 0.009759565f0 0.02027752f0


What percent of images are we correctly classifying if we take the highest element to be the chosen answer?

prediction(i) = findmax(model(preprocess(images[i])))[2]-1 # returns (max_value, index)
prediction (generic function with 1 method)
sum(prediction(i) == labels[i] for i in 1:30000)/30000
sum(prediction(i) == labels[i] for i in 30001:60000)/30000

Improving the prediction

So far we have used a single layer. In order to improve the prediction, we probably need to use more layers. Try adding more layers yourself and see how the performance changes.

n_hidden = 20
model = Chain(Dense(n_inputs, n_hidden, relu),
              Dense(n_hidden, n_outputs, identity), softmax)
L(x,y) = Flux.crossentropy(model(x), y)
# opt = ADAM(params(model))
opt = ADAM(0.01)
ADAM(0.01, (0.9, 0.999), IdDict{Any,Any}())
train_loss = Float64[]
test_loss = Float64[]
Flux.train!(L, params(model), Iterators.repeated(trainbatch, 1000), opt;
            cb = Flux.throttle(update_loss!, 1))
plot(1:length(train_loss), train_loss, 
    xlabel="~seconds of training", 
plot!(1:length(test_loss), test_loss, label="test")

What about image structure?

As a final note, notice that our model doesn't take into account any aspect of the image's connected-ness.

using Random
p = randperm(28)